What Race would you LOVE for druid?

Orc for the Racials, Undead for the looks.


I have a NEED for Blood Elf Druid. Been waiting since BC for this.

I want an elven form for caster but I don’t want to play as alliance.


well Dracthyr got data-mined months before xpac drop/announcement as having forms and the spells (as well as many other class abilities) so here is to hoping the theory that they will have other classes unlocked later xpac proves to be a true one.

I’ve seen undead in the Argent Crusade, so why not Paladins? As for Druids, it would make sense as rot, death, and decay are all part of nature, right?

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Undead 10char

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There are already Tauren druids.

While I agree with you, the Wildhammers are Shaman (even though, I so want Dwarven Druids.)

Nightbourne, thats all

We need Mechagnome druids before everyone can have their choise of new races…

Its the only race not ruined by the curse of flesh.

Transforming shape & size was obviously intended for a mechanized unit…its just faulty lore that gave shapechanging to those cursed by flesh.

Notably in the RPG there is a playable class called Druid Plagueshifter who are druids who spend their lives in the EPL and WPL trying to understand and reverse the plague of undeath, shifting the undead plants and animals back to living ones and driving back plague.


That would make an interesting take on Undead Druids.


I would play nothing else, ever again.

I don’t know if I agree with the forms, but being able to be a vulpera druid would be the best thing ever.


gnome/mechagnome 100%. I wanna be a transformer. Have blizzard spin on decipticons/autobots for the faction.

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Gnomes! Got to have a tiny bear as tank.

How about a tiny tank as a bear?

Been waiting for BE druid for well over a decade now.

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Look, it’s been a meme for nearly 2 decades at this point, but the race that should be capable of being everything, including Druids are Gnomes.


Personally for me Wildhammer Dwarf Druids for Alliance and Blood Elves for Horde.

If these two races became Druids I’d never play anything else again!.


yes - this is what we need!!!

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Mechagnome Transformers LOL


Dwarfs or Pandaren

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