What’s the problem with “LFG” addons?

Relax there sparky. If you bothered to read my other replies instead of lashing out at me, you’d see I started playing in early 2005. People were calling it VC then probably because DM had come out. I also mentioned that when I first started playing I was shouting out in general/trade that I needed a group for DM, and people would call me a noob and tell me it was VC. Then I realized what all the VC spam was in general/trade.

I’m not “wrong”, it’s just what our servers called it. You need to chill out. I never said it was called VC before DM. I even said that I called it DM before I realized people called it VC. I even openly admitted I started playing in early 2005.

Just because I wasn’t there the very second the game went live doesn’t mean I didn’t play Vanilla either. I progressed through MC, Onyxia, BWL, ZG, AQ, and parts of Naxx. I was there when they rang the gong in silithus for AQ. Somehow its all invalidated because I started in early 2005 and have been calling Deadmines VC since both servers I played on called it then. F me I guess.

Also, what does cutting edge have to do with anything? Illidan was pretty popular. Lots of PvP went on there, and of course the infamous funeral crashers (which I was online for and the chat exploded).

I don’t need to explain anything. I didn’t invent VC, VC isn’t a taboo term. I was told it was VC back when I started, again in early 2005, and that’s how I saw it being used by everyone. if that makes me wrong, or an idiot, or a noob in your eyes then oh well. You seriously need to relax.

Also, I even apologized earlier. I admitted that servers could call it different things. I forget that servers actually had communities then and they developed their own terms/lingo. Hell, the other guy that played on Illidan/Uldum even confirmed it.

Ah, you’re one of those people. Now it makes sense. Get over yourself.

I mean you made a ridiculous statement

“I guess I the entire Illidan and Uldum servers were wrong?”

and you’re upset that I called you out on it?

You even made that statement after acknowledging that you didn’t start playing until after Dire Maul launch.

Some cognitive dissonance going on here buddy.

Ah, you’re one of those people. Now it makes sense. Get over yourself.

Yes. One of those people who is capable of coherent thought without contradicting myself in the same thread.


And no one has objected to the “dungeon finding” system that was in vanilla being in Classic.

The “modern” LFG tool has no place in Classic, (either baseline or via add-ons), IMO.

I hope that Blizzard does break all group finding add-ons that replicate social functions added after vanilla, including the LFG interface.

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Who cares when they started calling it VC. You said that both communities were wrong calling it VC. I’m asking why? Why are they wrong? I’m sure a multitude of other realms called it VC too. You’re just here to be a D bag and be like “Look at me guiz, I’ve been playing since day 1, this guy is an idiot because he started in 2005 and called it VC. He’s wrong though despite both his servers using the term all the time.”

Perhaps take a page from what someone opened my eyes to. Different realms called it different things. Some kept calling it DM, some called it VC. Mine were the VC variety. I apologized for my mistake and assumption already. Get off your high horse. No one is impressed. Congrats, you knew it as DM before Dire Maul came out. Amazing, you’re special.

No. Go back to to live wow, retail baby. A lot of the fun was LFG in chat.


Deadmines was out waaay before dire maul.

Deadmines = DM

diremaul = DM:E DM:W etc.


I don’t know why I expected this thread to be about a LFG addon, and not about what to call Dead Mines.


Admittedly that was my fault. I apologized for it already and the “akually” people are coming out in full force. Vicious crowd today.

And they were wrong just like you.

Tell me another dungeon that is referred to by the last boss encounter? Oh, that’s right, you can’t.

Take a page from my book and realize that just because a bunch of people say something doesn’t mean they’re correct.

You’ve literally admitted that you originally called it DM. What lead you to originally calling it that before bowing to peer pressure on some low-tier servers trade chat?

I mean you can actually defend calling Deadmines DM as an abbreviation because it follows standard conventions used throughout the entire game and in previous MMOs. The defense for calling Deadmines VC is “well on my server they called it that” or “someone made fun of me for calling it that”. Not much of a defense.


They are emoticons, not emogees.
Change my mind.


It’s so funny people still cry over the fact people call Deadmines, DM.


So there really is no point in arguing this with you, not there was in the first place. You’ve proven that now with your statements about peer pressure, “low tier servers” and just overall being a butt about it. Because different servers couldn’t evolve in their own ways, right?

Anyways, you win, you’re right, thousands of people across WoW were wrong and morons. You alone are the authority of how to name the dungeons and how communities should interact. Well done big fella. You really got us there!

Yeah yeah “Ha, he’s giving up. Therefore he has no defense and he has crumbled, thus proving i am right. He is truly a coward and a moron, and I am intellectually superior. I have defended the DM vs VC debate once more. I truly am amazing.” I got it already. You truly have made a difference in the world this day.

Level 17 priest LFG Dire Mauls.

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Deadmines initials is D. It’d one word.

Sure, lets listen to a clueless person tell us which one is which.

Dire Maul will not be available on Classic launch.

DM is Deadmines. Don’t cry so much, retail.


California is one word. It’s abbreviated CA. Did you think your reply out at all?

In truth is it MM for Moonbrook Mines. The Deadmine area is the mine area outside of the instance with the undead. Everyone aside from myself have had it wrong all along. Also it is a hard G in gif.

I agree LFG isn’t inherintly bad and I think dungeon finder when it released would’ve been fine had it only grouped people on the same realm nothing more. But, there is still a somewhat anti social aspect to it because of the automated grouping. I don’t think it’d be the end of Classic, but I think it makes sense to not have at all. Blizzard was pretty clear on the same sort of sentiment and as of right now I think the only reason such an addon works on the beta is simply because they have yet to get around to making API adjustments.

My server never called it VC. It was DM. And dire maul was called out by which wing you wanted to do.