What. The. Hell. Bastion

Yeah, I’ve seen the cinematic. Not only was he given a choice, he went evil and tossed Arthas into the Maw lol

guess you skipped over the first 5 seconds after he died and was already forced into a blue human-like creature and set on his way to becoming an aspirant without given the option for either one, as instead you’re trying to justify this with things that happened months or even years… later in the cinematic.

Oh, okay, so the basic process of the afterlife you don’t understand and deem “forced.”

His actions in life made him a Kyrian. Every choice he ever made turned him into an aspirant.

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you do realize what your saying also can be deemed racist or prejudice in real life… just because you were born in a certain economic background, parents were of a certain social class, born in a certain country, of a certain ethnicity/religion, or trained in a certain occupation/role, etc, that you are not allowed to or not accepted into a different status, or are filtered into a certain role in life/society.

The powers that be don’t care about their “employees” like the Kyrian. As long as the drudges do their job and keep the machine humming, all is well. The entire Shadowlands is/was a horrifying anima extraction scheme, and the anima must flow!

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Can we just talk about the fact that some Aspirants basically fall into doubt caused depression and insanity?

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Uther is also the only Kyrian that has a beard… or at least that I can recall at this point.

There is reason for it. They work towards becoming the ones who usher the dead across. You can’t have someone with feelings and memories and history doing that.

People seem to not understand that the Shadowlands is much like a machine. And we’re trying to look at it from a mortal, human perspective. And we can’t.

Because those souls need to be brought to the Shadowlands. Otherwise, they’re left to suffer, be in terror, be raised against their will or destroyed rather painfully.

Except they haven’t. Again, you’re looking at this from the wrong perspective.

Okay. You need to take a step back and view the whole board.

It absolutely isn’t evil.

Did you actually pay attention in Revendrety? Because that’s not what was happening to everyone. Many were tortured beyond redemption, thrown into the Light, thrown into the Maw, hunted down and tortured some more.

Listen to the Prince and understand that not everything we witnessed was part of the true path of Revendreth.

They did not.

That’s how it’s supposed to work, but wasn’t recently under Denathrius.

All of this. :point_up:

Except they don’t. As a 911 dispatcher, this is not always true. The Kyrian Ascended need to be 100% sure. And all memories are preserved.


You remember that part of the game where it was just a game?

It is entirely possible we are going to go Demolition Man on the afterlife, and burn it all down.

I’ll also be the first to say it. Although I do want Sylvanas to pay for her crimes, if the writers can suitably show us and sell to us in a plausible way that what is going on across the entire afterlife is borked, and she creates a way for those who died to be restored or an answer to undeath finally found; (which is not a stretch since Spirit Healers have been doing this for a while and their probably rogue Kyrian that disagree with the Archon now that we know more)

Yeah, I would be alright with Sylvanas getting a redemption story in that sense and I’d tell Danuser and the other writers, “Well played. I didn’t see that coming.” Ultimately I just want to get a good story out of the deal. Pretty sure that’s all any of us want in the end.

I also kind of hope we learn more on the connection between Arthas and Yogg-Saron. Maybe the Shadowlands was “The God of Death” doing to the afterlife, what he did to the Emerald Dream? Pervert and corrupt the purpose of it somehow? It would redeem the Old Gods some too, and make their legacy as well as the Void’s more interesting.

It would be interesting if they added a little more depth to the Kyrian front, such as explaining that the memories are only temporarily gone (rather than the current forced removal and archiving of them). I mean why archive them at all if they are considered a liability?

Then the story could follow that after ages of a person being a Kyrian, they grow tired of it and are permitted to move on to another afterlife (such as how Draka might in time leave Maldraxxus to be with Durotan). That would more a lot more sense, as it would imply that the Kyrian regains their memories at that time, and better fit the mission statement they are supposed to “exist to serve”.

Maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be and the Archon messed it up? Maybe the Jailer messed it up and that resulted in the new and more sterile Kyrian? I certainly hope we find out more on this front, as it would make the scenario a little more relatable if you were giving up who you are, to do a job that requires impartiality and non-bias, such as say becoming a Judge etc.

Then when your job is done, you can retire to rest peacefully and reclaim ‘who’ you are.

Either way, I’ll reserve full judgment till I have the entire story at Expansion’s end.

