What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

At this point, I’m glad there are no high elves. I revel in the fact that people cry themselves to sleep at night because there are no light-skinned elves for alliance people.

This is just another high elf thread that’s been flagged.


Because the fair-skinned, blonde-haired elf aesthetic is not only the most central defining visual theme to blood elves, but it is also the last remaining unique theme to them after the Void elves. It’s also why the Void elves were changed in those very specific ways, because they were deemed too crucial to the visual appearance of Blood elves.

Void elves already got their model, with all their animations, with the only visual distinctions being their skin, and hair colors, so when you say things like “do the same thing they did with purple elves” you’re asking to change everything, except the very thing Blizzard, and the players see as the most vital visual theme to Blood elves.


I’m not sure this really answers my question.

Are you saying you agree that it would be fine to have two different variants of a blonde-haired, fair-skinned elf race if they had distinguishable models (idle posture stance, animations, etc.) with established lore to back that up?


Hey OP! I see you once again forgot that a high elf mega thread exists! I know its been a mere few hours, but hey!

Hey, just because you want to be a light skinned elf on the Alliance doesn’t mean its a bonehead decision to not add it.

I strongly feel it would be a boneheaded decision to make a poor decision for the game. Which adding helfs would be imo. It won’t add anything flavorful to the Alliance. It won’t effect the Alliance population.


From my point of view it is…so it is.

Edit: i added below after you edited your post.

Not true as you can see by the many many threads about it. Fan service is actually a thing and people have left the game over this very issue over time. So yes it affects the Alliance population.

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Like when they added Lightforged Draenei and never gave us Broken?

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Thats fine. But as you said. Its not a popularity contest.

Did lightforged get added to the Horde? or Alliance?

Because thats a huge difference maker here. When you add something basically already there…to the same side. vs adding something already there to the opposite side.


“Survivalist, survivalist, wood elves, not dependant on magic”

You have just described Night Elves.

What you want is pale Night Elves.


So dull races are fine if they don’t break the faction barrier?

Well of course it isn’t. If it was, High Elves would have been in the game since Vanilla or at the latest TBC. It is Blizzard shooting themselves in the foot on this issue and pissing off many people over the years.

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I mean, its not my cup of tea. I would prefer the minor changes be more tied to cosmetic changes of the parent race. But if you are going to directly copy/paste a race it should stay on the same side.

I think you are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over estimating the number of vocal helf supporters.

Its why the megathread is typically the same 10 people talking to each other.


What you call incessance I call persistence.

You can of course entirely disagree, but you cannot say it’s illegitimate asking for a race that in fact exists on that faction. You cannot argue they don’t exist; in addition one cannot make the entirely discredited ‘population argument’, as races like draenei and void elves exist.

The thing is the only valid argument on your side is in fact the one Ion himself used-- Blood elves for Horde because that’s the ‘pretty elf’ and if you want it play Horde. This is your only stance, embrace it or give up.


I really don’t care what they add. I’ve always wanted Ogres. Neither of us are probably gonna get what we want though.

I think its a pretty good stance. If we all searched hard enough we could find races of the opposing faction that should/could be on the Alliance/Horde. But shouldn’t. Because it takes away from the game.

I don’t want humans on the Horde. I don’t want undead on the Alliance. I don’t want dwarves on the Horde.

If I want to play a gnome, the Alliance is waiting for me.


Void Elves were Blood Elves, not High Elves. So…

But the void elves were all old enough to be high elves at some point.


No. All of them were students of Umbric and they were Blood Elves expelled and rejected by Silvermoon.

None of them were High Elves. They’re Blood Elves and this is true with everything in the lore.

They were high elves at one point. The only thing that really separates Thalassian elves are powers and name. Not race.


But it was only a handful of years ago that blood elves were even a thing. Before then they were all high elves.

So any elf older than what. 12? Was at some point a high elf.


LFD and Void Elves don’t pass for “races”, as they only have less than 100 beings in TOTAL put together. We were TOLD REPEATEDLY this is why High Elves can’t be playable until they broke their own stupid rule by introducing “races” that are far less in population then actual High Elves.

As far as Void Elves and LFD, they aren’t anything other then pretty art assets. They have no story, they have no lore, they were pulled from thin air when Blizzard handed all of the meat and story to the Horde with Nightborne and HM Tauren. Can you imagine the meeting…

Dev 1. Ok so we nailed down the Horde getting Nightborne after Suramar and have written months worth of quests for them, we devoted an entire zone to the HM tauren as well. What should we do for the Alliance?
Dev 2. I know, let’s do something with Alleria and the Void, we can call them Void Elves and give them tendrils.
Dev 1. Let’s give them High Elves, it makes sense, there is a ton of NPC’s already in the game and the Faction would like to play them very much so as they have been clamoring for them since Vanilla. Vareesa leads the Silver Covenant and they were already working with the Alliance in WotLK.
Dev 2. No, too easy, too much lore, makes too much sense. If we go with Void Elves we can just make everything up as we go along and i have an even better idea, we can do the same with WHITER Draenei and call them Lightforged, reuse mostly the same assets and make them a little more militaristic but vaguely.
Dev 1. Ok…but we have no story for these beings, how did they come to be and how many are there.
Dev 2. Well probably only a dozen or so Void Elves in all of Existence, we can give them Alleria and then maybe one other NPC so it looks like we did something and then tie them together in a quest chain that will take a few minutes. Then we can do the same with the NPC’s nobody knows for Whiter Draenei.
Dev 1. But we have been telling Alliance players they can’t have High Elves for well over a decade because their population is too low to be playable…what you are describing is a few dozen beings at most for both races.
Dev 2. Details details, i am in charge, this is quick easy and simple and since there is no story we can just make things up as we go along or we can just do what we usually do with Alliance and introduce races that do nothing for a decade or so…it worked with the Original Draenie
Dev 1. Isn’t that a little lobsided?
Dev 2. I am in charge, do it. If the Alliance wants to play High Elves…the Horde is there for them.