This is why I suggest everyone chill. We’re all looking at the first page of a book.
Reserve judgment for the conclusion / credit roll.
This is why I suggest everyone chill. We’re all looking at the first page of a book.
Reserve judgment for the conclusion / credit roll.
In Ardenweald the souls get reincarnated to serve or returned to life. In Revendreth, they have the opportunity to redeem themselves to return to life. Bastion I haven’t seen what happens to souls other than serving the greater good, and for Maldraxxus it’s about fulfilling their battle lust for eternity (not unlike Valhalla). Doesn’t seem all that different than human perceptions of the afterlife, much like the whole of WoW being based on mythology.
We’ve seen 5 of countless dimensions of the Shadowlands.
The way everyone keeps talking they make it sound like the Forsworn are the good guys.
In Ardenweald the souls get reincarnated to serve or returned to life
The nature spirits get to go back to life, others have a job - watching the groves, but the rest… the “plain” souls are apparently there to have their anima leeched to feed the spirits of nature.
I was literally arguing with a guy earlier today trying to convince me the Maw and the Jailer were the good guys. I didn’t even know how to respond, since the Maw is obviously Hell, a place of torment, and controlled by the Jailer lol
And the problem is? Souls that can actually change the universe go back. Those that aren’t impressive get left behind. Pretty much par for the course for our own reality.
Reminder the Kyrian are knowingly feeding souls into the maw and are a cult that wants to effectively kill it’s applicants so they can join, they are bad guys.
The Jailer might not be good, but it doesn’t mean the Shadowlands is a just place, either. Maybe it was, once upon a time, but from what I’ve seen, it just seems to exist to imprison the jailer and guzzle fuel-souls in the process.
It’s all “morally gray” as Blizzard would say… ><
At what point did I call the afterlife just? The Shadowlands is based on our own mythologies. Humans believe in this stuff today, down the road from you. Or do you think Heaven and Hell sound just? Have you read Dante’s Inferno?
Well alright then, Jailer bad, Shadowlands bad. But is the Jailer really more bad? I don’t know. We’re clearly set up to think so… but most of what we’ve heard is from the people/factions that imprisoned him… (somewhat biased)
We have also heard from Devos and Sylvanas, and they’re not foolish beings so perhaps there is some merit to what he wants to do. I’ve grown accustomed to (and bored of) seeing these as just cardboard villain motivations, in the same way that N’zoth’s disciples claim to have seen “his great truth.” But it would be more interesting if the cartoonishly obvious “villains” were, for once, not the actual villains.
Well, Sylvanas and the Jailer being the good guys after genocide would definitely cure me of my waning Wow addiction.
Ehh… what’s the slaughter of beasts and toy soldiers in tin plate on one tiny world, compared to the consumption of limitless quantities of sentient souls? It’s all relative… yay!
Except she wanted the whole of Azeroth dead, which is a world so loaded with sentient life everyone and their mother is trying to take it over and subjugate it. They haven’t explained why, but clearly Azeroth is important to the entire universe, life and death, of WoW.
I don’t know… maybe Azeroth is the last Titan, and the one with the power to re-originate/reset all existence if things get too bad.
<use: Activate your Heart of Azeroth to reset universe and launch WoW2>
“when i’m killing all your children, it means wake up, Azeroth, it’s time to do your job!..”
Somehow I get the feeling that at this point Azeroth is totally corrupted by Sargeras’ sword, and there’s going to be a whole expansion dedicated to saving her. I’m convinced she’s going to be central to the WoW arch and the good guys coming out on top…or she’s going to take the place of Sargeras, who the original devs conceived as the ultimate, final villain that Ion decided to take a poop on.
Good thing the game isn’t real life.
Good thing the game isn’t real life.
Can you imagine if it was… we’d have to discuss it at length in forums.
… wait.
Wow not being real would explain why I can’t make stuff by rubbing my hands together…
If they Doubt, it means they have the freedom to think.
You don’t want that.
In the World of Warcraft universe, the bosses cannot control the mind of their people with cheap entertainment, impulse buying in stores, etc. You beat them up.
what? you can’t?
Ahh…that’s my bad.
She was also a tough as nails lion-eagle hybrid who can take a punch or two without it hurting her too much.