What the hell is this?


Guilty. But my point was, if someone was talking about drinking breast milk at work, they were very likely jumping on the fitness bro trend, not a lactation fetish. Ive known more than a few mothers who made very decent money selling human milk to body builders.

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where’s my rp npc cameo


I think they put your character in Diablo III :ok_hand:

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Cringe tbh



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Okay, so:

  • Niena and Kementari are Half-sisters.

  • Synthanos is in “love” with them both.

Nothing Alabama about that…

But I am always curious about fictional writing and have a rather difficult(?) question to ask…

If you were writing a fictional story about a setting seemingly in the past, would these “modern day taboos” be okay to have?

For example, Cersei and Jaime Lannister.


Incest in the sense of sibling on sibling has always been taboo. Just those who did it were in positions of power so they could get away with it for a long time.

Cousin on Cousin though was seen as taboo in most areas, but not in others. But generations of Cousins on Cousins is how we got the Hapsburgs and their famous chins. If we take ASOFAI to continue with your example. The Targaryens incest relationships were looked down upon but couldn’t be stopped. Meanwhile Tywin married his first cousin. Yes, the man all about improving his families status after his father ran in into the mud married inside his family.

But then you have the can of worms that is “what you doing step bro / son” with Incest through family members via legal means instead of biology.

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I stand by my comment made earlier in this thread.

That is all.

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Oi…just because my girl here is attracted to elves doesn’t make her a weird pervert :frowning: At least she’s not related to them.

This ain’t fair where is Zarno the loveable shapeshifter

Among Indo-european peoples there was a strong cultural taboo against inter marrying. This was not necessarily shared by other peoples. In a translation of a letter from a hittite king(indo european) to his new brother in law(non indo european) the king lists all the people his brother in law is now forbidden on pain of death to have relations with.

Egyptians royalty married each other because they believed they were divine and it would be wrong to marry their servants.

So ERP tributes?

Player pc homages are kinda cute but this is the internet and we know this is gonna lead to weird and bad times. Ppl are gonna get mad their oc’s aren’t included. :laughing:

I blame it on the Wowhead comment which reads as if they are in fact related.


Eh. It’s not incest - but it is kinda sketchy, too. I wouldn’t build a story on it.

GRRM was using twincest to make Jaime & Cersei villainous & to signal that from the get go. And it provides grounds for Stannis to challenge the succession, which is a huge plot point. It is meant to revolt, not excite as a spicy take.

I see nothing wrong with it personally. Who knows why they’re added, but in the end they’re just walking around background fluff.

And per usual people try to make it a bigger deal than it is.

EDIT: And we don’t know if they’re backstories are the same ingame as they are by their OG creator.

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If we aren’ adding everyone’s fanfic toons, why add any? Self-insert Dev NPCs (cough Nathanos cough) are already too much.

How to get your characters in game, legitimately? Just play them.

IDK. I think the game could only benefit from an NPC in Orgrimmar named Alynsa, standing in a far off corner with her owlcat pet Clawful, casting Barrage seemingly at random.


We need an alynsa NPC. I agree