As opposed to the perfectly acceptable part of running around killing mobs for loot, gold etc… I gotta lot of Murloc blood on my hands… but I sleep well
That’s called tough love.
It’s a game lol. They can do whatever they want.
Oh no something might be morally gray quick blizzard get it out get it out
Beating the tar out of people for questioning you is not morally gray. It’s outright evil.
That bugged me.
Devos rebels and created the forsworn because Frostmourne (a Maw-enchanted weapon) is in the mortal plane. So, she rebels, and… does nothing until mortals take care of Arthas and breaks Frostmourne. At which point, her whole reason for rebelling in the forst place is taken care of.
Like, why rebel at all if you’re just gonna let the mortals handle it anyway?
I know right? Look at Portland and Seattle…
I’ve killed people for less.
I would think a field trip to the maw would have more impact than killing them would.
its a video game… don’t take it so seriously. the naratives shouldn’t be SJW based. that would be the worst thing ever.
Today I learned punching a certain group of extremists irl is morally evil
The hilarious thing is that this is a game that has
- cannibalism
- genocide
- mind control
- slavery
- biological warfare
- mass death and suffering
- all of the above, applied to helpless animals
But corporal punishment? NO WAY! THAT’S TOO FAR
I’m glad I don’t have issues like this. For me it will always just be a game and the how’s and why’s will never concern me. It’s all made up.
“Spareth the rod hateth the child…” now go beat those students Mr Piccolo…soon they’ll learn to dooooooodge!
Forget theramore, remember the lazy peons
Also, the Jailer will have to get through me if he wants to lay a finger on my golden-blue honey bunny!
…which won’t be hard, admittingly, because he’s really big, and a raid boss and I’m…not.
Nah. Steward labor can’t be voluntary; they were created to serve and built with the mind that ‘chooses’ to serve. They have no actual choice, no free will to choose not to serve, and as a result their labor can’t be voluntary.
You could argue that they’re robots, and not sentient creatures. That argument would be logically consistent with them not being slaves. But you can’t argue that they chose a life of service. They were not given a choice. They’re either robots or slaves.
And all of those things are done by the bad guys and portrayed as wrong.
Except this time, where the guy who orders you to do it acts like beating the tar out of his students is the most reasonable response to them having divergent opinions imaginable.
Well it IS hinted at that they are given a choice, or at least occasionally have long periods of rest, since the Forgelite tells you they get depressed if they don’t work for long periods of time. That’s sort of a choice, they’re not necessarily “Forced” to work… It’s not unrealistic to think the Stewards enjoy their work, ever been unemployed for nearly a year? It’s god awful…and depressing as such.
The way that they were created forces them to work. They get depressed if they don’t work. This inherently takes the choice away from them.
It’s like saying that I have a choice whether or not to eat. Sure, no one is holding me down and stuffing food in my mouth, but if I go long enough without eating I die. It’s not really a choice, it’s going to happen at some point.