What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

Actually I played Warcrft 3 and still dont want helves. So again why ply a race you obviously dont like on a faction you seem to despise. Answer the question instead of trying to deflect with the ‘your only MMO you dont know’ card. I also have characters on both factions and not all are elves before you try that one too. Simply put you never have a credible argument only ‘Muh Warcrft pure elves’.


That would be the forum you find yourself in.

…And a great decision it was. It has certainly improved my experience of the game.


this has reached blue dress/gold dress absurdity

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None of the ‘antis’ seriously think that playable Alliance high elves are a possibility. Both sides aren’t exactly having the same conversation. I think most of us feel compelled to absorb the forum dysfunction. Granted the whole conversation has simmered down a lot.

Though we legitimately think it would be a terrible idea to implement playable Alliance high elves and also want to have our voices out there, even if we’re only screaming into the void.

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and blood elves were once high elves before that and alliance. so really it being asked for is pretty well canon based given the fact that they could always give the option to choose to stay on the other side and not take the fel magic.

but tbh i’d rather seee VE’s get paladins while belfs get druid/shaman or in general all races can be any class period which at this point i feel is needed.

a lot of the game in bfa/legion threw lore straight out the window.

As someone in favor of playable High Elves, I wouldn’t begrudge someone voicing their concerns about them – ultimately, as you mentioned, the problem with any discussion of playable High Elves is that the people who are for implementing them and the people who are against implementing them are often preoccupied with framing the discussion towards completely different ends.

The anti-HE crowd tends to want the discussion to focus on how similar High Elves are, currently, to Blood Elves – which allows them to nonchalantly disregard the notion of playable High Elves.

The pro-HE crowd tends to want the discussion to focus on how different the High Elves could become, hypothetically, from Blood Elves – which allows them to characterize anybody who nonchalantly disregards the notion of playable High Elves as unimaginative, petty, or even spiteful.

In any case, there are plenty of “easy” solutions that Blizzard could apply to the question, “what about the High Elves?” – from something as small as integrating them into the Void Elves, or simply killing them all, to something as grandiose as putting them through their own set of circumstances that change them into something else entirely (i.e. Alamara’s “Storm Elves”, or “Arcane-infused Elves” both concepts necessitating a radically adjusted color palette and justifying the development of completely unique mannerisms).

I don’t believe I see it this way at all. The conversation has had little to do with these hypotheticals in my experience. Most of the argument has been about what the Blood Elves and Alliance high elves currently are. Aren’t they too similar? I don’t think anyone is framing the conversation that way, that’s the primary concern. It’s certainly one of mine. As far as unimaginative, that is genuinely how I feel about it. I want the Alliance to be better differentiated from what else is out there. It’s unfortunate that in all our talks you’re still so dismissive.

To my knowledge we have been willing to look at and consider the other side’s hypothetical proposals and fan fiction. Some of which some of us have even been okay with, but bear in mind it is fan fiction. I don’t think anyone thinks you want Alliance high elves out of spite or to be petty. Though when those on the ‘pro’ side have engineered the rules of the conversation to try and shut us out or called us “racist” for not wanting a fantasy race in a video game. That can certainly seem petty and spiteful, though that is not most of the people on the ‘pro’ side.


In the first sentence, you said you don’t think people frame the conversations in the way I outlined – and by your third sentence, you framed the conversation in the way I outlined.

Just food for thought.

That isn’t exactly actionable critique, but noted.

Precisely 0% of what I just posted was dismissive. If you’re going to pretend to be a victim, at least put some effort into it. :sob:

If it’s got the name “Elf” attached to it, typically, there is a Blood Elf in the thread talking about how it is going to make the Horde implode. :man_shrugging:

That isn’t what I meant. I meant that the pro-HE crowd tends to view the anti-HE crowd as petty, because the latter nonchalantly disregards the notion of playable High Elves no matter what adjustments are proposed.

I saw someone joke once about a group of High Elves potentially having escape Outland, via a nearby portal, as it exploded – and these High Elves make their triumphant return as something akin to “Nether Elves”, having spent a thousand plus years in the Twisting Nether. They developed a completely new language, learned new magic, had completely unrelated history.

The very first response was, “we already have Blood Elves?”. :man_shrugging:

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Yep. Blood Elves are High Elves. Saying Blood Elf is an identity. Saying High Elf is an identity. These aren’t species.

Instead of calling the High Elves as Blood Elves and the Blood Elves as High Elves, why don’t we just respect the terms they use for themself?

Blood Elf players don’t want to be called High Elves now do they? They’re the same thing but why don’t they like the term High Elf? It’s not their identity.

