I’ll have to do that sometime! Yeah I think that’s where a lot of the vitriol came toward Soul Eater. I loved the character voices and thought they did a good job, but I saw it so long ago that it’s foggy in terms of what happened in the end. I know that the spinoff is absolute garbage though.
As for VK, it had good concepts and interesting vampire lore, but it turned ‘yikes’ real fast, like the first season is pretty decent I think (I’d have to rewatch) and established the world, lore, problems, and powers, but it went downhill into just… ‘this makes no sense, why are you destroying characters and turning them terrible’. And the ending I could rant about all day. Granted, most people will say “Oh it’s only fanart for those attracted to guys” and yeah, I mean that’s part of it, but the lore -was- decent for a little while.
Yeah he did have some character development which was nice, I will admit that. Especially him sparing the little witch lady. That was a strong thing to do, I liked that. And how there could be good witches. (I hate the whole ‘must be evil if you are this’ concept).
I sincerely tried watching that one but it just… couldn’t hook me because it was Wrath I believe? That was a young child and just… that stuff, along with the fae lady or whatever (thousand year old child), it made me really uncomfortable ><
Yeah he is greed because hes a thief, fked up childhood. His backstory is dark but if you keep watching he turns out ok and in fact becomes 1 of the most OP character in anime history lol trying not to spoil but its worth, just makes the payoff that much better knowing his backstory and loyalty seriously he is a boss.
Forgot to mention his girl, yeah she looks young, but you come to expect that in anime I’ve found… anime is obsessed with lolis, but shes not really a legit loli just younger looking so I pass it. Really doesn’t bother me considering some anime are so much worse, lots of girls in deadly sins are young and “perfect” looking. She doesn’t rly look much younger than anyone else, I think its to push the thought of them being innocent.
I do prefer more realistic anime but the fights have been so good in deadly sins. I remembered another awesome anime if you want more realistic watch black lagoon, it does have its typical anime moment with 2 lolis but I can’t remember what happens with them lol but the rest of the anime is savage.
Just can’t get into either of them, not sure what bugs me about aot but I just don’t get excited by it. Hero academia is a bit childish for me like hunter x hunter, one-punch man just seems pointless cuz he’s invincible no matter what…
With OPM its because its mostly meant to be a parody of an invincible hero, actually most of the fights dont even involve him, and my god are they good.
AOT is WAY darker than either of those two, its really good and its currently airing its last season.
Gintama is a parody but also has serious moments, thats what bothers me about OPM. If he meets a bad guy he can’t just 1shot then I’ll be interested, until then there’s no chance of me watching it aside from what clips I see on youtube.
Like i said, not all the fights involve him, they give plenty of time to the other character’s fights.
In fact only early on is the story heavily focused on him, you should see some of the stuff of the manga (btw the artist is incredible) some of the fights are just amazing.
I like the mechanical guy, he seems more like a main character than the bald dude at least he actually tries in fights. I don’t mind watching clips but it would just bother me having a main character that can 1shot anything easily, Im not disagreeing with you its probably good it just doesn’t interest me.
Do you read any manwha? The breaker is 1 of the best I’ve read… also Psyren manga which I hope to god is animated some day.
Don’t remember, it was one on either Toonami or 4kids.
No not really, kinda. “anime” = animated characters in a show from Japan. “Cartoons” is what Ed Edd and Eddy is. Cartoons is the American name for the animation we create.