What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

It doesn’t make sense as an alliance race continues to be my issue. How is that so hard for HE’s to grasp.

Your stance is either …they should be a new allied race in which case you’d have to draw a connection between them and gnomes or worgen. which again ??? Or it’s a customization option for VE’s which again…???

Finally, the game doesn’t need more elves. If they had been the AR to night elves I wouldn’t have cared personally.

please note that wretched are not like nightborne withered. wretched are made by overdosing on magic. So far we have seen nothing truly damaging to high and blood elves that lose their source of magic for extended periods of time. All we know is they suffer withdrawals but that may be all it is. Just that itching feeling and a craving that drives them a little crazy.

Good thing that never happened then, Or you missed the explanation earlier?

As for the title… nothing. I know that high elves are NPCs there. But NPCs are irrelevant and in their case, they’ve been nothing but cannon fodder or stepping stools for their humans overlords (Vereesa).

But I feel that having them lead a charge against the horde… and getting wiped in the battlefield would totally seal the deal as them being part of the Alliance.

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In the end did it make sense for both the Highmountain Tauren and Nightborne to go Horde when the Alliance worked just as hard at gaining their trust and helping to save their lives from the Legion? shrug The Allied Races don’t make a ton of sense one way or another. I’d have preferred if Blizzard just gave the existing races the Allied Race customization and called them a Sub Race instead of the way they did it.

did it make sense for them to forsake the half of the army that pulled them out of the fire? No. Are nightborne connected to BE’s culturally and racially? Yes. Highmountain to Tauren? Yes. HE’s to gnomes…?

So Nightborne, the Ancestors of Night Elves, aren’t connected to them? :thinking: I’ll give you the HMT point. Why ignore the rest of my post, though?

Because Blizzard already made the decision to connect them with BE’s? That ship has sailed.

And since we’re there…whatever next allied races come along will likely have some connection to their core race.

I agree with the sentiment…I find it weird when going back to legion zones that the NB and HMT are like “Sup pal!”

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OT question - How would you feel if the next Allied Races were Mechagnomes and Vulpera? As Alliance I kind of figured we’d get a Gnome allied race eventually, but bleh… I’m fine with Vulpera because the Horde needed another short race to balance it out. :laughing:

Thats what night elves are already…

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cant imagine playing a mechgnome but it makes sense. Vulpera doesn’t make a ton of sense to me in that there’s certainly no connect to undead, but i suppose goblins. But then vulpera over gilgoblins?

That would be dumb. They’ve only been apart from the Blood Elves for like 20 years, so their cultures shouldn’t vary that wildly.

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I am not a traitor! Nothing new - a Blood elf to spread hate … If I see something I haven’t seen before I’ll throw a dollar at it.

At least you guys were at Quel’thalas when you were needed, so that’s something.

Following Alleria into the Alliance though, kind of traitor-y, but you still get a pass for not ditching when things got hairy like others did.


High Elves are Blood Elves.


Exactly. So to make high elves would be redundant.

Horde is waiting


The Horde is waiting. They already made the decision to give the High Elves to the Horde in 2007.


It’s irrelevant whether or not they “always” hit the mark, that isn’t an argument to not continue to do their best in balancing content. They’re not going to ignore the blatant balancing concerns revolving adding an IDENTICAL race to the Blood elves on the Alliance.

It doesn’t matter what it is, they still have almost twice the customization options as most races. More skin colors, more hair colors, more hairstyles, more faces, etc. They could have done this for the Nightborne as well, but they didn’t.

This is not super rare at all? I know plenty of people who refuse to play the opposing faction, many of them from these very forums. Disregarding the players that don’t, because of the players that do is not generally a smart idea in a game designed around two opposing factions.

This is not true at all, many people have never touched WC3 as it’s a pretty dated game this day and age. Heck, not even I played Warcraft, but I did watch gameplay videos. You can’t base your argument entirely on an assumption.

That’s the whole point of it being ANOTHER game, it can allow you to play whoever you want without any worry of faction identity, or balancing races between the two factions. It was a single player, where you played BOTH the alliance and horde, not one or the either. You also got to command the Naga forces while fighting with Kael’thas, but that doesn’t mean we should get them as a playable race. What happened in WC3 is NOT A valid argument for what you can claim in World of Warcraft. Stories progress, and most of the High elves you played with in WC are the very Blood elves you see in game today.

Again, Pandas were implemented in a very different way as they were both added at the SAME time, while Blood Elves have been playable for nearly a decade.

Because you keep trying to pretend the Blood elves weren’t intended to fulfill that fantasy when Metzen, Ion, and many other devs have expressed this very purpose behind their implementation. That the very themes you keep clamoring for, are the themes Blizzard feels you should play Blood elves to experience.

You are getting angry at the messenger though, as he’s simply expressing what he and the dev team feel about these decisions. It would be one thing if you acknowledged that he’s not the only one making these decisions, and still disagreed with his decision making, but you try to create this argument where he’s the ONLY one standing between you and High elves despite that he has stated numerous times that it is where he AND the devs stand on the matter.


eyes faction icons on character select screen and Saurfang’s very direct line about 'breaking the cycle What if Ion’s “blood elves ARE high elves” debacle actually had a point other than just malice and the reason void elves were tossed at the Alliance as a bone was because next expansion you’ll be able to make a character of any race and then pick what faction you want? Then you’ll have normal blood elves that can pick Alliance and thus there was no reason to make them a separate race? tin foil hat

I accept them as long they erp.

Says the Horde fan who didn’t start playing Warcraft until the MMO.