What was wrong with the name "love Rocket"?

Nothing was wrong with it as it was people’s dirty minds that take any thing lately and turn it in to a sexual innuendo.

When a dwarf loves another dwarf, or when they’ve had one drink too many (that number is yet unknown) something magical happens…

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The irony is that the song was written using an euphemism to get around censorship. Now the euphemism is being censored. I bet the people involved think they are very progressive… with their… censorship.


void elf players using actual science to create the most stupid post uve ever read in ur entire life

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I can’t stand that dude either. Never could.

I did appreciate that the hunter order hall campaign at least attempted to acknowledge that he’s pretty gross. Of course we were still sent to go recruit him AND we had to go do a round of trophy hunting before he’d cooperate.

DEHTA can have his whole head, I’d happily serve it up. I’d love it if it were a repeatable daily. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also btw, they never actually removed Love Rockets from the game.

Lovely Merchant vendor sells 5 Love Rockets for 5 love tokens.

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So it was just useless virtue signalling.


Ah yes, the one post thread posting a “controversial” subject.

You aren’t going to get a satisfactory answer.

It was stupid, like most of the changes that served no purpose because they had nothing to do with anything.


I don’t care how much they ban me, freedom will live on in my heart!

We still do it at work, the younger generation thinks it’s gone because we now exclude them from many of our conversations because of their overly sensitive natures.

It sucks but it is what it is.

The fact that is was Big!

Fun fact: there is still an item you can buy from the holiday vendor called love rocket.

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Yeah but you can’t ride them and riding the Love Rocket is all the fun!

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We still can, we just have to learn to remove those type of people from our fun before we have it.

They don’t get invited to outings or parties or our weekends at the lake anymore.
Bringing just one of them ruins the mood for everyone else, it’s not worth having them around if they can’t keep their inner “karen” in check.

I’m not saying they are wrong, they can believe whatever they like, but they are going to have to find other friends if they want to be disruptive.

Almost every subject you can think of offends at least 1 person. If 99 people don’t find the name offensive, but 1 person does, a couple of years ago the 99 people would’ve prevailed, but today the 1 person does.

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That’s because people just roll over and give in to them. If the 99 would stand up and fight back, the 1 would be the one being silenced.

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Being offended for the most part is a choice. Some choices are more obvious than others, but in the end it’s still a choice.

This ideology gives power to being offended.

So gaining power is now a choice.

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Right, originally the idea of speaking up when something offended you was about protecting yourself.

Now it has been weaponized and it is used to attack anything that even mildly annoys you.
These things come in cycles, and when it swings back the other way, we are going to see alot more personal freedom and these people are going to have a very tough time.

Honestly it probably just used as a “joke” often.

“Hey Jane, you want to ride my love rocket??? LOLZ I JUST MEAN THE MOUNT BRO LOL!”
“Bro bro bro, you should totally give Kya your love rocket…”

Whatever, means nothing to me so meh.

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Have you seen the movie Orgazmo? It’s by South Park guys before Southpark