What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

lol I dont think you know what refugees are

it wasnt like the trolls asked them to leave peacefully did they

Okay, but can we at least stop talking about it like it’s a real thing that happened and if Allience and Horde are WW2 factions? It’s kinda cringe.

The only reparation anyone deserves is a satisfying story. What that means clearly varies from person to person, as evident by this thread.


Where did you get that from?!
I just said that I was against the whole Horde plot since the friggin Legion, but since I have no power over decision making I am forced to suck it up.

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The story of wow literally takes inspiration from ww2 its kind of cringe that you dont know, even when devs have said so in the past

  1. Refugees can be invaders.
  2. The lore specifically calls the High Elves invaders.
  3. The High Elves weren’t displaced by persecution, they chose to break the law and left. And after they settled Tirisfal, they chose to leave somewhere again.

Doesn’t make them not invaders when they knowingly kept going.


A war and action that is domne to kill of most or all of an ethnic group or people is considered a genocide.
No matter what happened before wether or not someone stole your hamburger, if you kill him it is still murder.

By wanting the alliance to be the argessors, that just tells me you wish they attacked first so you can burn the tree without regret

yes we should just shoot everyone who crosses a border, high morals form the forsaken player!

NO, I would rather if Alliance was agressive ones so we could have actually morally grey story.
You can fight someone and not attempt to kill people en mass.


War is always black

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A GOOD WAR its like nobody read saurfangs story

You keep getting confused about this, Katiera. Same as the other threads. I don’t know if you’re doing it deliberately.

See this? This addresses what you just said already.

I’m not saying whether or not the Amani were justified. I am saying it is a lore fact (that you were ignorant on) that the High Elves were invaders.


You play World of Warcraft. There will always be war, if it’s not up to your taste then go play “the Sims” or something. I just wanted reasonable stories and politics where the conflict doesn’t paint any faction in such a terrible way as the Horde is currently portrayed.


yes that doesnt mean the story is gonna promote war lol something so many horde players dont seem to understand that wow was always a anti war story, since wc3

I believe the point was to juxtapose Katiera saying ‘nope, the Trolls started the war’ as a defense to ‘High Elves genocided Forest Trolls’.


The trolls literally started a war to remove a ethnic group lol, like why do you forsaken players revert to defending genocide

They are not WW2 factions.


I brought up that reference because genocide of that era influenced why reparations were a thing. Some reparations were given to victims of genocide.

I really don’t see why some Horde Players hate the idea of the Horde giving some Reparation’s to the Night Elves.

If the Alliance committed genocide against a Horde race, I would be advocating for the Alliance to give reparation’s to said race.

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Which is idiotic concept if you ask me. If the game is about fighting then anti-war narrative looks ridiculously stupid.


Katiera… I just explained this…

You’ve been told this three times.

Do you understand the difference between saying ‘this is what happened’ and ‘this is good/ok’?


Your the one defending genocide, you havent even mentioned what the high elves war crimes are, the trolls started a war to ethically cleanse a race

I will explain this to you a fourth time.

Do you understand the difference between saying ‘this is what happened’ and ‘this is good/ok’?