What Reparation's should the Alliance get?

it’s a gameplay though. You never saw a plot where a huge population is immediately ressurected. It’s a very stupid idea, and very dangerous too.

I disagree, if every other race had to bear the loss then nelves will have to bear it too and not get preferential treatment because they spam on forums.
I get that they’re upset, I am upset over many things too, and I want for them to get some positive stuff. But not mass rez, not that.

I am tired too, but frankly posters don’t have any power over plot. if I had, A LOT of things would go differently. We’re all on the same boat where nobody is happy.


There is a HUGE difference between NEs and the other races in a similar situation:

You CHOSE to play the race with this standing from the beginning.
It was their initial stance. So you knew “Gnomes lost their home before wow and this is what i want to play”

It is a difference when you created your NE 10 years ago and played through Teldrassil because of that. NEs are forest elves their playery typicl attached to that. Forests and stuff.
Then 10 years later you get everything stolen and ripped off.

That is a HUGE diference wether or not I decide to play a race with a certain history or if taht history dramaticly changes just in one instance.

Then why do you bring draenei and worgen examples? They started to play knowing very well that they lost population/ city.

At least stick to your narrative poins, man.


What? I never brought them … ?

Well it is also canon. They’ve confirmed in The Chronicle and interviews that that aspect is meant to be part of the story. And other random dudes came back too like Medivh. I can’t see caring about something like that.

To each their own. I think the fact they act differently now is evidence enough they would rapidly change in this hypothetical.

Eh, I think they have a little en-mass. Too many things have the perception of being changed to appease some. The more obvious ones are gameplay (flying, unpruning, High Elves options, Classic being released). But also story aspects that seem like they were changed for being unpopular.

Whatever the reason, Night Elf players seem to express a lot more distress than players of other races.

Hence my point, I don’t think the players of other races would suddenly change how they act if the resurrection thing happened.

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Yes you did?

And cba to find where you mentioned draenei. But I read it too.

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Completely different context!?!
I used worgens in the context of how often the horde destroyes alliance cities.

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When you announce that you don’t believe Horde players who tell you that they don’t like stories like Teldrassil, you make it very hard for anyone to prove that to you.


I am not aware in which context it was said. But I know that they canonised which raid kills were commited by which factions and that some people were actually meant to die during certain encounters like Hakkar the Soulflayer. Implying that just because your raid group made a clear kill, canonically plenty of people died for that anyway and some of them had to sacrifice themselves so killing Hakkar was even possible.

There was no story or plot were huge population is ressurected. If any preferential treatment was given then it was to single NPC or PC, not a thousands of people.

Seriously, I get that you are totally incapable of any semblance of nuance and operate exclusively on all or nothing Kat, but I wasn’t defending Genocide.

I was saying that if NE fans want to consistantly slam the Horde for being “Genocidal” then how about we throw that right back into the face the NEs, who unlike the Horde in WoT weren’t just a tool for genocide. They actively participated in it under Malf, and were only stopped when Grom stopped him. They also only spared the the Trolls under Azshara from Genocide because they had nothing left worth taking to make it worth the effort. The also nearly successfully and systematically committed to a cultural genocide against the Highborne culture.

The Horde is bad for Genocide, but they aren’t the only ones who have attempted, committed to it, or toyed with it by a long shot in Warcraft.


That doesn’t stop you for blaming the players. You find whatever excuse you have to hold it against playerbase.

I know it sucks for Worgen, Gilneas is very pretty zone and I want for them to get it back. But at the very least the location is still accessible. I can’t reach the Lost Isles or Kezan if I’d want to. That sucks too.


Not all VAl’kyr continued to follow Helya after Odyn’s defeat. Some of these spectral beings disappeared into the Shadowlands. The few who still retained a glimmer of nobility in their souls dedicated themselves to watching over the physical world. From within the Shadowlands, these Val’kyr would at times guide the dead back to the land of the living.


Cash explains: “We have explored little slices of this before, but ultimately the Spirit Healers are kyrian. One of the kyrian roles is called Watchers and we know them as Spirit Healers on Azeroth and their role is to eternally evaluate souls. When you die and you are called to them, they peer into your inner self and evaluate whether you are ready to be dead. If you are, they call one of the other kyrian, called Bearers, to come and get you and bring your soul to the Shadowlands. If you aren’t ready, they return you to life, exactly how you see Spirit Healers work in the game. Players have something different about them: they are never quite ready for the Shadowlands, despite ending up there and that is an interesting thing specifically about some of the races of Azeroth.”

I agree. I’m just saying, I don’t really care when that treatment has been given at all.

What playerbase? I tried to explain it to you, and some other posters that alot of Horde players were not happy about it. Just because there are some edgelords that enjoys it doesn’t change that.
That accusation is ridiculous.

But the point of development is to get a story and expand. That is the point of fiction. You don’t keep everything stagnant and it’s very unrealistic to believe that for years nothing happened within certain societies.

They’re not deleted. You can still play them, the roster of important characters is intact. And there is dragon NPC if you want to visit the zones back again.

And again, the Majority of the Horde didn’t feel awesome about it. You’re making it up by yourself.


Theres nothing to throw back, the alliance has never been genocidal lol thats the issue, you literally cant throw anything back, theres nothing to throw, back, other than those players who think, that genociding the horde as revenge for teld is a good thing.

genocide of the night elves, the horde
genocide of the humans, the horde
genocide of the draenei, the horde
genocide of the high elves, the trolls

all you got is Proudmoore, and he failed, he didnt even get a foot on the door, because his own daughter stopped him

What? You mean the Scourge?

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Troll wars

What genocide happened in the Troll Wars?

Uhm Troll wars were : Highelves genociding Forest trolls. Actually.

When the trolls tried to exterminate the refugee high elves

nope read chronicles the trolls started the war they even started to target the human tribes who been living there for hundreds of years cause might as well get them too

I don’t know why every war has to be considered a genocide anyway.

Refugee? They chose to leave and invade. They were trying to get the High Elves off their land.

There’s no clear description in the Chronicle of who started said fights.

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