What was wrong with the name "love Rocket"?

I considered that possibility, and if they were open and told us that was why it was removed I’d accept that. But seeing this happened around the same time as the fruit bowl change (maybe same reasoning as love rocket, but seems more of a stretch) it seems to me more like change for the sake of PR and not real change.


They’re probably under gag orders not to reveal anything specific. There have been plenty of comments on Twitter from known devs that make it pretty obvious that most of the supposedly innocuous things being removed were because they were specifically used and/or created by abusers.


It’s simply old good evergreen puritanism in a new disguise, and with new allies.


We need to get over the fact that any thing funny and sexual in nature is gone forever.

It sucks but it is what it is.


I fear that anything funny AND/OR sexual is gone forever. And that, in the two, it’s “funny” that is the real target.

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Eh, not anything funny. It’s hilarious how puritan and authoritarian we’re seeing the supposedly anti-puritan/anti-authoritarian group is becoming.

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Did you think for a moment that they were really anti-puritan and anti-authoritarian? They are simply shedding the mask.

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sexual innuendo.
Doesnt bother me personally, i think that kinda stuff is humorous, but we do live in a PC world now…this aint the 1980s anymore. Welcome to Cancel Culture where we cant have nice stuff anymor


As I am very old fashioned, like almost all really anti-puritan and anti-authoritarian people, I never realised that mount’s name was an innuendo. Now that it has been pointed to me, I consider it rather gross and uncouth, but I am not offended by that, and surely would never censor it.
What would I censor?
Asking for the head of a person as “proof of killing”.
Exterminating wildlife for no reason (sorry Nesingwary).
THAT I’d censor.

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d :heart: ldo joke?, apparently sexuality is bad.

welcome to america where we are more afraid of showing a female’s bare upper body than we are showing a person get blown up with body parts and blood/gore flying everywhere.


I mean, it’s not like we have cellphones my guy.

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If I ever actually manage to obtain this mount, I am going to continue to refer to it as the Love Rocket regardless of what the in-game description says. I play the game the way I want to.


Yeah the Love Rocket was super offensive.

Btw, they added a incubus.

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Yes, I know, I’m a bit of a PITA. :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s a pretty convenient message for society. It’s alright to commit mass murder IF it’s the “bad guys”. That message will probably always be around because of how damn convenient it is to set aside moral dilemma’s around the subject of killing people.


I think by now you can cancel “bare” from your sentence. :slightly_frowning_face:

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I don’t think I saw forum threads specifically about it, so whatever that wasn’t on forums means Blizzard’s employees were finding issues/getting offended over it (per Blizzard’s own words for the latter point). Also possible it’s just a stupid knee jerk reactions to lawsuits, but that’s plausible speculation.

I cannot say Love Rocket without hearing Guns N Roses “Rocket Queen” as a sound track :stuck_out_tongue:

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I really feel bad for people who are upset over something’s name. This goes for both sides. That you care enough about the name to wish it changed and/or care enough about the name to make posts about it being changed. How do some of you find the time to be this upset over a name?

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