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There’s absolutely no evidence to support this in any way, shape or form other than, “the Path says so.”

None of the other Covenants work on so demented a system. If souls need to be prohibited from working on their worlds of origin, then fine, but erasing their very identities, as if that were necessary? As if there were no other reasonable way? … that’s absolutely ridiculous.

Why not? The Shadowlands are broken - static, unthinking, unquestioning adherence to assumption is exactly why it is. The way the Shadowlands is “supposed” to work broke so badly, every single instance of death is now ultimate damnation.

That’s not a defensible system.

Yes, because the Maw, WarCraft’s answer to literal Hell, is so much better of a fate than that. Because a few ghosts are bad, we have to consign souls to the ultimate in suffering, and let them empower the enemy of all existence because of it? Yeah, no.

If the souls needs to be brought to the Shadowlands then fine, bring them, but you don’t pitch them down the happy funslide to Hell.

Except they have. The fact that the Path and Arbiter have been erasing the memories and identities of these souls is not a matter of “perspective” but observable fact.

No, you need to stop trying to make excuses for an indefensible system that’s responsible for the violation of the most selfless and noble souls the universe has to offer.

It absolutely is.


Except there is. Or are you just going to ignore Uther?

It’s not demented.

… because we’re mortal humans with an entirely different perspective. How do you not understand this?

It is because breaking down the system literally breaks all of reality.

Wrong. The Arbiter doesn’t erase anything. Nor does the Path. Only those who choose to ascend in Bastion to ferry those souls across willingly give up their identities and then their memories are stored for safe keeping.

You need to start getting a better perspective on things. You’re only seeing it from your opinion.

Is this how you judge religions and cultures, too? Because your attitude is concerning.


I have a theory that The Maw is just one truly massive Y’ogg Saron’s mouth…how hilarious would that be? That would make the true size of Old gods and thus Void lords by extension unimaginably massive…

Naw mate, 2020s America pop culture values are universal and eternal and as they are the final point of human thought, will never themselves change or be thought of as obsolete, let alone illogical or reactionary.

So you’re saying I’m wasting my time here trying to get people to understand this?

It’s all about the pursuit of perfect objectivity, which I don’t think any living person, much less a living mortal, can achieve. A soul is going to be influenced by their life and that could cause them to pass judgement on those they are meant to ferry across to the Shadowlands.

it’s not their place to decide where the souls go, that’s the Arbiter’s. You can’t have your mortal influences and be capable of performing this vital task without judgement.

What would you do to ensure the Kyrians are not tempted by their judgement to cast a soul where they feel is best, as we saw Uther and Devos do with Arthas?

Thank you!

I swear, I have spent more time running errands for THEM on WQs and bonus objectives earlier today. They’re fine.

Like I said - send the robots in.

The Kyrians are clearly not meant to be “impartial” - they’re not meant to think at all. If the “vital task” demands rote, unthinking adherence to programming, then well gee, wouldn’t it be nice if we just had a whole bunch of unthinking, unfeeling, 100% objective automatons hanging around – OH WAIT.

If having any sort of identity or personality is so toxic to the process of playing death taxi, and that’s all that’s involved, then why waste the most noble of souls on so menial a task? The Kyrians aren’t defending the integrity of the Shadowlands, fighting for some ideal, or facing off against some great evil. They’re not crusaders. They’re not champions. They just fetch souls. That’s it. They’re the Uber of the Afterlife.

Why are we wasting the most noble of souls on this? The “best” people aren’t righteous defenders… they’re taxi drivers. All their righteousness, all their nobility, all their virtue and worth… all that they fought for and held dear, all that they valued, and it’s all paved over with “the Path” so they can be good little couriers?

You have all these outstanding, “best” people, and you’re leaching away those qualities, all so they can be unthinkingly subservient to a broken and flawed and senseless system.


Except that the Kyrians can and do think for themselves. They have their own aspirations, identities, and pursuits as Kyrians. The questline in which we see the Kyrian who favor Larions over phalanxes indicates as much.

What if automatons are not capable of the task?


well, depends on what you mean by wasting your time. Once the “so-woke-I-need-to-complain-about-corporal-punishment-in-a-game-called-World-of-Warcraft” get kids of their own who will delight in rebelling against 2020s wokeness, things will change in a hurry. until then, enjoy the popcorn :slight_smile: