Let me start off by saying that I’m not an advocate of many addons, but wanted to discuss here specifically the problems with a user made LFG like addon.
Assuming these are created for vanilla by the community all it would allow is people to make groups faster.
There is no teleporting to dungeon. The dungeons are still difficult and require communication, such as when to sap, sheep, cc mobs. Loot rules will still need to be communicated and agreed.
All the addon would do is reduce chat spam nonsense for “LF2M Scholo - 2 dps no warriors, all loot reserved”.
There is no less community with an addon that groups 1 tank, 1 healer, and 3 dps together instantly. You still need to run to the dungeon, likely hop on discord, and discuss loot rules.
I’m assuming a group finder addon in a simplistic sense won’t be able to see your gear score, because that information isn’t available, so it won’t negatively weed out any players based on that.
Curious on what the negatives are of such an addon.
Please kindly go back to retail.
I didn’t know Deadmines had a North!
Usually LFG addons entail creating the party for you… That removes a layer of socialization.
It also creates a potential future problem in that many people are coming to wow classic to get away from things that because they (me included) feel it’s one of the things that ruined the game. If the adoption rate of such an addon becomes to high those players may be forced to use something they are trying to avoid or be cut out of a large portion of the community. It also act to split the community whihc is a bad thing.
DM is used for Dire Maul. VC is used for Deadmines. VC meaning Van Cleef.
If messing around, well done!
The LFG addons used on pservers and back in vanilla just collect chat messages about looking for members in 1 window filtering out unrelated garbage, it’s up to the user whether they want to bother with them.
You do realize that vanilla had a dungeon finding system, right?
Of course you don’t.
I don’t want automated groups formed. Make it like vQueue where someone had to manually add the people looking for a group.
DM is used for Deadmines. DM:(direction) is used for Dire Maul, stating which wing you want.
If messing around, well done!
Sure, let’s call a level 20 dungeon, that nobody will run once we all hit level 30, DM. While the dungeon we will run for the next 3 years, something else.
Makes sense 
That’s what we did on Whisperwind
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Sorry ive never played WoW 
Um. No? Literally everyone called Deadmines VC.
Deadmines was in the game before Dire Maul was added. Just because they both use “DM” as their initials doesn’t mean you shouldn’t properly label them as such.
Unless you’re running a full Dire Maul run, you state WHICH wing you want to do. You don’t just say “Dire Maul”.
I like how often VC vs DM comes up. Is there any other dungeon in the game that people decide to abbreviate by the last boss opposed to the name?
The conclusion I came to is just that it depends on the server and regardless of what people call it, you’ll know which by the level of the character.
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Most people find it too hard to shift-click a persons name when they say DM in the first place it seems. If you see someone say “LFG DM” and they are a level 17 hunter, it’s a good enough chance they aren’t looking for Dire Maul.
Heresy detected. Inquisitor prepare your troops.
Humor aside it’s VC