What the forums need is a thread auto-lock after certain time of inactivity

I do this almost every day… LOL

I’ve necroed threads, usually in bug reports to ask, “Is this fixed yet?” In fact I just pulled one up from Dec. 2022 asking about when they’ll get around to making primal mooncloth cleansable/craftable at moonwells again without needing TSM overlay to get it to work.

But there’s definitely some posts here that could decay off into nothingness and we’d all be just fine for it.

Funny thing is, a lot of necroed threads are the product of people searching on Google for the answer to a question, and it’s Google that points them to some ancient cave painting of a thread.


If you have a EU character at all your US sub let’s you use their forums.

And the tech support forum has this auto close too.

While they’re at it blizzard can add a block button to these forums too.

yes, i agree with this… many people who post to an old thread are new players that are just looking for answers in regards to the game.

i think its a very good idea to keep these threads open, so that new players can find the guidance that they seek.

if we closed off all old threads, then new players may be left without a resource to help them.

thank you very much for your opinion on the matter, i really appreciated it, friend :slight_smile:

there is a block function. If you click on a characters portrait and view their activity, you can ignore them. It can get a little wonky sometimes and will show posts occasionally but it’ll hide 100% of their posts sometimes of the time.

I miss this guy and his anti-interrupt stance. Made me laugh.


From what I recall, Shreds claimed, unabashedly, to be a Satanist.

Dude was kooky.

I just made a Frappuccino and realized. You have to use something called xanthem gum to keep the ice from floating to top

He did, among many other things.

Guy wasn’t shy, you can say that for him.

If you are referring to the Ragefire Chasm time capsule, unfortunately that got closed after someone got offended at the final bump.


Satanism isn’t quite as scary as it sounds, if you take it outside of the vilification that religions have brought upon the characters.

The adversary that stood up to the Biblical God did so in quite a painful twist. The Creator asked the angels, particularly the adversary to serve we lesser humans. The adversary, knowing we were flawed pleaded with God: ‘You are the Lord, my God, I wish to serve no other but you.’

The profession of sole loyalty to only the Creator (which we are all supposedly to faithfully submit to God’s will) was exactly the thing that got him yeeted out of Heaven.

Hence the saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Satan had a good intention - he wanted to be loyal ONLY to God. But it was to such an extreme it was seen as arrogance, in that he refused to aid we lesser creation things. Satanism at the core is about the two sided nature of free will. Darned if you do (chained to a hellish job of babysitting imperfect humans destined to betray the creator), darned if you don’t (yeeted out of the kingdom).

Now, the rest of the stuff that got barb wire cult wrapped around Satanism. That’s a whole different walk through some very unpleasant brambles. I never saw very much of Shreds, but going through the pathways of witchcraft and paganism rarely means you’re a true satanist - only that you got introduced to it via the pop culture channels and books that lead you into some fringe occult corners.

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yes, friend. i hold the same opinion as you, i believe that this issue broached by the OP is not a big problem.

Right, but 90% of the crossover I’ve seen is EU posters coming here on a level 10, posting inflammatory stuff or just flat trolling here (possibly to hide from their EU ‘friends’)

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I don’t really think this is a problem though, I think that this is OK.

Thanks for your input, though, friend :slight_smile:

Blizzard be like

Too late. I think a certain someone has indeed been summoned.

Oh not this nonsense again of Ayu saying what should and shouldn’t be on the forum…

When people necro threads I just remind them that necromancer isnt yet a class.

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