What the forums need is a thread auto-lock after certain time of inactivity

You’ll summon them 2x more.


I’m not surprised that you think people hiding their true selves from their ‘friends’ isn’t a bad thing.

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Best not to engage. They’ve already sockpuppeted another thread and they keep bringing this one back when it dies off after an hour.

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But then how will people report a post you made 2 years ago? Someone please think of the children!!

We don’t get a lock because Blizzard thinks NA is bad, and we need to be punished.

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Those poor children.

Blizzard is right. The NA is bad. Lucky I’m AU, so I can say that :stuck_out_tongue:


Holy necro, Batman!

well i, for one, am glad we had this discussion. i felt that it really enlivened the discourse on this thread.

thank you so much for sharing your opinion, friend :slight_smile:

The discourse in NA is far more toxic. Read a side by side U.S. vs EU thread you can tell which is which.

They should lock U.S. thread after a week of inactivity or as soon as the thread gets derailed by politics.

Blizzard’s primary concern is in protecting trolls.

They need to make ignores and such account-wide (like they used to be on the old forums), get rid of sockpuppeting, and remove the ability of people to hide their activity & profiles. (The SUREST sign of a Troll is that their activity/profile is hidden. Every time.)

I do have to remind myself sometimes that when im posting on the EU forums i have to actually be nice to people.

After spending so long here, snark and sarcasm has become the default way to communicate haha


I generally agree, though I sometimes benefit from threads I like being necroed.

sometimes a new post to an old thread is not a bad thing… a person could find the thread and add newfound information to the discussion that really helps resolve the issues that the thread has covered.

Awww, nooooo

:confused: :confounded:

We’re supposed to be nice here, but we just don’t want too.

In fact, when we get the paddlin from Blizzard, we throw hissy fits :rofl:

Threads from 4 years ago shouldn’t be popping up out of the blue.


So, just like the classic forums. Makes sense.

Counterpoint: who was the last classic character you’ve seen on retail GD who wasn’t a troll?

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That too! :laughing:

easiest way to get rid of 95% of trolling: btag as root account identifier.

2nd easiest way to get rid of 85% of GD trolling: retail GD is only for level 60+ retail characters (evokers have to wait until 70).

Everyone else will be free to post in any of the other sections of the forums they currently can.