What to do? need help!

Does your sister have your phone number?

yes she does. i dunno if she shared it in her snapchat i dont talk to her much. me and her dont get along much.

It’s possible that they got your name and number from her then, especially if they just had first name and number. There’s also ways to spoof the name and number a message is coming from and make it seem like it’s someone from their contact list.

My “mom” tried calling me once as I was literally there talking to her in person for instance.

You mentioned only Blizzard and your work has your number but that’s not true. Your sister has it. Who else?

But yeah, I really wouldn’t stress about it. There wasn’t any strange activity in your email or bank. You can always change the password to make sure but there isn’t a whole lot that can be done with a cell number and a first name.

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just my grandma my sister my work and blizzard. that’s all i gave it to. i just worry cause it said online they can try and use your phone number and name to access your bank account.

They can certainly try but they won’t get far, especially if the phone number on the bank account doesn’t match. But there are FAR more strict policies when it comes to banking. They would need to know a lot of your personal details in order to do anything like actually access your account.


okay so my mobile authenticator battle net app is safe then i dont need to switch numbers?

Worst case scenario again.

Social engineering has been around a lot longer than most of us have been on the internet.

These days they need a lot more personal information than just a name and phone number to access a bank account.

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Seems a bit overkill in this situation yes.


okay thanks for help i guess. this really scared me.

when people install these apps, they give the app consent to access their contact list.

this is something you should be taking up with your sister, blizzard can’t control her actions.


I believe what’s happened is someone has “spoofed “ your number in other words made their phone number appear to others as yours. It’s a world wide problem that scammers use it’s why we all get so many scam text messages on mobiles now.