What to do? need help!

so i have reason to suspect my mobile phone number may be compromised. i have at&t as carrier but the other day my sister says there someone impersonating me on snap chat. they had my mobile phone number and general first name. they tried friending my sister but i had her block and report them to snapchat.
I dont have snapchat account at all. I checked various websites and it says phone number is not out in the wild. i check bank nothing suspicious there. how hard would to be to switch the phone number on my account? I check email everything seems fine. this is exact thing i was scared of would happen if i get mobile authenticator.
idk what to do. should i be worried?

It’s likely pulled from Facebook, those snap chat fakes are often because of what they pulled from Facebook or other social media. The good news is unless they have physical access to your phone, it’s likely not compromised


Not seeing any other posts on the forum/s about hacked mobiles being an issue.


one problem with that. i havent used my facebook in almost a decade and i havent attached this mobile phone number to any social media site. only place that has it is blizzard and i think my employer.

dunno how it could have gotten hacked i barely use it. just turn it on to update every once in a while otherwise it sits powered off and whenever authenticator prompts it. only app i have on it is the ones came with the phone and the mobile battlenet app.

Even if they had cloned your mobil they still could not get into your mobil authenticator. When you install it on a replacement phone you need to do recovery to reenter the serial # and all to have it work like on your original phone.

So as long as your phone still works I would not worry too much. You could report this to snapchat.

I have heard of a case of someone going to a cell phone store and getting new phones and swaping them to the persons account and phone #. But when they did the original device went offline. But that was all part of a very well organized scam.


Also on your facebook account make sure you hide your friends list from everyone. They could have enough information from your facebook account to get this done. They will often clone a facebook profile and try to friend your friends.


i cant even remember the password for it so im kind of locked out of it. and the email i used for it is inoperative. i locked myself out of it. gave up on it.

There might be another way to regain control of your facebook account. Either way that could very well be the source of this trouble.

it might be impossible as the email i have attached to it is a old hotmail account thats currently in recovery limbo or got purged.

I know that this won’t come off the right way Bread, but I mean this in a very VERY sincere way and I’m coming from a place where I hope that you can figure out how someone got your info (as it had nothing to do with the authenticator).

Please, reach out in your community, or through family, and find someone knowledgeable to help you better understand the technology that you are using. You need to better understand your phone, your computer, the apps, the authenticator, the limitations of all those things as well as how to keep your information safe on the internet.

I worry about my parents for these same reasons, and sometimes they use tech that they do not at all understand and then come up with their own “interpretations” of what they believe is going on despite not having any understanding of how the tech works.

The authenticator had nothing to do with this.

Sorry if this post comes off the wrong way, but I mean it sincerely. Please get educated on how these technologies work and how to keep your info safe.


i dont mean authenticator i mean like being forced off the physical version. wouldn’t have needed a phone. this wouldnt have happened. it happen because i got a mobile phone. someone seems to have gotten in to my sisters snapchat group somehow and impersonated me. i go to work now be back laters.

Just to be honest with you; you’re linking two events that have nothing to do with one another. The app from Blizzard didn’t gave out any of your info. Along that, this kind of thing happen when the person who got the fish had their contact info (AKA, your sister) left info out in one form or another in someway on the internet. The keyfob won’t magically not make this happen as it been a thing even for people not using the phone authenticator.

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No, nor is the sky falling.

It didn’t happen because you got a mobile phone, it happens because you use the internet and social media.

You make it sound like having the authenticator app a huge catalyst for compromises - yet as I mentioned, not seeing anyone else posting about it.

Instead of leaving social media accounts unused, actually take the time to have them deleted by their respective developers if you are not going to use them again.

You know what is like light to a moth when it comes to scammers?

Dormant accounts that haven’t been used for a long time. It means less likely to have the compromise discovered.


For facebook it might be possible with sending a id to facebook you might be able to recover with out your email. Either way you should work on getting that back or nuking it all together.

If compromised it can give scammers a great deal about you.c


No one has been forced off the physical version…


Other than those whose batteries have died, but that has nothing to do with the mobile authenticator app. That’s just battery physics.


no im not saying keyfob caused it too happen. im saying me getting the mobile phone caused it too happen.
also @kozze that article was one of the articles i read before coming here. also im confused as to how my long inactive facebook account that doesnt have my mobile number on it anywhere could have allowed them to find it out. its been inactive since around 2014. is there like a service that would request they delete it for me?

Has absolutely NOTHING to do with it.

It is extremely doubtful your mobile phone was compromised at all and could have happened regardless if you have a mobile phone or not.

Because it probably has nothing to do with the facebook account either.

Yes, but you need to be able to log into the account and then request it via the menu’s.

I also mean this in the sincerest way but there is no point in being so overly dramatic all the time.


im not being dramatic im scared confused and i feel just a bit violated by this. like its a filth i cant wash off.