Darkmoon Carnie Crew - Elite RP guild now recruiting all level 61 death knights with student debts they need to pay!
Nope, and in retail the saying goes “pvp happened in wm, git gud or turn it off” yet in classic there is no countermeasure… Unless we’re talking about the “bring friends excuse”, truly the brilliance of the RP community, the hypocrisy, there is just no end to how much it amuses me.
Wrong faction. Plus, I am level 62. Not 61.
Change faction. Reduce your level. Feed the Darkmoon war machine. Or else.
Lets back up. So what is an RP server? What is an RP community? Who are RP leaders? What dictates that? What is the RP like here?
Simple; a RP server is a server specifically dedicated by Blizzard for individuals to play on who wish to include RP in their WoW experience. A RP community is simply the whole of those people who actively, or passively, par take in role play. The “leaders” are just those who take the initiative in creating an environment that continuously fosters RP. Only the community can dictate who or what those leaders are. One can host events, be active on the forums, partake in discords, go to events, and write stories all they want but it is up to the community to tag someone a leader. Those who title themselves leaders do none of those.
So what is the RP like here? It is guild centric, it is PvP focused (we were of course the RP-PvP realm), it is close. Walk ups are slim, but they always have been. As a server, we communicate best we can from guild to guild, we offer as many open events as we can, and we try to promote each other. Its certainly different that what you would get from MG or WrA, though that is because of how we were structured since vanilla. Overall, it is still a healthy server despite all of Blizzards changes to it.
What does this have to do with us in particular? Honestly?
Us at Redwood do not consider ourselves the leaders of ED. We simply are active members in a greater community. Some of us have been here for a long time, near a decade now, some of us have only been here since Legion. Regardless of how long any of our members have been here, we have always acted with community in mind offering events, lessons, a guild to join, a newspaper to read, and a discord to feel welcome in. If people would like to think of us as leaders then that is their prerogative. We will not change course to be less active simply not be considered “leaders.”
WoW is at a tough time right now. BfA promised great things, but fell flat on its face as far as delivery goes. It created a tear in the player base, particularly among RPers the most, that has not healed and has only gotten worse. 8.2 offered little in content. Repetitive, a poor narrative, and little hope for the future. 8.2.5 has offered even less, arguably made the narrative worse regardless of where you fell on it, and has teased hope.
Classic has also dropped and its been just over a month. You are all correct in that we diverted many resources to Classic. We have helped lead events, we have partaken in others, we expanded the Newspaper to include it, we are leveling. We also continue our Retail events. We have a solid group of people who raid. We’ve continued both without detracting anything from what we have done. Many who found us in classic also have a growing interest in retail. We continue to make it to events, to stay an active member of Emerald Dream. Others jump on when they can, life always comes first.
The real question is what does it matter to any of you what we do though? Who is anyone else to attempt to dictate what we do, or do not do? We’re still here on the server, just as anyone else is, and we don’t intend on going anywhere else anytime soon.
“Hypocrisy”? Kinda like somebody who actively goes out of his way to ruin other people’s events, poison the community, and drive people away chastising people who have done more to build up the community and welcome new players into it than anyone else for destroying the community. Then, going around acting like his cringey echo chamber of a guild is “offering a home to the RP community since everyone else bailed”, while at the same time bragging about how much damage he has done to said community?
These are your words and actions, yet you sit there accusing Lohk, who has done nothing but be kind and welcoming to everyone he meets, of “tripping on his words”, when you’ve deliberately twisted and intentionally misunderstood them to bait him into continuing to engage you, yet your words are so twisted and contradictory it’s painfully obvious you’re not even trying to act like you have a point, you’re just using the same tired troll tactics you always have, because you just want to antagonize and get a reaction.
You’re the biggest hypocrite on these forums, and you know it as well as anybody. The only thing Lohk did was ban you from the discord, and frankly I applaud him for it. It’s a much more pleasant place to be now, and it was a long time coming.
