What the hell is this?

So it’s an ex-Blizzard employees characters. That explains it, thanks.


This is amazing.

What’s the point of RPing if you’re not being a weird pervert about it from time to time?

I am cringe, but I am free.

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My first main was an undead rogue named Bellmont who I RP’ed as a Deathstalker Commander. Was an out of body experience when I ran into him in Silverpine for the first time.

Almost assuredly coincidence. But it’s always surreal to fight alongside what’s basically my old character.


Both inspired by Mathieu Bellamont, the traitorous assassin from “Oblivion”?


You’re the first one to get that reference! Everyone else assumed it was Castlevania and I do love that series as well but I wouldn’t name an undead after vampire hunters.

Obviously Lachance was my first choice but that was already taken.


I just love the Dark Brotherhood questline and replay it every once in a while.

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Well if you played lords of shadow a Belmont is dracula

lords of shadow 2 gets more flack than it deserves.

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Yes yes it does but I still prefer the haunting ending of Gabriel Belmont becoming Dracula as the angels sing mourning him in a way

Welcome to the SNK?

I’m reminded of the Chick Tract going “NO, not Black Leaf!” :stuck_out_tongue: