What was your vanilla realm?

I was on Aerie Peak in vanilla, moved to Muradin with one of the free transfers in TBC.

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Illidan. Leviathan of Saga.

I was unguilded the first time i started back in TBC, but it was on Bloodscalp NA and man i got ganked so hard and so frequently i never rolled on a PvP server again lol. Still have PTSD from it

I was horde Stormrage too! we were outnumbered so badly during those days…

Doomhammer Alliance until the end of BC. Gnome Warlock!! lived in the guild Geriatrics until I found the need to push raid progression and had to move to Windward.

I’m not sure how I feel about going back to Vanilla, the community and playerbase has changed, and with how the game is now, I’m doubting it’s going to be the same as it was… We shall see.

First server was Fenris the server was accepting new players at the time, the first guild I joined was Lords of Tristram. I started playing like 3-4 months before BC came out, I go interested in WoW because I had started playing WC3 around the time I decided to play WoW.

Feathermoon, created a druid because of the druid I played on EQ on Bristlebane (then bounced between a hunter and lock, WOW druids were not much like EQ ones)

Started a couple weeks after launch was till Playing EQ at the time.

Anvilmar! In the guild -Hybrid- Rolled a druid because I have hippy tendencies and druids seemed hippyish. Like they might smell like patchouli. Naturally. #druidmusk

imgur dot com/APETV.jpg

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Balnazzar, then Uther

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Or assuming you were the opposite faction, Deathleaf, Sidi, Graybeard etc.

My guild was Echoes of Elysium.

I started playing wow two weeks before tbc released but I was on Arathor from what I can remember… I seen someone post a link to vanillafriends and surprisingly enough I found an old buddy I lost touch with there from my old guild.

Vanilla can’t come soon enough.

Garona. Still my main (when I play). Still my first guild.

Lords of Eternity!

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Blade’s edge until the free transfer to Nesingwary… been there since

In 2005 I was on Malorne with my older brothers who immediately quit like little quitters. 2006 on I’ve been on Kel’Thazod. I miss Malorne, Kel’Thazod is High pop. But I guess it doesn’t matter, with xrealming EVERY REALM IS HIGH POP! ;p

Illidan THE PvP Server!!! Was my Vanilla TBC Home.

Joined Ruin in SWTOR and started crushing horde on multiple servers. Now I am on Darkspear for some reason. But I almost never play. Masters Thesis needs to get done before Classic Summer Starts.

Started on Scarlet Crusade, Alliance. Fun times.

Mal’ganis horde shout out to anyone that was in the Total War guild