What might happen to Sylvanas at the end of Shadowlands

I also play murlocs. Best strat imo.

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People can add me it’s fine. Blizzard has a report feature if people get nasty.

Just FYI if your profile pic is Arthas I just instantly judge you that’s all.

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My bnet tag is Raiden#1100 if you wanna add me, I don’t bite. I promise :wolf:

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Micah!! Your profile pic! Nooooo haha

It’s okay at least it’s LK Arthas and not Prince Arthas.

It’s okay I still love you :rofl:

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I know I know :smiley:

Wasn’t kidding when I said I was a Arthas fan :heart:


No Micah’s rule forever.


Well…you know…if people would just stop pretend throwing the tennis ball Huffs


Got to Legend with Murloc Paladin in Standard before the new Core rotation came out, and then Legend with Murloc Shaman in Wild for several months in a row before I took a break and skipped Stormwind, just came back now for Alterac Valley.

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I have not touched Hearthstone in so many years, this conversation feels like reading a foreign language.

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The best part is that they don’t even see the hypocrisy. Night elf genocide is no big deal. ITS JUST A GAME. But if you like Arthas and want him to be redeemed, you are a sicko IRL.

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There is also my criticism that it’s badly written - as, yes, the Light and faith itself aren’t the same - and that the retcon would be to push those real-life movements’ ideas in the story.

I took awhile to reply because I don’t know what to make of your unexpected apology, especially after you called me quite a few things on various threads (“bully” and “anti-Sylvanas fan” are the kindest things you’ve called me).

If you mean that, while I forgive you, my trust doesn’t come back so easily.

Tbh I don’t trust you either.

But I’m trying to give this a fair shot at trying to find common ground.

Its like the antivaxxers and other people that make emotional arguments. They didn’t use logic to get to where they are so trying to appeal to logic or facts does little to make them self-evaluate.

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Damn, look Micah, apparently now we are no different than anti-vaxxers! All just for liking a fictional character.

The anti-sylvanas propoganda machine is working overtime today!


Well, at least wear masks when out in public. We can’t have you spreading your love of Sylvanas to innocent people.


I’m fully vaxx’ed and masked!

You can only catch my cooties if you want to Skarm. :kissing:


One Sylvanas fan on the forums IS an anti-vaxxer. All kinds can love Sylvanas!

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There are a small amount of Sylvanas fans on Tumblr who are Terfs. We don’t claim them. It takes all kinds of people to make a fandom.

Are you talking about that Alliance GD poster who’s name is a variation of Sylvanas? Yeah because we probably don’t claim him either. I think I know exactly who you are talking about. Are they a Draino or something? Always saying really dumb stuff?

We also highkey don’t claim Erevien. Erevien juat wants to watch the world burn, he’ll pick side that achieves this goal.

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Yeah, that one Draenei that Baal called out, who is an anti-vaxxer and took all their toon’s clothes off to protest Blizzard’s censorship.

That person with a bunch of alts named Sylvanas makes a lot of weird threads, but I haven’t seen them say anything toxic or gross. They sound harmless to me.

Also, Accolonn.

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If that’s who anti-sylvanas people generalize as Sylvanas fans then that makes a lot if sense.

I wouldn’t stand in the way if anti-sylvanas posters went after those Sylvanas “fans.”

I’ve come to accept than when most anti-Sylvanas posters make sweeping generalizations they are not talking about me or people like me, because we are not all like that.