What pvp gear do we get Nov 12?

March thread ALSO had the information also posted in April. The April thread has been unchanged. The March thread was the one getting updated since it’s sticked in this very thread.

The information about PvP and each phase had been removed and updated with that information on the page I linked after Dire Maul was announced.

Uh, no.

You can go read the whole post. What I provided is NOT in the post from March.

I think you mean forum, not thread?

By the way, no, it isn’t:

You didn’t link a page, though.

We are NEVER getting the weaker lvl 58 set

you will not get naxx pvp gear in phase 2, it’s in phase 6.

In p2 we get bad one

There is no “Naxx PvP gear.”

If you mean the level 60 Rare PvP sets, that is coming in Phase 2, as Blizzard has stated:

We are getting the pvp sets as they were in 1.12, the weaker lvl 58 set was discontinued before 1.12, we are NEVER getting that set in classic

But not editing it, apparently.

makes no sense, 1.12 gear is too good for first phases

Lol no it isnt, its equivalent to tier 1 and takes at minimum like 5-6 weeks to obtain a full set

Maybe you need to do research before you make claims.

I would appreciate you doing the same. Thank you.

Umm I did there’s a bluepost confirming exactly what I said.


Got any more questions sweetheart?

If you’re right, Rank 10 now just outmoded Molten core; for some class builds Rank10 is better than BWL.

:man_shrugging: Can only go by what the blues say

You get no honor equipment on nov 12 because you have to wait a week for the honor tabulation to happen and you get your new rank.

I see your blue post link… THAT is insane…

IMO they should come out with the original gear and upgrade later…

Same should have been done for PVE also, and because of this mistake (using 1.12 loot) the game feels funny…

Forgot how terrible most of the alliance pvp sets look.

I don’t mind them, they look decent IMO.

I mean, to be fair it’s going to take quite a few weeks to get rank 10. I mean I would assume at least 10 or more weeks especially because there are no bgs the honor gain isn’t going to be that insane. Even if you have large scale pvp all day the diminishing returns are going to be real. Not to mention everyone is going to be low rank so you get low honor for kills.