Blood Elves don’t have to take the Fel Magic to be considered of the identity of being a Blood Elf. That’s why you get the golden eye option now. That’s not fel magic. That’s holy magic.

I get what you’re saying here.

You’re asking for Void Elves to be changed from being ex-Blood Elves to being ex-High Elves.

You already said they’re the same thing.

A- Void Elves were literally identifying as Blood Elves, they were kicked out of Silvermoon during Legion so they’re actually ex-Horde members.

B- If High Elves and Blood Elves are the same thing, as you say, you don’t need to make the distinction.

There is no reason for it to be…

…because it already exists right?

So clearly we’ve established that you yourself are making a distinction between High Elves and Blood Elves.

Blizzard has to change the lore so don’t fight with the fact Void Elves are currently ex-Blood Elves. It’s ok to make a request. Don’t die on the hill. I get it. I get it. You’re asking to please Helf requests by making a request for Velf’s to be ex-Helfs.

It COULD work. What you’re doing is a request. There is nothing to argue about.

I’m just reiterating that Void Elves are in fact ex-Horde members and ex-Blood Elves. There is nothing to argue about. A request will change the “ex-Blood Elf” part of what I said and it doesn’t disagree with me. It implies that statement is true. Otherwise you wouldn’t be requesting to have a change.

My own personal suggestion is the following.

that steps on void elf themes. and probably ethereals :pensive:


You seem to have missed the point. :man_shrugging:

I wasn’t pretending to be. Are you trying to come across as dismissive now? What does this emoji :man_shrugging: after a statement mean to you? You do it a lot. Why don’t you tell me what tone you’re trying to set. I think you’re going out of your way to be nasty. Particularly now.

That happens to be how many of us feel about the matter. Though after so many cycles of allied races when each side has 50 choices it may not even matter.

What I don’t care for is the “my way or the highway” attitude that some of the more extreme members of this fandom seem to hold in their hearts. I also find their loathing of the Sin’dorei and Ren’dorei exceedingly distasteful along with the outright butchery of lore to bolster their arguments.

That said I would be amenable to a wider variety of cosmetic options available to the Ren’dorei including more skin tones, hair and eye color. That would fix so many of these issues.


I’m fairly confident you don’t actually know what being dismissive means; you can’t dismiss something, if nothing has been presented to dismiss.

The same thing shrugging means to everyone, “don’t know what else to tell you”. :man_shrugging:

I’m not setting any tone, I’m explaining why discussions about playable High Elves never bear fruit – because both sides of the discussion are arguing completely different, and in many ways unrelated, points.

If there is a tone to be gleaned from that, it is, “don’t know what else to tell you”. :man_shrugging:

I obviously like them more than you do, as I’m still here asking for them after 15 years and Blizzard giving them to the horde for out-of-lore faction balance reasons.

I also find the focus on purity odd.

I would say that’s a bit dismissive, condescending also.

If you really think that this whole high elf conversation has been about your fan fictions and we are just trying to make our arguments look like it’s about our concerns, and those concerns aren’t the issue… if you aren’t saying it to be dismissive, then I guess I don’t know what to tell you. :man_shrugging:


The problem is, it’s the exact same way from those who are against. “It’s their way or the highway” as well. Some of them also hold this too extreme within their hearts. The fact is, I haven’t seen anyone truly loath the Sin’dorei or Ren’dorei… and I have followed the threads very closely. They more dislike how Void Elves were thrown at us without any true context and are now being told to “deal with it, it’s a compromise” by those who think this is good enough. And outright butchery of the lore? I have yet to see that either. I have seen ways people have presented ideas for how they can be made possible, but never stated it was true fact. There are rude and obnoxious people on both side of the spectrum though. And many of us who do support the cause, do acknowledge when outside is being ridiculous as well and won’t really support their words. The problem is, that one bad seed here and there becomes the focal point and then every one of us gets generalized. That goes for the other way around as well…

Anyways this topic gets heated and personal from time to time, and people need to learn when to step back and breathe before typing another thought. Thats my take.

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Either side tends to view the other side as a monolith.

Just look at the title of this thread.


I don’t know what to tell you except to say that on MY realm we accept the Ren’dorei as Thalassian elves and close relatives and we often chat, having a language in common. It’s hardly my problem if the denizens of non-RP realms can’t construct an amenable social framework from which to communicate.


Okay let me put this is simple terms your mind might be able to understand…if you want to have your ‘pure’ elves on Alliance and dislike the Sin’dorei and horde so much, why do you play one. I mean if your so in love with the WC3 high elf, go play that.