What pvp gear do we get Nov 12?

I seem to be getting conflicting information from my guildmates, and bing can’t find me a source. Does anyone here know?

The 1.12 versions. The better ones

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I found classic wowhead com/item-set=343/lieutenant-commanders-regalia for mage gear. Is there an average pvp grinding time required for these sets? What about for the epic set?

I would not worry about getting anything from world PVP except maybe the PVP trinket. We need BGs for gear. Maybe a few ret… err… diehards will get a piece or two, but that’s all. I bet by the time most WPVPers will be within striking distance of some gear, BGs will be out.


Isn’t it a distribution? IE top 0.1% get rank 14, so if no one is getting a lot of honor then rank 14 is easier than otherwise?

Don’t use garbage like Bing. Heck don’t even use Google.

For Classic Wow just go to WoWhead. They have teams of people writing just about everything you want to know about Classic WoW.

There is some hard minimum too, not sure what it is though.

15 HKs minimum. Then you are counted. So its not 0.1% of all alliance to get rank 14 - its 0.1% of all alliance that are at least somewhat pvping.


We will have 3 months before a single BG is available…people will be hitting the epic ranks by then.

I dont think it will be 3 months. I think they will release BGs mid phase like DM.

Very possible, I know I would enjoy it, but I’m not going to count on it.

The first BG’s are what, AV and WSG? That would be fine by me.

There are lots of wierd minimums.

  1. To get rank 1 you need 15 HKs in 1 week
  2. To be counted in the rankings (once you get rank 1) you need 25 HkS in a week
  3. There are Rank Point limites you can gain in a week. You can’t just go from rank 1 to rank 14 in one week
  4. Each week your rank point decay by 20%.

Considered #3 and #4 I think the minimum amount of time you could possibly reach rank 14 is like 6 weeks. Not 100% sure on that time frame but its something like that.

This is pretty decent overview:

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I could be wrong, but l believe the highest honor rank you can obtain during phase 2 is rank 7.

Based on what, exactly?

We don’t know when Phase 3 is coming out.

There is no “highest possible rank” its all dependent on time.

If a server has 80,000 players and 20,000 alliance are ranked, that means 20 alliance rank 14s.

At the moment we don’t know.
Originally they were going with the full 1.12 set, with r14 weapons and epic gear and everything.

This linked quote from their updated content rollout thread implies they might hold off on this till BWL phase 3 patch and use the original weaker blue set for phase 2 due to current power levels.

Your CP per HK is subject to the diminishing returns rule. Within a 24 hour period you will only get credit for 10 HKs against a given player, as follows: ( Updated to the new 1.12 Patch)

Also this is going to be pretty important for Phase 2 to know.

You keep linking outdated information.

I linked information updated as of the Dire Maul announcement. You linked an article from freaking April!


What you posted is from March. What I posted is in April.

“PvP content is notably missing from the list above.” This is before they decided how PvP was going to tie into the phases. They since decided that and announced it in April.