Yes the sitting around a campfire event… I find it ironic how you say it’s pvp focused as people get banned if they’re not Redwood Butt-buddies, and I ain’t the first, as for your peacekeepers…
If this is the case why isn’t Thelesia a peacekeeper then, he’s always doing cross faction events and rp in general. Oh right, (Insert Redwood Quality here)
Then let us, as a community, dictate who the moderators of the community are. Let us, the community, pick who we feel would be best suited as moderators. I can make a list of all the great people I think should be moderators.
You may not consider it, but others do because you guys are the moderators.
Kicking people for WPvP isn’t very welcoming.
Nobody asked you to do this.
Because you guys are the moderators of the RP community.
You guys dictate what we can and cant do due to you being the moderators.
I love how quiet both discords are.
“bragging about how much damage he has done to said community” find me these posts, dms, literally anything please I’d love to see this. Or is this another accusation with no factual evidence to support it?
I’ve never tried this troll tactic nor have I twisted and turned these words into the “painfully obvious” way you speak of, please go back and reread and use your head, or is your vendetta and zeal for getting me to go too strong to overcome those emotions?
Check all the silenced and banned accounts, go through the history of that discord, you’re so blind and shrouded by your own ignorance to the situation that you can’t even comprehend the damages done.
Discord is a completely optional part of your play experience. A tool that we didn’t even set up. Join it, don’t join it, follow the very relaxed rules. I voluntarily took ownership from someone else. We help run it in our own free time.
If there is a problem with any of that, happy to take care of it not on the forums.
Again, you say the community dictates who the leaders are. I don’t see that at all. You just admitted to voluntarily taking the ownership which doesn’t sound like the community got to dictate who is in charge. Even in the IN-GAME RP Community you guys are the moderators of that. Again, if you say the community gets to decide, then we should have a poll where people nominate individuals for the moderator roles and based on the number of votes they get then the winners will become the moderators. This way, the COMMUNITY gets to dictate. NOT Joseph Stalin.
You actually did. 1 hour ago. Right in this thread.
Wow, it’s almost as though you do this so often you can’t even remember which points you tried to make where. But go ahead
continue to use the same tactics and deliberately try to twist my words and throw them back at me to make the point that you’ve never done so before. It certainly doesn’t look at all like
If you’re gonna accuse me for it might as well, and are you not doing the same thing I am by “twisting” my words, I merely made a comparison, but do take it out of context and make that 300 iq play and do the same thing you just called me out for Hypocrisy truly a bright-minded individual.
Edit, after all, you did bring it up first
Literally a direct quote from you, and you’re literally misunderstanding the point I was trying to make. You’ve got nothing else so you try to make it about me. yawn this is so boring.
The real RP was the friends we made along the way…!
Joseph Stalin gets to decide that. If he doesn’t like someone they get the boot straight to the gulags.
There was no point to it, you took it out of context and twisted it, if you’re gonna make a point do it right… You are correct, it is boring listening to this back and forth since you have nothing other then mistaken context and your accusations
I did, and the point was well made. Try and twist it all you like, but anyone can see the truth. Oh, and here’s another gem regarding you being banned for “WPVP” and
@everyone It is noted that (name redacted) has left WoW, and many blame the SSC for it… This isn’t the case, it wasn’t my officers that order him to be hounded, it wasn’t anyone below them, it was me. I did it, after a long time of thinking about it and talking it through, it wasn’t right. I am ashamed that I did do it afterwards knowing full well what I was doing and what his mental process was, knowing the human being he was knowing that it would get him to leave. I lost myself in the laughter, in the carnage, and never thought about it, neither did my officers. Please, do not blame anyone else for my mistake, do not blame my guild or label them as villains, don’t label anyone associated as @$$holes. I’m willing to take whatever punishment is deemed necessary by the community, as long as it is mine and mine alone.
Oh, I can’t wait to hear how I twisted that one.
Pvp is fun what can I say, you should try it some time, ain’t my fault someone who actually didn’t unsub and quit the game takes it into reality and screws with his own head. Try again but Read Nahk’s old post, I wasn’t ever really sorry, pvp happened in warmode, wpvp happened, and your grand community thought otherwise, sorry not sorry that you have to stoop to these levels. This is the exact kind of nonsense that’s become this servers downfall. Good work, you proved me right, congrats, now please rethink this madness of yours.