What will it take for Horde Blood Elves to accept Alliance High Elves?

True but we can’t ONLY wear the heritage set.

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Yes… That’s definitely the reason people are tired of the idiotic Faction War. Mhm. This might be the most hilariously off take I’ve seen on people wanting the Faction War to end.

It couldn’t have anything to do with people being fed up of the constant back and forth of Alliance and Horde realizing we work better together to take down the Big Bads and then go back to murdering each other afterwards. Nope! Definitely not that. You saw that even the main Lore characters during this patch are over the Faction War BS.

All the Faction War is doing is weakening the Horde and Alliance to the point where eventually a Big Bad is going to come along that is going to easily destroy us because we weren’t smart enough to realize murdering each other eventually leads to races dying off.

Saurfang and Anduin BOTH realized this during the cinematic when they noticed how small their armies were. When will the holdouts realize this?

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Not all High Elves became Blood Elves. End of story.

not all humans are aligned with the alliance :woman_shrugging:

do fogsail pirates need permanent player representation in the horde ?


There’s a very large difference between High Elves/Blood Elves and humans. Mainly that Blood Elves are/were Fel Addicted nutcases that need Magic/Fel to absorb and survive.

Are they an anti Alliance group that are formal members of the Horde? If so then I’d argue that they’re a part of the Horde’s identity

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There were also humans which aligned with the first Horde in Alterac valley.


It’s a game… with a swipe of a pen both armies can be as large or as small as the story writers desire.

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:woman_facepalming:t3: :roll_eyes: Thank you for proving my point that holdouts won’t realize the War is screwing everyone until we all end up losing to the next Big Bad.

The Defias could also team up with the Horde, they’d love to see Stormwind in ruins. We’ve already seen them working with Goblins and Ogres


So that’s not what happened at all…


What didn’t happen? That Blood Elves didn’t get addicted to Fel/Mana/Magic?

No, some of them did, but those became Fel Elves and got wrecked in TBC. As far as magic/mana, all Elves are addicted to some form of it. That’s not a unique feature of the Blood Elves.


One million dollars

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The difference between Blood elves and High elves literally has nothing to do at all with magic addiction. Also has nothing to do with Fel magic.

Kal’dorei literally have moonwells at every single town they inhabit
Quel’dorei (highborne) needed the well of eternity and when it was destroyed immediately needed a new source of magic… which Illidan gave them.
Quel’dorei (High elves) Went on to make a new well of magic called the Sunwell And all of them Sin’dorei or not suffered addiction withdraws when it was destroyed. Which is why the only concentrations of high elves not in Quel’thalas were in magical cities like Theramore and Dalaran they were supplementing their addiction with arcane magic there. This is also why at places like Quel’Lithien Lodge in game, all the high elves turned into wretched. Literally suffering the exact same condition as blood elves.
Shal’dorei have the night well and when they are cut off from it experience the exact same withdrawals that Both the Highborne, the High elves and the Blood elves experienced.

It is safe to say at this point that if all the moonwells were destroyed the Night elves would also suffer magic withdrawal and that elves in WoW are simply addicted to magic probably because they were all literally made by magical mutation.


  • The blood elves changed their name to blood elves at the request of the Prince (acting king) right after the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas.
  • The prince went to the Sunwell and destroyed it for fear it would corrupt his people (he was incorrect)
  • They put out a call to arms for everyone to return home and started to rebuild as the prince took the army to push the scourge out of their lands.
  • The military forces of Quel’thalas fought battles all the way to Lordaeron and met up with the alliance military.
  • With the alliance military they fought battles and acquired new allies. The naga
  • The Prince and his forces were then arrested and thrown into the violet hold in Dalaran,
  • There was a trial and a sentencing.
  • Before sentencing could be carried out Illidan and his forces broke Kael’thas out of prison and offered him to join him.
  • The Blood elves allied with Illidan and Kael’thas went through the dark portal.
  • Kael’thas returned with his forces through the portal alongside Illidan to attempt to stop Arthas after Kil’jaeden forced them all into submission again.
  • Failing they all went back through the portal.
  • Some time later (how much time? Who knows?) Grand Magister Rommath came back through the portal to Lor’themar Theron and gave him the new way to save their people that he learned from Illidan. Which was how to siphon Fel magic. While there was one group that was against this and there was a falling out. Lor’themar Theron made up with them and they never joined the Alliance. This was the point the Blood elves started using Fell magic. Well after they changed their name to Blood elves.
  • Less than a year later (literally in the same expansion) the Sunwell was fixed and the Blood Elves no longer even needed to siphon Fel magic.

The current alliance High elves are the people who did not recognize/honor their dead or come home during the war effort for whatever their reasons. It should also be noted that Quel’thalas is 100% open to ANY Thalassian to come home and join their people. As far as the Blood elves are concerned they are one people. It is literally a political divide and nothing more at this point. And even in the beginning had nothing at all to do with Fel magic.


They were siphoning from living things, not from Fel magic. Only a few of them siphoned Fel.

None of them Siphoned Fel.
The siphoning mana from living things was a Fel ability Illidan taught Rommath and he brought back to the people of Quel’thalas.

They were using Fel abilities, crystals, and magic to siphon mana from living things which overwhelmingly included demons since they had many demon slaves from Illidan.


I sometimes wonder why you even have a blood elf since you seem to loathe them so much. No one has stockholm syndrome other than the helf drones who want to lick alliance boot with blue eyes claiming to be ‘pure’ sounds like someone from history with all that blonde blue eyed purity crap. Hmmm wonder who really has that syndrome…


Damn… o_O Wasn’t expecting a well thought out and put together post in a High Elf thread. Kudos.

To be fair the High Elves never corrupted themselves with Fel to my knowledge so I guess they can kind of claim to be pure?