What. The. Hell. Bastion

It was the first mortal soul, and it specifically was not your soul.

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Doubt is for nerds anyway.

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In that case, you definitely read something wrong.

No, lady moonberry is telling a story about a character who is not you. The first mortal soul who came to ardenweald, and who the queen granted animal forms to.

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Pretty sure you aren’t suppose to want any of the afterlives, all of them have their bad parts.

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Bastion would have worked far better if they where like Death Spartans and where meant to be the army of the shadowlands. As it stands (and in my opinion) they feel more like a religious militaristic cult than anything else.

The point with Bastion is that your individuality would compromise your ability to properly ferry souls. It’s supposed to be repugnant because the whole idea of the story is, “what are you willing to give up to serve the greater good?” and “does tradition have intrinsic merit, especially within changing times?”

Sadly a lot of people don’t realize that you are meant to feel conflicted and question what’s being done, so they continuously complain on the forums like everyone else who can’t comprehend that maybe Blizzard had a theme in mind.


Yeah bastion is pretty terrible writing but who cares at this point as we don’t expect much from the writing team.

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If Blizz was serious about player choice, they’d let me join the Forsworn covenant and declare war on the tyrannical Archon.

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There’s totally an issue with that quest…

you kill the npcs rather than they comming to their senses after some damage… the actual npcs you find them inside the cave.

Yeah I’m not seeing any bad parts about Monster Girl Forest.

Creepy like… they are parasitical beings that feed off the enjoyment of serving others?

It’s kind of like a mammal/bird version of a Clownfish.

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Which part? Sounds like the abuse would be Kyrian refusing the help of the Swolkins.

Millions of parents display the same behavior toward their children. Waiting on them hand and foot their whole lives, making constant sacrifices for their good. It’s far to simplistic to treat the Swolkin as slaves, and doesn’t leave room for alternative realities.

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Totally off topic, but you’ve somehow made a male night elf not look stupid, and I think that should be acknowledged.

Congratulations on that.


Sounds like you triggered him. Don’t forget who it is you’re talking to. This guy is notorious for having jokes go over his head or just not understanding them.

I don’t know, in the context of the game, doubt is turning Kyrian into Forsworn. And Forsworn really aren’t the good guys, as much as some of you seem to think otherwise. I don’t get the sense from the questing that they “beat” doubt out of folks under normal circumstances, since the Forsworn weren’t a thing until now.

To counter, I was doing one of the side quests yesterday where you get disguised as a Forsworn. They aren’t good people. And, they had some NPCs with their own doubt. One guy was sitting their wondering to himself if “this violence is really necessary.” No, it isn’t, my little Forsworn dude.

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And this is supposed to be the sweet, angelic, covenant while Venthyr are supposedly evil.

Even in the leveling quest line, the answer to doubting students seems to be beat them up or just say “I can’t help you” and walk away.

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To be fair, in that case they attack you. In this case they’re all neutral and they only start fighting when you engage them.


I guess it just depends if that is a game mechanic thing or not. I don’t want to fret over that too much.

Honestly, with how doubt -> Forsworn, this isn’t THAT different of a scenario then when Arthas did his thing at Stratholme. What Arthas did was preemptively murder people so they couldn’t become zombies, which is bad. The Bastion questline goes to great lengths to show how much the kyrian were trying to help those with doubt, and the combat with the forsworn is largely based around the fact that they already turned and there is nothing else they can do to help them at this point. It would be like if Arthas went into Stratholme to save everyone and then had to make the tough decision to kill the zombies.

I didn’t get that impression at all.