What was your vanilla realm?

Nobody said rivendare?? it was one of the last realms made right before burning crusade came out. 12 days before it came out actually, before rivendare i made like a level 11 on one of the popular servers. but rivendare was my first home :slight_smile: god it had to be one of the best newplayer servers. low level alliance raids to orgrimar allll dayyyyyyyy


Doomhammer. I heard it’s dead now. Shame.

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Sargeras since the very beginning. Still there today on all my characters and even recently leveled up my original Naxx geared Grand Marshal hunter! He’s just so seksy.



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I have been on Medivh since the beginning and I am still there :). . I miss its former glory. Good times. Had some good times in Squirrel Mafia.

It’s going. All growed up now with a family and a mortgage, so not as much time for gaming anymore. Still play wow, but mostly just to try out each expansion and then quit shortly after I hit max level. Looking forward to being a casual in Classic.


You’re the BEST!


Shadowmoon…on a Paladin that I changed to horde when they were offering free services back in WOTLK I think. Most of my toons are still on the same server, but I’m thinking really hard about moving to a high pop realm. I really miss the old community.

Started on Dalaran then got a taste of World PvP and loved that so I moved to Smolderthorn.

I never left, and I never will.

Doomhammer as well. Horde Frost Mage named Cleadus. I was in Kill Them All and Agony.

Played on 2 servers, Bloodscalp with my friends and Norgannon with my brother and his friends.

Argent Dawn - US

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Daggerspine, with the thousand year Grand Marshal Kuroma, long may he reign.


Done. /10char

Also - Runetotem - US

Nathrezim horde side. Warlock named gainges

Nathrezim - Bromwyn - Night Elf rogue

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I started on Bleeding Hollow, Alliance, which ended up being one of the highest pop server, creating all sorts of issues. During a usual server outage, I started a Priest, Horde side, on Firetree, which was one of the new wave of realms released in 2005. Didn’t really stick around right away, but I did transfer my Bleeding Hollow character to Crushridge during a free transfer service. Eventually, maybe a couple months later, I decided to start leveling that Priest on Firetree, and it became my main class and server for the entirety of Vanilla through BC!

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My very first character was on Silver Hand got a tauren hunter to like, lvl 25 then my RL spouse started playing so we made new characters on Scarlet Crusade. I played there for like I dunno, five or six months and started raiding with a PUG raid group but the raid leader turned out to be a massive racist and got reported for it - and I got blamed for reporting him. This was around when paid transfers became a thing, so I found a new guild looking for raiders and transferred to their realm: Kirin Tor, and was there for the remainder of vanilla.

I was in Kamikaze Penguins [A] on Uther if you remember them.