What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

You don’t get tired don’t you?
If you’re not insulting Belf and Nighborne players, you’re acting obsessive over a game 20 years old. The story changed, let it go.

You really need to come into therms with the fact that Belves are Horde and requesting Helves because you can’t get in terms with that is not honest.


Well, look at Joyeuse.
I don’t know how you guys play the blind eye on someone like that.


I’ve never asked for “‘pure’ elves” I’ve only asked to be able to play one of the Alliance’s most iconic races.

Only because Blizzard needed to boost the Horde’s player numbers after Vanilla. I understand that means Blood Elves shouldn’t be with the Alliance, but that doesn’t mean we should be denied the High Elves that have existed alongside Blood Elves since the latter went Horde. So begone, goblin.

…and it’s really not just that poster either.

There’s even a WoW mod for it.

I have seen that one beign extremely toxic towards both races and its players.

The numbers thing is funny because you guys use it as much. And there’s also no proof that it was the real reason as Metzen said a totally different thing back then… and there was also proof of Pandaren beign datamined as the Alliance race in BC, which later got changed to Draenei.

Nope, that rhetoric wont work with me, I have seen you openly brag about how you ask for them because you feel robbed while also insulting people and their race choices.

I honestly ask myself how the Helfers let you be in their groups when there’s no real difference between you and that guy they banned.


It’s not insulting to say that High Elves are an Alliance race and that people who don’t agree should brush up on their lore. Keep up the trolling, though. Doesn’t bother me that you don’t want Alliance players to have access to one of the races that defines the faction.

yes high elves left the alliance, changed an adjective, and later joined the horde. the story moved on

see above. high elves are no longer an iconic alliance race and havent been since wc2. there was never even a special bond between high elves and the other alliance races. they had to be compelled by an ancient blood oath to even send a token force. it wasnt until the forest trolls backed, by the horde, began attacking their lands did they commit. they were the last to commit to the alliance and after the war ended immediately withdrew from the alliance. iconic? in the distant past, now? please


I happen to think that an alliance of orcs and high elves was a far better move than one of humans, dwarfs, and high elves. The game is better for it and it’s also better for the interesting twist on elves that Void Elves represent. I hope they keep diversifying Warcraft from the other common fantasy worlds.


Now you play it dumb?, a lot of the Helf crew go around saying that High Elves are Alliance, thats not insulting, thats the idea they’re triying to defend.

You, openly insult people because they play Belves, Velves or Nightborne, and you have been doing it for months.
You brag about how long you have been playing Warcraft and use it to insult people, if someone is a troll, that is you.

As much as I disagree with the Helf crew, I hope they realize how much harm you do to the debate and to them as a whole.


Now you’re just making things up. I don’t care about Nightborne and think Void Elves are crap, but that’s not a reflection on their players. You’re really deep in the trolling tonight, dude. Maybe it’s a language barrier?

Language Barrier lol, the fact that I play on Ragnaros because of my childhood friends has nothing to do with me not beign able to understand.

I have been living in a english speaking country for months, I clearly understand everything.

Im not making things up, you’re well known in this forum for your toxic behavior.


I like the direction it moved in.

Oh she knows what she’s doing, be careful.


You’ve gotten way off topic and have come at me with these baseless accusations before. I think you’re just mad that I like Warcraft and High Elves a lot and are such a Horde fan that you can’t handle my conviction. Good night to you, troll. High Elves are an Alliance race.

they were in wc2


Alleria would like to have a word with you.

Her and her followers answered the call of the Alliance to go through the Dark Portal despite the fact that they were no longer apart of the Alliance. That’s even after Anastarian pulled from the Alliance after the second war?

So yes iconic, in the distant past, and even now.

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there was High Elf siege weapons in the newest patch…

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no they were still apart of the alliance when the expedition formed. it wouldnt be later til they grew disinterested with the plights of the other races


The first of our name was his son, betrayed by the nobility and royalty of Lordaeron. Granted, it’s been quite some time now, beyond the lifespan of humans and even the majority of the Sin’dorei. Upon the eve of the Windrunner sister’s betrayal of us all, many are willing to let some bygones be bygones but it doesn’t mean they’re completely forgotten.


Anasterian wanted no part of their war, he only sent a token force because of a Blood Oath made after the Troll Wars. He gave no F’s for their plight because at the time, it didn’t effect Quel’thalas. Alleria defied him and took her own force because she disagreed. But as far as Quel’thalas, they only sent a token force out of obligation, not because they had some alliance tie. This whole ‘The Alliance and High Elves are old friends’ is wrong. The elves didn’t give a crap about the humans and their issues til it affected them.


The very fact that you are admitting that she came to help at all is evidence enough that the final statement isn’t true. That there is still groups that did choose to help the Alliance and did choose to stay is all we need to have in order to justify that they can be made playable on the Alliance at all. Many races right now that exist, have fewer then what is helping and living among the Alliance as we speak. While everything you stated prior is correct, there are still those whom chose to remain friendly and live among the Alliance to this day. Agreed to disagree, but the evidence is already there.