What Race would you LOVE for druid?

Love that Pandaren idea.

Undead for pally and Druid.

Something cool about an undead knight of the light!!
And could you imagine the undead forms for all the Druid forms. Would be super cool


I’d do unspeakable things to be able to play Cenarion/ Centaurs for this

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Panda, it just makes sense. The guardian form is a bear, panda’s are bears. Also, I think they have a natural affinity towards nature so it wouldn’t be as big of a jump.

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Undead. 10char

Mechagnome. 100% would play a transformer. Crying shame they weren’t implemented in BFA.


I’d really like to get mag’har druids. They have close ties with nature, so it wouldn’t be much of a stretch.

I suspect pandas are the most likely next candidates, simply because Blizz wouldn’t have to create unique models for each faction.

Dwarf. There needs to be Dwarven Druids.


Vulpera if that ever happens then see ya later Alliance nothing personal.


Tauren on the Alliance side.

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I want human druid myself, i love the concept of being a harvest witch, but I don’t want to have to be a worgen or kul’tiran to do so.

Ultimately to me its about the frame type that can already be druids.

Nightborne druid is a waste, you already have both troll races and nelf.

If they wont give me og human frame druid, give me the option to stay in human form as worgen. I think druid mog looks best on regualr human females.

Baby Groot form including the pot.


I think any of the other elven races would not work at all for druid. It’s just not their look. The night elves have a little of the stink—bare feet, leaves for clothes— so it works for them. Not belves. Not nightborne.

When they added Tauren paladin I similarly thought they were an eyesore. STill do!

I am old school with the original Tauren and NE choices for their respected factions. If I had my way and only allowed 2 additional races I think that it would be Dwarf and Mag’har Orc.

During the Caverns of Time days I liked the casting animations of the Dwarf and I think that I would like the Mag’har Orc animations as well.

KT is a bonus race and I would probably be a KT if they were Horde. If they ever remove faction restrictions I probably will faction change.

Undead would be cool if the forms followed the rot and bone theme.

Forsaken please.

Horde version of Worgen then I can be my werewolf druid again because I miss worgen but I ain’t playing Alliance lol.

Anyway, in all seriousness, I’m happy with Z.Troll for my druid but I’d love to see Dracthyr or even Undead.

Or, if we can request new playable races I’ve always wanted/hoped Bliz would make playable Vrykul and that would be my ultimate druid lol.

Vulpera definitely, though their forms need to be more attractive than the animals in their desert zone. One of the things I’ve heard over and over from women who play this game is that Horde side doesn’t have any attractive races that can be druids.

Vulpera makes the most sense, but they need forms that would attract a type of player not currently served by cows and trolls.

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Would love to switch to a Nightborne please ( Make it happen Blizz).
It would be nice to wear boots for a change, standing in all that fire hurts. :wink:

Id like to play as a dwarf druid - would like to paint my face all up and become a wildhammer dwarf druid.