What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

Blizzard creates High Elves.

I will have to accept it if Blizzard does it.

But, there is nothing the people who want High Elves can do to convince me that is a good idea because I do not want the Horde’s faction identity diluted with yet another skinny elf, one with our skin color and pretty much otherwise an exact clone of our most popular race… with different eye color.


You are right, void elves were a compromise. But they were the one no one asked for. They could have modified the model like they did for nightborne, but it was apparently too much effort. Instead we got a fan-fiction race. =(

Still they can totally make up for it with Aarkkoa!

I can’t think of a single player that would genuinely say “Give me a blood elf but make it be entirely purple like a night elf”. If I had the option to change my void elves to high elves I would if only because PURPLE RUINS SO MANY OF MY MOGS! I love the void elf theme for being able to use purple mogs that meld so nicely with the skin but it feels extremely limiting for anything else. The only thing I wouldn’t care for is having to either re-roll 120 levels or pay $25 to change races.

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They just wanna play Lord of the Rings standard trope fantasy elves.

I mean, there is a game for that. Lord of the Rings Online.


light skinned and majestic elves are always the most popular race in fantasy mmos :+1:

and in wow, that is a blood elf


Can’t help it people have bad taste and are basic binches.

That’s just the majority. The same majority that thinks Drake is a great musician, or Transformers are great movies.

Y’all got bad taste. Tacky.

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But I prefer night elves over other elves in wow :thinking:

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Assuming void elves only exist because the decision was made beforehand to give nightborne to Horde? There’s no evidence the rationale worked out that way. It’s just as likely that void elves were an opportunity to give high elf fans something by allowing the thalassian model to be playable on Alliance while not violating the fair-skinned Tolkienesque fantasy that Horde blood elves have claimed ownership of for years.

Nightborne also aren’t Night Elves. Their models are a bit too close to the night elf rigs for my liking, but aesthetically these guys are supposed to represent everything the night elves detest and reject. The magic-oriented society is a painful part of their history, which is why they have gone a completely different direction and based it almost entirely around a theocracy and a druidic culture. Culturally, Night Elves and Nightborne couldn’t be more different, making them natural fits for the Horde (seeing as how the Blood Elves were already there).

They have said many times that they do not want to. Last time Ion talked about it he said that his understanding of a high elf was that it was just a blood elf in terms of aesthetics and culture. The ones that exist today are just NPCs. There are Mag’har orcs who are part of the Alliance but there are very good reasons why those shouldn’t be playable either.

The problem is, no matter what excuse the devs give, it will never, ever, ever be enough for the high elf fans.

If someone asks for a “compromise,” and they get it, then it’s not a compromise; that’s just them getting what they want.

High elf fans don’t leave room for compromise. They specifically want blue-eyed blood elves on Alliance. They want them to be paladins. They want them to have the WC2 tattoos. Giving them the thalassian model sans the fair skin color and the paladin class should have been a great compromise, but they don’t see it that way.

They don’t want compromise.

Fan-fiction, by definition, has to originate from concepts developed by fans.

New lore developed by the game’s writers is official lore, not fan-fiction.

The determination on whether something is fan-fiction or not has nothing to do with your personal acceptance of the lore.


We already do. Blood elves are High Elves. Just because they changed their name to Blood Elf to honor their fallen brethren doesn’t mean their race changes. The literal difference at this point is our eyes are gold due to the Sunwell’s influence.


I still remember when I thought this was the case back then, ahh the wasted potential.

Personally, nothing. I don’t feel high elves are deserved, given the harsh treatment and insults they’ve given to void elves (a far more interesting and unique race, imo). I personally love void elves and felt insulted by some of the things that the high elf fans have said, so for that reason alone I don’t want to see them get what they want.

Have the Silver Covenant die in a battle, or get void-ified, or something, so we can say that the high elves officially don’t exist anymore.

Plus Blood Elves are High Elves to begin with. Just with a slightly less traditional feel, given their allegience with races like orcs and goblins, their traditional fantasy enemies. But I feel like high elf fans don’t want to play Warcraft, they want to play Lord of the Rings.

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Ah, the “well some people that wanted HE’s have been mean so NO ONE should get High elves!!” argument.

So profound.

Just a personal thing really, but that’s just on top of the legitimate objective reasons high elves shouldn’t be playable.

But I mean, when you start by giving your completely subjective and biased reasons, whatever “legitimate objective” ones you might have come as perfunctory since you have already stated you have made your mind.

And in an hypothetical of “what would it take” where the question is about the parameters that would be acceptable, stating that “i never will because a subjective reason” is simply a non starter.

Like I understand you don’t want HE’s ever for whatever reason, that’s fine, but you kinda have to work with the parameters of the conversation.

void elves are blood elves who are high elves. Alliance already has them… they just arent white and blue eyed.


Never said they were mine. Others have given you plenty I’m sure.

Your whole argument…High Elves haven’t been playable to the Alliance before so they shouldn’t be now. Got it.

By your way of thinking Nightborne shouldn’t be a thing. They are after all Night Elves and they were on the Alliance for 14 years before the Horde got them. Sorry the game doesn’t work that way.

Like i said, your argument is made up, there is NOTHING crucial about Blood Elves being a thing before hand…nothing. There is no distinction between panda’s and there would be no distinction for the Elves, people would just play the one that they wanted too just like they do with Panda’s.

Furthermore as Alliance i see more High Elves in the game every day then i see Blood Elves, just go visit Stormwind or Dalaran or the Argent Tourney etc. etc. etc., they are everywhere and numerous and easily outnumber the very few Blood Elves i see on a daily basis.

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But we seriously got a “race” that is barely a roomful of people as an allied race with the void elves is what baffles me (and I certainly am not interested in leveling another character… I can’t even level this one). What Ion did was run all around the point instead of simply saying we aren’t giving the Alliance high elves because we don’t want to. I took it as that but he showed a complete lack of spine to not simply state that fact so people can hate him and send bomb threats or whatever people on message boards do these days. That was a wuss way to answer the question. Especially considering none of these elves come close to the regal nature of Tolken’s. They aren’t that special (and you can actually play one in the Middle Earth MMORPG if that’s the big draw).

Would you accept an answer like that, or would you be outraged?

I highly doubt it would ever be a good look for a company to say “we just don’t want to give you something because we feel we know what’s better for the game than you do.” In most cases, that’s true, but you can’t tell me that the average player wouldn’t be incredibly offended at something like that. Someone who routinely invests in the quality of a product usually develops a sense that they are entitled to dictate the direction of said product.

Blood Elves aren’t designed to be regal in appearance? I have to disagree with you heavily there. A walk through Silvermoon and an investigation of their traditional attire (even just their heritage armor) will prove that point.