What the hell is this?

As long as she is killable

Then whenever I’m annoyed with the SF Alynsa, I can run to Orgrimmar and down her.



No. Alynsa NPC would be unattackable because she never turns warmode on.

But if you’re in the AoE when she randomly Barrages, you do take a single point of damage. Because Alynsa is mostly harmless.


NPC Alynsa has a secret attack where you feel bad for attacking her. It’s unavoidable too :stuck_out_tongue:


Agreed. Why settle for some boring RPers nobody knows when we could have much more interesting npcs based on the fantastic people of the story forum?
Like, imagine a very angry Blood Elf whose only line is " Death to the alliance! Lok’thar!"
Or a dwarf, relentlessly trying to rally likeminded defenders of humanity for his righteous crusade to reclaim Lordearon.
A very sad low level Night Elf woman ( whose name varies but all of them start with an “E” ) who will constantly remind passers-by that everything that happens in the world is a punch for Night Elves…
A mysterious, hooded, Medivh-like figure who stands in a dark corner and spouts Old God style prophecies…
Or a Forsaken Priest of questionable reputation, who tries to convince everyone of the undeniable benefits of undeath.

Kind of like the prophets in Life of Brian, only with SF residents. Now that would be something I’d like to see!


See, this is what should happen!! WoW needs new fun and interesting characters to liven up WoW. Why not NPCs based on us??

I know it’s too good for the current devs, but maybe if they really try they could do it!!


Synthanos dialogue implies his psychic link, so I’m sure it’s the same.

Need a spathy npc in the portal room who teleports you to dalaran crater.


This thread further proves the average WoW fan doesn’t know how to read.

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We need Moocluck. Not Nixxiom as he is too much like the Old Guard Devs.

Moocluck on the other hand is like Gul’dan in that he is unashamedly threatening to the public.

Quiet now Brad.

Funny how his only post in nearly a year is to call people illiterate.

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It seems the WoWhead comment led to some misunderstanding?

Reading the character bio thingies posted, it seems that the half sisters hate each other, and an unrelated Male is coupled with one while longing for the other.

Perhaps the tamest Maury show. But unless Synthanos works a threesome, they may not be incestuous .

I don’t want to begin to guess why Blizzard decided to put these RP Characters in the Game. It would ultimately be fruitless, as only they know.

If RPers are running the lore right now that explains a whole lot

I already have an NPC


This is a great idea :+1: :+1:

Almost all of the others I can think of though, were given posthumously.

One was a rare spawn in the Netherstorm which was a tribute to a Starcraft game that never launched.

So they removed swifty’s npc due to allegations from one person which multiple people came to swifty’s defense about, yet it’s cool to add incest fan fiction ocs lmao :joy:

People should be curious and go check their site before making things up, the player behind one of the characters released a statment.

Frankly, it’s not that hard to go to the source when provided:

And because i know that there are lazy people, i’ll copy it.

hey anon! I’m not going to go into it for reasons I’m sure you can understand, but I will tell you I worked for Blizzard for many years, starting in Classic. (I’m not there anymore.) And for clarity: Synthanos is not “my” character, I just have permission from his player (my irl partner) to write about him sometimes, like many characters that appear on this blog.

And you didn’t ask, and I’m not telling you what to do, but I wouldn’t mind if someone corrected that guy in the wowhead comments. Cringe. Synthanos is not in love with his own half-sister, he’s in love with Niena’s half-sister Kementari, who I also play.

Oh and before you even ask me: No, i’m not affiliated with them in any way.


Please explain in full detail how you are absolutely totally affiliated with this person, including any financial transactions made to you in exchange for this posts!!!

That is exactly what I would expect someone affiliated with them to say…

I sense a conspiracy is afoot!!



Nah, it’s just that people are very quick to make assumptions.

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