I know it’s (was) a rp-pvp realm, and I know this server has an active pvp community (before war mode maybe?). But how active is the role play on both sides? Is it diverse among the races and themes? Are there any cross faction events?
The RP community is small, but very well connected. Many race guilds exist, a ton of military RP. I really could not answer how active the RP is, I stay in warmode and only RP in warmode, so that in itself cuts what I see a lot. (minus monthly events that are usually in stormwind to accommodate wm/nonwm players
I personally like this realm, and it feeds my RP niche most days, but other days I feel left wanting. I am from moon guard, and moved here …8 years ago? (first week of mop, so not sure the year). I have not regretted it at all. But I was more into RP griefing on moon guard, and it was not till I got here that I started to enjoy RP a ton.
We have a discord server for horde and alliance that is more active than the forums, if you wish for the link, just ask and will get it to you =D
RP here is much more guild/group focused and less open. finding walkup is rare unless you initiate it, but then if you initiate it you can usually even rope the PVPbros sitting in a city into it for some added fun. most big events are public events and that is when the various guilds/groups actually see each other and get to chat.
I can’t add much more than what was already said.
ED has had a history of more insular and guild focused RP. Our style is often more conversational and RP-PvP focused as well. Its a great server once you get over that initial hump of finding a group. I will be honest, it is a little bit of a barrier to entry but certainly not purposeful.
I’d roll an alt here, maybe share here what you intend to create and we can suggest some guilds, groups, or indiviguals to reach out to. At this very moment I know a lot of us EDers have been full speed ahead on the Grobb train, but we’re returning as hype starts to die down and 8.2.5 has come out for some new campaigns and general RP ideas in addition to our normally hosted events.
Honestly? It’s wonderful and amazing.
There are days when you’ll find it hard to engage in a meaningful story and this simple reality is what dissuades some from joining (even if they’re avid RPers). But the days when you do find it – which are not sparse if you know where to be and where to look – are filled with smiles and memories.
Emerald Dreams owes a great deal to many of its community members who generate events and keep the RP scene alive but, on top of that, there are many in the world who will gladly engage and join in.
Let go of the standards and roles and simply go back to telling stories and being creative in the presence of others and it will be well received. This server is a great home to have and I, for one, am thankful whenever I get to see its majesty unfold.
In Oct. there are two cross-faction events in the planning!.. and you have both Race specific and cross race groups.
Sept. was slow for a lot of folks, but ended with the End of Summer Festival, and I know Nov. will bring more events, as well.
If you want to check out the alliance and horde rp discords, msg me on Discord @Winter#3381 for invites and you will find the folks that do a lot of the planning!
Full disclosure, between my time on MG and Wra, my work schedule, and the fact I have nearly 50 characters, I’m not sure how much I can devote to this server. Having said that, I have some ideas.
Night Elf priest: Either uses a portion of the Night Warrior (or whatever the way players justify the black eyes) to hunt the Horde, or someone who has renounced Elune in favor of darker forces for revenge.
Undead mage: a chaotic pyromaniac. Bit of a flat character so far, plus I’m not sure how fun or viable fire is in pvp.
Night Elf Druid: Same motives as the priest, but with less extreme methods?
KT vs Mag’har Orc shaman: Daelin is right vs. Draenei are the scum of Azeroth
Undead hunter: Self serving bounty hunter.
Zandalari paladin: Zealot. Upset his king is dead.
I have ideas for the other classes but these are the ones I’m most willing to play here.
Its dead on retail. Everyone went to Classic.
That’s ridiculous. It’s perfectly lively on retail, and I suspect many of the people who went to classic will be back before too long when the novelty wears off. I know Swiftsilver Cartel has a ton of great stuff ready to roll out in the coming weeks.
Unless theres another Horde RP community im not apart of, its pretty dead.
Gob-squad guy has put more events up in the past week than the community has put up events in retail since Classic released.
Usually theres a bar night every Saturday, but there hasn’t been one for a few weeks(unless theres a 2nd community im not a part of).
The rp community has done plenty of events for Classic, but for retail they have scheduled a grand total of 5 events, of which 1 was cancelled and one being a PvE raid night, another being the End of Summer event, another being the monthly Tall Tales, and the 5th being hosted by GoS, of which they havent told anyone about(unless theres a 2nd community im not apart of).
Im pretty sure some rp guilds died due to Classic. Blackrock Clan being one of them.
The only active rp guild is SSC, of all people. They at least try to host weekly events for people to participate and keep the RP alive on retail.
I will agree, once the novelty of Classic wears off the rp will be more lively, but right now its (unless there is a second horde rp community and/or discord)pretty dead. The Alliance side of things is faring better than the Horde side.
Sure, things have slowed down, but to say it’s “dead” is just false. Swiftsilver Cartel is hosting barnight this Saturday, October 5th at the usual time of 8pm server in Booty Bay. Please stop by!
I can’t speak for other guilds, but we’ve got a weekly casino night we’re really excited about rolling out in October, a bingo night coming up, we’re reviving our monthly Booty Bay Black Markets also in October, and we’ve just kicked off a Goblin vs Gnome themed RP/PvP campaign with the Gnomish Army on alliance side!
My schedule is lookin pretty full, pal! We’d love to see you out there with us, so stand by for a post announcing the official dates in the very near future.
Feel like I just read how horde ended their barnight with taking over stormwind just 2 days ago in the discord
((Not everyone went to classic, several RP guilds are still on ED who do not touch classic. )
That was a specific guilds bar night.
Ah, I assumed since it was public event it was the normal one
It’s not far from the truth, your “lively rp community” abandoned retail for classic, barely anyone left here and who was left behind I decided to take the liberty of setting up events for along with my guild. And if I may add, the great journey to Classic did more harm then good for ED, plenty of guilds were destroyed in that idiotic crusade…
Unfortunately I’ll be at work for your bar night but thankfully my associates can tell me how that goes, hopefully it’ll still be going when I return.
As for @Lleid it was SSC’s bar night, we like to pick fights so that was our next destination.
TFW the person who singlehandedly did more to fracture the community and drive people away than anyone else in the past year and a half complains about a fractured, empty community, and claims to be it’s savior.
Oh, I’d love to hear this one, please, enlighten me.
Edit: and don’t confuse people deleting themselves as me “fracturing” them, people seem to confuse people undoing themselves as me doing the damage to them. P.S never claimed to be its savior, but keep putting words in my mouth.
Oh, forgive me then. I had only seen it mentioned in the horde discord so I just assumed it was a public event.
Nah, it’s suppose to be but in that case we decided to do it just in guild.
rekt and called tf out
114 alt, check
first post, check
couldn’t answer my question, check
believes she can actually get away with this stupidity, check
nice one buddy but actually try to put some effort in it next time and answer the question… Took you long enough to develop this clever idea tho so that’s rad.