What the forums need is a thread auto-lock after certain time of inactivity

Third easiest way to get rid of trolling: Stop making obvious bait posts like that.

That’s not going to stop trolling. There are tons of people who don’t care about Btags that will troll regardless.

This doesn’t make much sense and something they’d never do anyway.

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Oof. Too many class forums already have problems with level 10 trolls. I’d keep the lowbie alt posting to the off-topic forums only.

What, scared you’d loose your ability to create a burner forum character?

I find it ironic that anything that can be used to help improve the forums, you call it nonsense.

Any form of forum identity, including Blizzard’s owned BattleTags, it’s nonsense.
Any form of an auto-lock feature on inactive threads, it’s nonsense.

Like, what is that saying? That you rather people breaching in the rules, because you encourage it? Actually, you know what is nonsense? You creating a thread saying you’re quitting in July, here we are, in August, and you are still here.


The point of btags is to make it so people can’t hide who they are by constantly changing from 1 character to another.


How do you know if it is multiple people or just one person on multiple alts?

Exactly. It removes a decent amount of the burden of knowledge required to not feed the troll if they can’t just evade your ignore for free with near 0 effort.

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On the old forums, when you ignored somebody, it ignored ALL their characters.

(Made spotting sock-puppets from a mile away easy, too. It was always amazing how you’d ignore somebody cuz they were being a jerk, and suddenly 15 other posters in the same thread were now ignored, too.)


Oh, that was amazing. But the problem was, it made it easy for Third Party Sites to still track, even if you had the option to disable within the account settings. Basically, there was a flaw for it to work.

First of all, nobody needs to know your btag for Blizzard to change the system backend so that all ignores, flags, likes, and everything else is Bnet account-wide. Forum punishments already operate in this manner and nobody needs to know your Btag for that to work, so why should everything else be different?

Second of all, suggestions to lock players out of a catch-all forum are something I’d expect to read on a Sunday. It’s asinine to even suggest such a thing.

  1. Blues told us this isn’t as much of a problem as people think it is.
  2. I never said I was against it. I’m saying there are literally people around here who just don’t care if it’s Btag or not, they’re going to troll regardless.

See above.

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This isn’t supposed to be the catch-all. That’s supposed to be off topic.

And nobody at Blizzard EVER tells a lie.

Yeah, you’re not even worth talking to with that nonsense.

If people were saying it’s was a level 8 problem, and it was only a level 7, that’s not as big of a problem as people were saying it was, while still being a problem.

Everyone who works at Blizzard is an alt of Pinocchio.

It’s a catch-all for anything and everything WoW-related. The context of your suggestion is WoW character levels.

That’s for everything not WoW-related.

Moving goalposts. We’ve seen a number of threads over there where people asked if they could have a SFA verify they weren’t someone else. And the SFAs keep telling us that it’s not some huge issue. Yes, there are some. But not enough to warrant some huge change to the forums.

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The idea is less to lock out people who could otherwise be there, and more to increase the effort/expense required to change your forum posting identity (since you’re against having a single visible account identifier).