What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

If the Horde wants to play dwarves…the Alliance is there for them.
If the Horde wants to play humans…the Alliance is there for them.
If the Horde wants to play gnomes…the Alliance is there for them.
If the Horde wants to play spacegoats…the Alliance is there for them.


Dwarves were never a part of the Horde and don’t have hundreds of NPC’s in the game in their cities.
Humans were never a part of the Horde and don’t have hundreds of NPC’s in the game in their cities.
Gnomes were never a part of the Horde and don’t have hundreds of NPC’s in the game in their cities.
Spacegoats were never a part of the Horde and don’t have hundreds of NPC’s in the game in their cities.

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You’re making up you’re own timeline. They were 100% Blood Elves. No one in the lore community disputes this.

Only Blood Elf players because it makes them angry. They don’t imagine their own people rejecting some of their own for practicing shadow magic.

Too bad. It happened.

Void Elves came directly from Blood Elves as a race by themselves. I agree that Blood Elves and High Elves are merely separated by name.

So there shouldn’t be an issue using what they even called themselves prior to their change… Which was Blood… Elf.

The Void Elves aren’t just High Elves because you don’t want the name of Blood Elf to be known as a people who rejected some of their own. They just did and it was only one leader of the Blood Elves who rejected Master Umbric. Not the whole of the Belf people.

Void Elves were all Blood Elves, not High Elves.


You could make a claim that Alterac Humans could be playable.

Making up my own time line? How long ago do you think the 3rd war was, which caused the High Elves to rename themselves Blood Elves?


Show me all of the Alteric Humans populating the Horde faction hubs and in their cities and class trainers and hunter stable keepers etc. etc. etc…

Go ahead i’ll wait.

The core of the Horde vs Alliance are Orcs vs Humans.

The only way a non-undead human will ever be on the Horde is if there is a clan of Orcs that are playable on the Alliance.

This won’t ever happen.

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Nah just make them High Elves, but give them the Thicc sexier character model that Alexandra uses, then throw in some blue tattoos.

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The Blood Elves were called the Blood Elves in the lore before World of Warcraft was even created. Before they even joined the Horde.

Master Umbric and the other Blood Elves who were banished after the events of what “void” Alleria did in Legion is what led to the Void Elves being created. This was Legion.

Void Elves are ex-Blood Elves.

There’s nothing that could make me accept a carbon copy of my race on Alliance. Might as well make human pally’s playable on Horde at that point.


And yet Panda’s are a thing.

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Learn your lore dude, unless all the Velves are 12 years old or less they were once High Elves because, you guessed it, ALL Thalassian elves were High Elves. Technically, Blood Elves are STILL High Elves, they only changed their name not their entire race. High Elves and Blood Elves are the same race, they are different political factions only. Blood Elves = renamed High Elves = descendants of the Highborne.


So what did I get wrong exactly?

They were Blood Elves… Once High Elves… ok?

They’re still Ex-Blood Elves. Nothing I said is wrong.

Are you trying to say “Let’s just choose and make the decisions to forget the term Blood Elf for this part… I mean its just a name and forget their green eyes etc. Let’s just change the Void Elves to being ex-High Elves instead, because let’s just ignore the fact they were the identity of Blood Elves since the beginning of the Blood Elves.” This is wrong and goes against the lore.

Blood Elves are Blood Elves. High Elves are what they were before. They’re not physically that different yeah but the Void Elves are were still Blood Elves and all Blood Elves were once High Elves. So no one is saying they weren’t once High Elves.

It’s true they’re technically ex-High Elves by default but they’re ex-Blood Elves because they decided to say “i’m not a High Elf anymore” along with the rest of the blood elves.

You can’t absolve them of their Blood Elf identity because you don’t like it.

You seem to be missing my point.

When Blizzard decided to give the Alliance “Thalassian” elves, in which ways did they change their model in order to remain distinct from Blood Elves? Their hair, and skin color. When Ion was asked why they chose this “void” color scheme over High elves, he stressed that “Fair skinned” and “Blonde” Elves were themes they felt were the most defining, and crucial visual aesthetics to Blood Elves, and didn’t want to trangress over those specific boundaries when giving the Alliance that race.

So when you offer solutions like “different” models, you’re missing the entire point of why the void elves were changed in those specific ways originally. Blizzard essentially told the player base that if what they wanted was to play a fair-skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed elf, they should play a Blood elf. So changing everything except the very themes they originally said were off-limits defeats, and misses the point entirely.

What makes matters worse is that you already have the Blood elf model, and it’s animations, tearing away a unique theme that once belonged to blood elves, so asking for another variation with the last remaining unique visual theme is going a step too far for most players. Every race should have a visual theme unique to them, a fantasy that can only be fulfilled by playing that race, the moment you tear away everything that once made that race unique, you tear away it’s identity in game.


A crucial difference about the pandas is that they were both introduced at the very same time. They did not exist on one faction for nearly a decade as a playable race before getting added to the opposing faction, there was no faction-identity that was being transgressed, or a previous playerbase they had to worry about upsetting.


I’m not.

You missed the entire crux of my question and what I meant with it.

None of that lecture you wrote has anything to do with my question, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

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I can’t imagine how that wasn’t an answer? Unless you simply aren’t reading. You suggested offering the “Purple” elf solution, which doesn’t work for the reasons I listed. “Blonde haired” and “Fair-skinned” elves are the last remaining visual themes to blood elves, so no amount of model editing is going to change that, unless THOSE specific themes are changed.


If this is how the factions are now two good guy factions I dont care anymore. We can have High Elves because the faction identity wont matter if everyone is holding hands. Blood Elves could easily just get Blue Eyes and be Alliance. So watching the game burn down by giving in to thesw High Elves would be my last nail to the coffin while I watch the rest of the community melt down.

Unless we get a third “dark” faction. Then I wont care either way because I would see the third faction as something everyone can join including the High Elf customizing for Blood Elves.

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Horde blood elves need to get tf outta the horde and go to the alliance where they belong. /spit

edit: and they can take the nightborne scum with em!

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I’ll take that as a “no” from you then, as it seems like you are intent on dancing around the question I asked.

Well alright, then. Noted.

This question was answered. Making two fair-skinned elves look distinguishable from each other is NOT a solution, the problem is that “Fair” skinned elves are a theme Blizzard wants to keep exclusive to Blood Elves.

It sounds more like you’re trying to avoid answering the obvious problem with this statement by tip-toeing along the fringes of the conversation with oblivious babble.