What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

they didnt invade lol, read the lore, I am not gonna argue with someone who doesnt know the lore, and not every war, but most wars in wow have been wars of exterminations

The elves traveled for years across the world that had been shattered by the wars with the [Burning Legion], but in the end they arrived in the lands now known as [Lordaeron]. Settling in the [Tirisfal Glades] they quickly encountered the locals, and while contact with the human tribes was sparse, the local [trolls]) had built a great empire and attacked them on sight, quickly fueling a hateful feud between the two races.


The orcs were used by legion, legion that was lured to Orc planet by draenei. Draenei didn’t inform orcs that there is army of demons chasing them and one of their big guys is called “Deceiver”.

Orcs were used as cannon fodder and were forcibly groomed.
Guess who guided them to Azeroth? A human.

The tragedy of draenei genocide is that it could’ve been prevented.


So could have the Kaldorei one or literally every crime the horde committed

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That is somehow the problem. There can’t be a war to for example occopy Zoram strand to build or deny a port on kalimdor. No there has to be full blown extinction war. All the time.

Mhm actually I don’t accept teh chronicles for teh NE origins because teh whole book is basically a retconned retcon and thus I also can’t accept this.

Essence is: The Highelves arrived there and took the land from teh forest trolls which then fought back nealry overwhelming the Highelves.
These than asked the human tribes for help who aggreed if they would be tought magic in exchange.

That is the story I know

Well that makes you wrong lol, if you want to be that thats fine

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No race has done more damage to Azeroth than what the Night Elves have and so no race has more blood on their hands as the Night Elves have. May they live in eternal shame.

Remember the Sundering.


says the race whos leader literally breaking the fabic of time and space
yeah the nelves screwed azeroth, but the forsaken screwing the whole universe

No it doesn’t
The chornicles have been retconend as “from the titans view” and thus extremely subjective and possibly wrong.

If the Night Elves attacked the Horde to get them to leave Ashenvale do you think Teldrassil would’ve still been considered a genocide?

They did invade, that’s the lore.

Because you’re wrong about it. Here’s a quote.

Once the storm lifted, the Highborne forged ahead, shaken but determined to find a new home. As they drew closer to the land that the scouts had found, hope warmed their weary hearts. Verdant woodlands blanketed the terrain, and the ground beneath the Highborne’s feet crackled with potent lines of magic. But the elves soon discovered that another race also called this region home: the barbaric Amani trolls.
The arrival of the Highborne infuriated the trolls, who harbored a bitter hatred of elves from the days of Queen Azshara. The Amani sent out raiding parties immediately, and the Highborne soon learned to fear troll ambushes in the dense forests. Yet the elves stubbornly pressed forward, using their magical prowess to decimate any Amani who dared cross their path. Soon the trolls also learned to tread cautiously. The continuous skirmishes fostered a mutual enmity between the Amani and the Highborne.

The trolls did not agree. The high elves had built their new kingdoms atop ancient Amani ruins - ruins still considered hallowed ground by the trolls. Outnumbered by more than ten to one, the Amani struggled ferociously to drive the invaders from their sacred land.

See where it literally uses the term invaders?

A quote from WoWpedia with no source? How surprising.

Say it with me: WoWpedia! Is! Not! A! Primary! Source!
It is not lore, it requires backing.


I dont think you know what a retcon is

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yeah dont cherry pick dude its sad

You know that you are basically refering to Bloodelves adn Nightborne here?
Because these are teh ones that were the NEs who caused the sundering.

The current NEs were the peasents that went into a civil war with their ruling caste (Who later become Highelves[bllodevles], Nightborne and Nagas) to actually prevent exactly that.

So technicly even that goes onto the account of the Horde

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What’s cherry picked?
The quote says it was Amani land.
The quote calls the High Elves invaders, it uses that specific term.
You said ‘read the lore’ and I gave you the specific word in the lore.

Well hardly extremely. There’s not a good reason to give that much doubt.

Reparations make sense.

In the real world, former Axis nations payed reparations to the Allies, and that faction got far more damaged already by war then the Horde was.

If BFA had been a Faction war had been a '“morally grey” war and the Horde didn’t commit Genocide, I wouldn’t be pushing for reparations.

So I don’t take enjoyment of wanting reparations to become a reality, since I didn’t want the Horde villain batted again. I myself used to have more Horde toons, but now I have little, and don’t play much the horde toons I have.

But reparations make realistic sense within the warcraft universe against a faction that has committed genocide.

You might say, “We has Horde players don’t deserve reparations, its not our fault that Blizzard writers are stupid”.

And your right, its not your fault, but we as Alliance also didn’t have a choice in getting genocided and seeing the consequences for it.

But remember if reparations did become a thing, they should be designed where it doesn’t hurt the player experience, make the players feel sick, etc (like the WoT scenario). You may not even see it within the game. Just an added lore fact that the Horde is giving some resources (and giving back land) in response to Alliance asking. Said resources are then given to night elves to help them rebuild their civilization.

they where looking for a place to settle, theres a reason there wasnt a human elf war, you know why? Cause the humans didnt attack the high elves on sight even tho they trespassed on human land

Yes I agree, lots of stuff nelves commited could’ve been prevented.
And I am also disappointed with the BfA narrative, I think that one time where Horde was portrayed as instigator was enough and Alliance didn’t need extra excuse to fight the Horde.

I’d rather keep Vol’Jin and have a plot where Alliance is having aggresive politics. But beggars cannot be chosers.


That doesn’t make the High Elves not invaders.

When the High Elves learned it was someone else’s land, they kept going to occupy it.
The lore calls them invaders.

It isn’t a question of justification, it is a question of fact.


you no better than the rest of the horde you just want reasons for genocide