What the forums need is a thread auto-lock after certain time of inactivity

Why would I need a visible account identifier to press “Ignore” and never see anyone’s posts they make on any character ever again? We don’t need to see someone’s Btag for Blizzard to make the system do account-wide things.

We know Blizzard can make things functional at an account-wide level (forum punishments) without anyone seeing someone’s Bnet details. This is no different. I should be able to press Ignore on your character and never see any posts from any character under your Bnet again, without a care in the world as to what your Btag is.

You should.

But like I said: Blizzard’s primary goal is to protect trolling.

Not a huge issue doesn’t mean it is not an issue. Take for example, the most known, T-Squad. Tell me that isn’t a huge issue back in its time of being at the worst. When the said person was sockpuppeting between a lot of alts to put more hate towards the LGBTQ+ community. When they were impersonating as several respected members of the community.

Tell me that wasn’t a huge issue when it was at it’s worse? All it takes is one person, to make it a bigger problem, and it doesn’t even take long at all.


I just put them all on ignore and barely engaged.

As I said:


So you could have all your post history and trust level in one place that you don’t loose from a re-name or server transfer.

The only surefire way is to just turn the forums off and reset the servers with thermite.

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Thing is, when we’re ignoring, we’re only ignoring the character. Our ignores are not unlimited, and but creating a new character just to troll the forums, just to delete to repeat the entire process again is. Yes, not engaging is a strong move. But remember, this is the WoW Forums. Someone is always going to be the fish, and is always going to take the bait, and it just takes one bite, for the person trolling to keep going.

Why would that require a visible identifier though? That can be yet another account-wide feature that doesn’t require anyone else to know identifiers.

Do you see the theme of my stance? I’m not against account-wide things at all, especially given that that very scenario you just mentioned negatively impacts people who do nothing wrong at all, but we don’t need to know someone’s Btag for Blizzard to implement functionality that does account-wide stuff on the backend.

Anyways, not to spoil the party of anything, but how did this thread end up turning about having an auto-lock feature to battletags?

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Has anyone actually hit a limit on the forums? Pretty sure one doesn’t exist.

And again, absolutely nowhere did I claim I was against Btags. So I’m not sure why this is turning into some debate.

I gave information. Do with it as you please. But the forums most likely aren’t going to change. If they do anything, it’ll probably just be backend account wide.

Because every thread about the forums turns into a Btag debacle. :slightly_frowning_face:

They have the technology to do it too, because the Technical Support forums on NA does this.

I was going to and had every intention of doing so, but a couple of friends returned at the last minute that gave me just enough incentive to stay at the time…my financial situation also greatly improved over the past month, which was the main reason I was about to leave.

It still might not be enough to keep me around though, as doesn’t feel like the friendships that kept me around are really enough, so I would say that I plan on quitting again eventually, but what tends to happen is every time I’m about to quit a friend is just nice enough to me to keep me around a slight while longer. :woman_shrugging:

That’s honestly what it takes…good friends, in a somewhat hostile community. But I am still not really feeling it right now, as I’m a bit disappointed that the old friends that came back didn’t really stick around for that long…no matter though.

I think I committed a microaggression a few years ago that I wasn’t banned for yet. You dudes should check that out before they start locking old threads!!


Sorry I don’t agree. People who are anti religion but then they reveal they’re into the occult are just lol (talking about Shreds not you). I respect what you think though, just not my thing.

Do old thread bumps bother you so much that you made this thread?

I think I dropped a quarter in a thread 2 years ago, you might want to ban me for that too.


This seems like a jab after the “Please no Btags” necro that ruffled the OPs feathers.

It’s not a necessary feature. Just ignore the thread.

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Tl;dr = That was a lot of words for: Religion is both good and bad.

No worries. There’s a difference between understanding and explaining the core philosophies behind a religious and/or spiritual constructs and believing or investing yourself in them personally. I read about all sorts of things that come across my desk. Just because I read Tao manuscripts, does not make me a Taoist. Nor does reading about String Theory make me a quantum physicist. It just makes me an avid reader with a broad library.

I’ve read about religions and spirituality across timelimes and cultures because they engage a significant facet of human thought and behavior. Spiritual background shapes values, beliefs and social norms. There are tons of literatures and mythologies along with philosophies out there that have vast complexities.

Since I’ve not read what Shreds has to say, I can’t speak to his mindset. I can tell you a general truth that I’ve found. Many who pursue alternate spiritualities ARE anti-religion in that they are against the institution, rather than the content of the spirituality they preach. Meaning, that people don’t like when organized religions try to exert control over what we read, who we marry, how much time and money we volunteer to their causes, or dictate to us what we should be passionate about.

Major religions have obliterated and oppressed many forms of knowledge and wiped away rich cultural practices. They’ve murdered and tortured many in their zeal to evangelize the world and purge pagan or heretical beliefs. There’s a real sense of, ‘assimilate into our flock or be destroyed’ at times. Major religious institutions have also backed things like Magdelene Laundries and boarding schools that have literally murdered and abused children by the thousands. We have the most records of this happening to Native Americans as Europeans settled America. However, it is suspected as Christianity swept up through Europe it was also an issue for medieval populations as well.

So. Given all that shtuffs… Religion comes with some thorns. However, it has also been a driving force in the building of vital roads, schools and hospitals all over the world. It doesn’t do that as much now that we are post industrial revolution. But overall, religion has had massive impact for better and worse as we ride into this peculiar reality we call modern life.

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the torah/bible/quran are the most anti authoratarian militant texts ever written

if you go to church every sunday and listen to your pastor drone on about how jesus loves you no matter what, you are missing out on basically everything else in the bible

jesus even says stuff like this:

Matthew 10:35

don’t even get me started on the old testament, I made a thread here called “garrosh or the old testament” that I think I got banned for HAHAHAHHAH

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