What. The. Hell. Bastion

Until Morale Improves, The Beatings Will Continue. :hammer:


Bastion has some serious moral issues.

For example, everyone who disagrees with the Archon is vaguely darker … what?

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Ah Monty Python… A better show there never was. Well unless you consider Buster Scruggs.



Ultimately, the fundamental concept of the Bastion is broken. Even if it “worked” which… no, it’s very clear they don’t want people doing this job.

They want blank, faceless, unquestioning machines.

Identities are erased in the name of “impartiality” but really, there’s no reason for it. Nothing showcased of the Kyrians is applicable to their function - collect souls, dump them in the soul queue. That’s it, that’s all they’re intended to do, up to and including disregarding the fact that the entire process is broken and they’re actively damning the undeserving. Don’t think, just perform the actions assigned. Execute “SoulGoesInBasket.exe”

Put wings on a sufficiently advanced Roomba, and you get the same result. Thus, there’s no justifying their methods or ideologies or even their very existence. Remove the Aspirants and Ascended, replace them with more of the robots and bipedal owls to keep them running.

The Bastion’s whole underlying thesis is unjustified, even if it was functioning “properly”. Thinking, judgement, consideration - no. Just put the soul in the funnel and move onto the next one. That’s what being Ascended means. The Bastion is erasing the memories and identities of the most noble souls in the cosmos… for nothing.

To that end, Uther and the Forsworn are right, alliance with the Maw or no. The Archon and Bastion have perpetuated the most damning of violations onto the best souls ever to die since existence began, all while traipsing around in a guise of “nobility.” The Maw itself would be hard pressed to compete with that level of sheer evil. The Jailer is hardly the only Eternal who needs to be locked away in a pit of endless suffering for crimes against existence.


Yeah, exactly. Though I’m sensing that is a central theme of shadowlands. All of the covenants are fundamentally flawed in one way or another, which is what enabled the jailor to attack them all politically.

Where’s the flaw in Ardenweald?

Sure they’re having to take some extreme measures to survive in the drought, but they’re clearly torn up about it and only acting because they have no other choice.

It’s a far cry from bastions “these brats aren’t taking my every word as gospel, go beat the stupid out of them.”

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Actually i’m not sure. That’s the only one that makes me scratch my head a bit, though there are definitely bad faeries.

Our player in the game literally does anything for gold or gear… Someone tells us to do something, they flash a little gold our way, we shrug n say ok

And our player is a mercenary and not expected to be a paragon of righteousness.

Our player is not an instructor who’d ordering violence on the people they’re meant to instruct.

But, you got something shiny for it… They didn’t feel like doing it, you happened by, they asked if you would do it, then you did it lol

Can we spare Stanikos?

As a child who was regularly beaten for being an atheist by my dad… this world quest makes me feel pretty awful on the inside…

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I wouldn’t call the Bastion “flawed” - I’d call it straight up evil.

Yes, Revendreth was prideful, yes, Maldraxxus was fractured, and yes Adrenweald is pathologically twee… but those are points of interest and workable. The flaws don’t subvert their whole entire concept.

Bastion… can’t be fixed. There’s no way to make it work - even if the Archon throws her hands up and says, “okay, fine, no more brainwashing, and also here’s how to undo the brainwashing and restore all the stolen memories” that doesn’t absolve her from the eons of brainwashing she’s already guilty for.

The other covenants need various forms of fixing, but Bastion needs to be completely torn down and rebuilt.


For Maldraxxus!

I would disagree,nothing is worse then being alive with your memories and suffering continually like what the Sire did too his folks in Revendreth .


But he didn’t though.

Sure they suffered. But the worked through it and made peace with it, and became better people for it.

There was no eternal suffering. Eventually you work through your crap and move on, like a normal, healthy, well adjusted individual.

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Too what end a slave to dictator or monster covered it up with lies.

“Or were you just born with a heart full of …Neutrality?”

That line always cracks me up XD

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No most of them left Revendreth and went on to the other realms where they belonged.

Left there? So they can affect others in that way of thought they never learn then and where did they belong if they were sent there in the first place?