What. The. Hell. Bastion

LOL I’ll just put this thread on mute now.

No one has any interest in trying to understand.


Slave masters said the same thing about enslaved people in real life

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@Rhielle this post right here :slight_smile: The absolute privilege of having such an easy life that the most horrible things happening are happening to NPCs in a videogame (and that that is somehow connected to real life). 2020.

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Your lost. Someone said the creatures were created to serve.

I provided the example that actual slave masters in real life also argued enslaved people were created by God to serve and also created a myth that they were happy about doing it.

So essentially I’m providing a counter argument to that narrative but please try again.

No, are you? Because that’s what the Archon did, and in doing so brought this chaos upon the Shadowlands. If she had taken five seconds to allay her paragon’s fears and found that, oh dear, looks like the Maw IS leaking afterall then just imagine how much different things could have turned out.

Uther didn’t break the system - it was already broken, and when he and Devos tried to point that out they were told point blank to stop with the thought crimes. That’s what blind adherence to the Path does when it can’t cope with it’s flaws and faulty assumptions.

All it, all the Archon would have had to do was hear Devos out, look at Uther’s wounds themselves, and this little rebellion would likely not have happened.

Uther isn’t an example of why the system is right - he’s proof that it isn’t.

Yes it is.

I have no time, patience, or respect for the kind of moral relativism that says “it’s okay to systematically erase a person’s identity with the right perspective adjustments.”

The system is already broken. That’s the entire thesis of the Shadowlands. The car has already crashed and is now on fire. The Kyrians, however, are content to continue pumping gasoline on it.

I’m not saying that the Kyrians need to stop doing their job. I’m saying they need to rub two braincells together and stop doing the part that serves only to empower the Maw, Jailer, and threaten to destroy all of existence.

That’s how cults work. A lot of “willing” followers there too. The whole culture, philosophy, and mindset of the Bastion is to Ascend - that’s the end goal. When you get dumped into Bastion, that’s the purpose you’re given, that’s what you’re greeted with, that’s the Path you’re put upon. Calling it a “choice” is disingenuous.

If your convictions are so malleable that, “well, look at it from another angle” is all it takes to throw them out, then… there’s not a lot of conviction behind them.

If a religion or culture promotes, nay, enforces blind unquestioning adherence to a flawed system at the cost of the self? To surrender everything one values and cherishes without exception? Where doubt is a sin? No amount of “from my perspective the Jedi are evil!” waffling is going to convince me that’s okay.

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Filthy Centrists.

Yeah they didn’t have empirical evidence. In the case of Stewards, we very much do.

It’s not that you can’t have slavery in video games. In fallout I love that slavery exists. When I play evil characters I like to work with slavers, when I play good characters I murder those slavers with impunity.

The problem with Warcraft including the slaves, or a race of intelligent creatures designed to be subservient it’s that we’re not allowed to go off the rails and go a different path. No matter what Covenant we choose, we gotta be buddy buddy with the blue cultists. If I had my way I’d slaughter all the Kyrians and free the cute Owls but that option doesn’t exist sadly. The best I can do is never have any of my characters join that horrid covenant.

It is more like beating a dusty rug: the real benefit is the rug is cleaner after getting all the crap knocked out of it.

When I say unironically, I mean they take it seriously, not me. What’s wrong with you three?

I’m talking about those threads where they literally apply it to real life.

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It relates to either side of politics with dogma. Press X to doubt anything on the left side and you get the same if not more violent reaction. The problem is more with peoples inability to let go of themselves than it is their doctrine itself.


Bastion are Nasties. And by Nasties i mean n a z i because blozzord are the thought police and they are suppressing my freedom.

The beatings will continue until moral improves, indeed.

Apparently I fail at remembering to hit a mute option. :woman_facepalming:t4:

Literally never said he was. I said he’s an example of why you don’t let ascended carrying souls keep their memories.

But seeing as how you are so entrenched in your closed minded perception to even remotely comprehend from an outside perspective without bias, I’m going to permanently put you on ignore. People like you are not the type I want to have conversations with. All you want to do is push your morals and beliefs onto someone else.

Now that I’m done forgetting to hit mute… I’ll leave this dumpster fire. This thread has too much closed mindedness in it. I can’t even believe how astounding it is that no one took the time to read and understand this video game storyline and took it so personally without paying attention to it all.

shakes head, leaves

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Do you realize that WoW is not real life and the characters abide by different laws and ways of life?

Better yet, do you realize the Shadowlands isn’t life at all. It’s death.


Hilarious. Just because literal slave owners used an invalid argument doesn’t mean it is invalid everywhere. And that’s doubly so WHEN IT’S A VIDEOGAME. Lol 2020s inability to find things to complain about so you have to take up the banner of supposed anti-slavery… in a freakin videogame. There’s not a single steward who complains about their state, not one who says they were kidnapped and transported to Bastion against their will, not one hooting bro who cries for family left behind. To all intents and purposes they behave as though they are what they are - happy to have been created. To serve. As Stewards.

This is 2020s wokebros doing the equivalent of finding inverted crosses in random pictures and rending their clothes about Satanism lurking everywhere.

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We are helping them in their training.
I will not argue with the methods used in Bastion to train the softest.

Discipline, order and virtue.

Bastion is not a vacation resort.

Uh, no they didn’t. They were property, not people. There was no grey area. They were considered less than human by the masters.

Finally, someone with a brain. The only time we see a distraught steward is when they can’t work.

A slave would be elated not to work.


Strikes me that there are two basic roles in all the shadowlands zones… you get to be a servant with a job/task, or you get to be a faceless floating soul that exists to have their anima drained. In Bastion, this anima is used to power the machines, in Ardenweald, it’s the spirit pods (though they get the luxury of an animal body), in Maldraxxus they seem to power the constructs, and in Revendreth they get “punished” as part of the anima harvesting.

My question is… where are all these plain/fuel souls? The drought explains the lack of new supply, but it doesn’t explain what’ s happened to the existing stock of souls. After aeons of the shadowlands existing… shouldn’t they be everywhere, just floating about all the zones? At the start of Bastion we’re shown a brief glimpse of Bastion “before” with regular souls floating down the road. So where did they go? Why are all the zones so suddenly bereft of these fuel-souls?

This drought has only been happening since Legion in our time, (Warbrave Oro is in Bastion) and ***** pod spirit is described as “recently arrived” in Ardenweald, so not much time has passed there, either.

Seems to me that, the Shadowlands, being an anima guzzler of a machine, just up and consumed these souls.* —A far more horrific possibility than some run of the mill brainwashing/slavery.

*to maintain their lifestyle? to keep the jailer locked up???