What. The. Hell. Bastion

I honestly have no idea what you’re trying to say.

Maybe reword it into english.

They were used and discarded into the Maw they had no where else to go. Other realms they never return to.

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We are explicitly told otherwise by people who have no reason to lie to us.

It believes in the path and process or it gets the hose again!

If you’re talking about Kyrian, they’re given a choice to become one of them. It’s not forced. They choose to give up their individuality for the greater good.

Is it completely lost on people this is the afterlife and the living forms of the souls that go there no longer matter?


Your mortal experiences make you who you are. If you erase everything that made that soul noble, you remove the very traits you wanted them for.


Yeah, right. Uther turned out so noble by keeping his identity…

You know what else you keep if you stay who you were in life? Your hatreds, your biases, your flaws, etc.


Yeah? Fun fact: People do their jobs without letting those things get in the way all. The. Time.

That’s normal, having to erase everything about yourself and become a featureless peg in a machine just to be a taxi is not.


Are you saying we are lied to and fooled by our eyes at what we seen? That the suffering and torture these folks endured was all an illusion ? Or our you really well to accept this?

Again, pay attention to what happened to Uther, a once noble Paladin, when he was allowed to retain his individuality, he remembered his death, the suffering, and tossed Arthas into the Maw without judgement.

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No. I’m saying you are an idiot who didn’t understand what he read, because somehow being explicitly told the exact opposite of what you think by an impartial source before you even go to Revendreth isn’t enough to convince you.

Oh wow.

Exactly one person, who literally had their soul torn in half and had a devil whispering in their ear, went off the rails.

Clearly this means every single person who still has feelings will dump all their enemies straight into hell.

Whoes he? And you are showing bias ,and thank you for your insult. Good day i’m off.

And what was that “devil” whispering? Did it perhaps pertain to his life and keeping his identity and getting vengeance rather than justice? Yep. Totally just one person and not a great example of what would happen if souls retained their identities to judge, because we all know the Horde and Alliance feud wouldn’t continue in the afterlife if they all retained what they were in life…lmao…

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Tal-Inara, The Honored Voice

Revendreth is quite possibly the most… efficient… realm at extracting anima Perhaps they can lend aid where others cannot.

Know that while souls sometimes return from Revendreth, they are never the same when they do. It is a dark realm, where those the Arbiter deems worthy of a chance of redemption are sent.

Their path, however, is not an easy one.

Kah-Sher will assist you in opening the gateway to Revendreth. Meet him in the Ring of Transference.

Literally the very first quest where you even hear about Revendreth.

Unless you mean to say the mouthpiece of the Arbiter and the main source of all exposition in the expansion is lying to you, for no reason whatsoever.

The wing wang is a powerful blinder~

Even if Kyrian, you can only become a kyrian, only if you become a human, because any other race is unfit to be kyrian… if you don’t believe that is racism, regardless if the individuals choose to be willing to race chance and lose their racial individualities, then you are blind.

If adapted to real life, that would equivalent to if you are black or minority/poc, if you want to become a police officer, politician, or a higher position in society, you must choose to be changed into a white person.

You’re projecting the real world into a fantasy game. A Tauren chooses not to be Tauren anymore. The Kyrian are meant not to be individuals, so they have basic forms that are all similar.

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Then if that’s the case then they would be formless entities, such as a soul aberration or a totally different appearance from any of the living/mortal races.

They’re blue with wings. No human is blue with wings.

tell that to uther, who was forcefully changed into a blue human-like thing you say isn’t human, the instant he entered the afterlife and not given a choice to become an aspirant or not as we clearly saw in the Uther cinematic.

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