What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

youre right he didnt say no. he said high elves are blood elves and that high elves are already playable and giving that race to alliance blurs the faction identities too much. he said ‘that there is no clear example of who or what alliance high elves are as a whole remaining on azeroth, theres a couple, but theyre not out there in the same way’

what you want is to make a core race neutral because a few individuals exist in the alliance. the SC is a faction its not an AR :roll_eyes:

even now because vereesa appeared in a non speaking role(surprise) with alleria to hunt their sister its being blown out of proportion. i think we all know when the sisters meet again its not going to end happily where they all walk away again. vereesa is almost certainly going to be killed getting between the two to further show sylvanas’ allegiance to this new ‘hungering darkness’ all because a few couldnt handle seeing 4 NPCs added in BFA


We’re all aware of your lore bias Fyre. But as usual you typically ignore factors that don’t carry your narrative.

How about the point that most of the characters didn’t even speak in that scenario? Thrall for instance, did not speak once until after Saurfang is sent off to die.

As always you seem to think that because a character is not being used right now this instant, they will never again be story relevant.

Did you also ignore the 4 High elf Ballista provided by most likely the Silver Covenant in the war effort? More than I can say for even half of the Alliance or Horde presence in that entire battle, a lot of people were missing and a lot of people had virtually no role, because the entire point was for Saurfang to die and Sylvanas to be “revealed” as the villain.

And for you to try and guess lore again that tilts in your favor against High elves, “I hope vereesa dies so the helfers shut up about High elves”, how deep could your spite go :rofl::rofl::rofl:.

How about presenting some valid evidence besides daddy Ion’s lore selective hour, because as it stands all of these points of yours are personal.

Still waiting for those interviews where they state “No, never”.

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Uni faction

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I like how High elf fans write like their fever dreams are already in motion.


every time people mention high elves i get this image of a bunch of night elves hanging out with some stoner trolls listening to bob marley and dancing topless in hula skirts on a beach in zuldazar


Blood Elves are High Elves

High Elves are Horde

open and shut case.


You do realize that Valeera is a Blood Elf who happens to be loyal to the Alliance right?


the SC are not engineers, they are hunter types. there are multiple reasons for the ballista, vereesa bringing them there by herself almost certainly isnt one of them. she is there with the context of her sister. not a single alliance ‘high’ elf appears there was no high/sc army with these ballista which leads most reasonable people to believe they are either relics the alliance trotted out because their armies are that stretched out or it could have simply been the assets team decorating the zone just thought they looked cool and looking for blue alliance siege just copy pasted them. but yea a ballista appearing implies something much much more

if you’re talking about to become playable, then they need to be changed so that they are not literally blood elves with blue eyes. void elves are changed enough so that the problem doesn’t exist with them for me, so basically make all high elves become void elves and the problem is solved

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Um…lol what? Dalaran says “Hi”. Also the Blood Elves are every bit as martial as the High Elves.


She’s not even loyal to the alliance, just the Wrynn family


Or because they could easily be Donations from the SC, you can’t reach as for as you usually do and pretend that it means nothing, Blizzard has models for Blood elf and Night elf ballista, yet they chose the High elves ones, coupled with Vereesa’s prescene in the zone in general, regardless of action that no one took.

There were multiple races missing from what we saw in the battle, I guess they don’t exist, based on your logic.

Which has been discussed at length in the High elf megathreads, even with examples.

You believe Blue Blood elves are enough of a difference? Blue skin and wet hair?

Then it should be an absolute cake walk to differentiate High elves.

It’s no a boneheaded decision when they’ve made it pretty clear they’re holding to the fact that they don’t consider them a real race or have a population that would make them playable.

That the players who want High Elves don’t LIKE what Blizzard’s stance on HE’s is keeps causing these threads to appear.

There’s been nothing presented in any thread I’ve read that presents an option to change the dev’s mind other than “population doesn’t matter” … except in this case it DOES because that’s what the devs seem to be holding to.

It’s really not surprising that they aren’t rushing to add a carbon copy Horde race (where the actual race with the population to be playable now resides) onto the opposing faction.


no. the only difference in high elves and blood elves is that blood elves have green/gold eyes while high elves have blue eyes. the difference between blood elves and void elves is that void elves have completely different skin color and have tentacles for hair.

it would be just like if a set of humans joined the horde and the only difference is that they had orange eyes or something. the humans of Alterac joined the horde during WC2 so they should totally be a playable horde race in WoW right?


Exactly. And why don’t they add humans or a version of them to the Horde? Because humans are traditionally an Alliance race … the same as Blood Elves are a Horde race. They’re not going to add the remnants of what is now a Horde race to the Alliance as playable. without making distinct enough to be different (ie: Void Elves).

They’ve said the faction silhouette is important to them. High Elves would go against that.

Sure. Can you show me all the patches and expansions the Alterac humans helped the Horde in main stage campaigns throughout the game like the High elves have for the Alliance?

If that was the case I’d have no issue with Alterac humans for the Horde, even if it wasn’t I wouldn’t have an issue with it, I think people should be able to play what they want and wouldn’t gatekeep Alterac humans with a false sense of exclusivity I believe I’m entitled to. :thinking:

without the context of dalaran? they havent. in fact the only 2 times they dont appear within the context of the kirin tor/dalaran, as evidenced by kirin tor NPCs that always accompany them, they help the farstriders/blood elves


its not just alterac humans, the fogsail pirates openly fight for the horde in BFA

Sorry. The context of Dalaran doesn’t really matter in this instance because your lunatic narrative of a “neutral” Silver Covenant is your own head canon, as multiple people on our side and even your anti side have stated to you.

And sure, add up all the humans that have helped you throughout the game as much as High elves have consistently for the Alliance, not even close to the same.

It isn’t a made up argument, it’s a total valid point. High elves are not “playable” they never were, so you can’t claim that you somehow have claim to their visual thematic. Blood elves have been playable for nearly a decade now, they’re the most popular, and pretty much dominate Horde race in-game at this point.

We’re not talking about WC3, we’re talking about World of Warcraft. There’s no “high elf” playerbase, and most of the High elves you see in Warcraft ARE the blood elves we play in WoW.


I’ve never understood this explanation. First the compromise of void elves. Why not do something crazy and not have given night elves to the Horde so there would be no reason to give high elves to the Alliance? I don’t see any orc types in the Alliance. Maybe there shouldn’t have been any night elf types in the Horde.

But since they are spreading the types all around, give the Alliance high elves. We have a race, the void elves, that are literally a handful of void users. All those high elf troops we see every expansion or two couldn’t bring their camps to the Alliance? It doesn’t make sense unless you just don’t want to because you just don’t want to. And if that’s the case, grow a pair and say so.