Maybe it wont let you report because hes making valid points
False flagging will only get you so far from the truth, if you refuse to take it from me look at some other poster’s perspectives on your own thread:
Sounds like blizzard ‘invited’ him over for drinks.
It’s an issue with the fact that in the older forums people did abuse reporting. But, I can’t really say the new system is any better. Because they promised “more aggressive forum moderation.”
Except the trash is still here. And the only aggression I ever seem to see is when you dare and speak out against anything that is deemed Politically Correct.
I still not entirely convinced those aren’t both your accounts.
that and players should be grouping up with one another this is an mmo a game desgined to be social
if ppl want to solo stuff? go play a single player game.
Do the world a favor and just stop posting.
Nothing you add is of value you to the conversation
100% agreed!
Sumtingwong has only said one productive thing on the topic. That perhaps we need more levels, and/or more powers. More powers could do a lot to deal with the power spikes in mobs. So long as they don’t increase mob power to compensate.
Everything else he’s said has been pretty much in line with Tupac. So yeah, either they’re the same account or they’re good friends.
Sumtingwong is also apparently a very new account.
Anyway, even if I gave the trolls a little credit for their points, they’re still missing mine. The loss of progression that I had. I WAS doing floor 5-6. Now I’m stuck on floor 3. To lose that much progression feels awful and blizzard shouldn’t have done it.
And you are a level 10 panda, no wonder you are struggling with torghast
i think its hilarious that people dont have to awareness to realize that anima powers are like 50% of the reason for clearing a layr 8 this week or a layer 6 last week. I had die by the sword on a 24 sec cd that lasted 30 secs last week. I finished layer 6 barely taking damage…
Just because your run of layer 8 you had great RNG and made it through fine doesnt mean sht. Powers can literally carry you, its all you need. Except last week sht powers meant you could finish a high layer with better skill, this week sht powers mean your dead.
And yet I can reach layer 3 on him just fine. So stop saying it’s a matter of skill.
Why does anyone need to be blamed?
You hit your gear or skill limit. You’ll easily have a legendary by now, so why are you so concerned about getting every unit of ash?
Oh he’s definitely stupid lol. He’s just also a no life troll to boot.
You only get so many reports per character, per day or something. You can switch to an alt to do it if you want, just be aware that it drives him up the wall because he thinks it’s abuse or something and he’ll bring it up any time he sees your name again. Not that I would know or anything.
Just make sure you’re only reporting them once yourself, reporting on multiple alts is probably against the rules.
Be careful, having an opposite opinion of the Torghast Hate Echo Chamber will result in posters like below:
Dude, you sound like a bad customer service rep. Tone deaf, unable to recognize that someone has a different experience than you, shilling for the company, and spouting out the same tired lines in every conversation.
I cleared level 8 today in the higher up instance, I don’t really know what they’re called or how it works. on my shadow priest. IT was brutal. I had 4 deaths, one of the floor bosses was nearly unkillable but I pulled it off. It was blasting me with spells that would hit me for like 80% of my health and the boss had 400k hp. My item level was about 184.
IT’s really important you get good anima powers you’re pretty much screwed. IT’s way too hard right now and I can see how it’s frustrating for players who aren’t good players. You really can’t afford to get bad anima powers or your wasting your time.
Just because we have different opinions doesn’t make you or I a troll, and it doesn’t invalidate either of our points of view either. All i’m saying is that Ion and the Dev team have spent a lot of time figuring out what the player needs before they knew they needed it, and it shows in how successful the expansion is.