What the hell is this?

Sir perhaps go back and read it again very slowly and you will see no incest here

I have a night elf death knight named Ashfall.

She was a warrior before BFA, but how could I not.

She is also in no dramatic love triangles, which is probably why she doesn’t get NPCs.


The Lich King as usual goes straight for the most sadistic of Tortures. He gazes into the Minds of two Elves in a relationship and discovers that one is cheating on the other by dating on said other’s sister and decides to reveal it to said other.

This is what happens when the Body’s Mind renounces the Soul Fragment’s Mind due to Domination! For a Body’s Mind to renounce the Soul’s Mind it has to be warped to it’s exact opposite and thus be so different from the Soul that they can tell each other apart!

Domination as the Primus states in the Crown of Wills Questline takes control over the mind and makes it renounce it’s sense of self. Zovaal was inexperienced with it when he worked on Arthas and thus could only make his Body’s Mind renounce the Soul’s Mind becoming it’s exact opposite in personality.

Since the Soul despite caring for the Civilian Populace had a willingness to kill Plagued Victims and betray Mercenaries his Body being the Soul’s Opposite couldn’t care less about the Civilians wanting to torture them the worst ways and yet unlike the Soul was not willing to do what it took to win instead toying with his prey.

Of course Zovaal couldn’t control the Mind of Arthas’s Body after it had renounced the Mind of Arthas’s Soul due to inexperience.

If Lich King Arthas had won Zovaal would have had a most twisted sadist as a rival!

I guess they’re big RP hotshots on whatever server they are in.

This is Wow’s version on the Ascended Fan trope.


Personally I don’t want to see RP characters made canon by being presented in the game. It is bad enough having lore characters (even if they are minor) being named after Blizzard Devs. That stuff is cringy as hell. More Metzen the Reindeer (as it is an npc only tied to an ingame event and is not a lore character) and less Lord Afrasatrasz’s.

I’m all for small references to other media, like Kermit and Miss Piggy reference in Nazmir. But this? No thank you.


I feel like people that emphasize roleplay would find it awkward running into themselves in-game haha.


These aren’t the first rp characters that have been given npcs in the game. It makes me wonder if Blizzard spies on people especially in rp realms. I wonder if they like watching the goofy shenanigans that goes on in these servers or enjoy some of the players story telling.

Still though this necro incest crap is super gross.

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Me too honestly. Ugh.


Not a fetish.

Probably more common in the fitness world than the fetish world… though I’ve been known to dabble in both versions.

Not his half sister. His lover’s half sister. The ladies are related and hate one another.

I’ve seen some well written RP characters that put lore characters to shame. Not many, but they’re out there.

These two don’t seem like they fit that group though.

Anyways, who knows why they’re there? Maybe the player that made them died and this is just some Dev’s way of honoring that.


There are tombstones for that.

I am an RPer, and this is creepy.


I think some devs might have thought the Area 52 (I think…perhaps Moon Guard?) Goldshire Inn tall tales of RP would be a good idea to break into the Shadowlands… :open_mouth:

Honestly the average run-of-the-mill, self insert, kitten-tier, necro-romancing RP OC fits right in with the new era of Blizzard writing.

Imagine getting your character put in Oribos of all places though. An eternity of standing idle in the airport of the afterlife.


I feel like this is a really awkward attempt to “connect with the community.” Blizzard knows they’ve lost a lot goodwill and someone on the team thinks they can buy some back by throwing some bones to particularly devoted fans.


Yeah….but how does throwing a bone to already devoted fans….win back those who don’t trust blizzard? This literally does nothing for those who lack faith in blizzard :wolf:


These are the types of conflicts my barbies used to have. I’ve long since grown out of this trope.

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You are one kinky lil devil.

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Remind me here. Half siblings have a common parent right?



Garrosh killed her DAUGHTER!

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