What might happen to Sylvanas at the end of Shadowlands

Only the power to Speak To Zovaal’s Manager can save us now!


I got snacks, plenty of blankets and fireworks. I can’t wait for the show with ya hun :wolf:

If being a sylvanas fan makes me toxic, than I accept the honor :laughing:


Wanna be my bnet friend?

So now it’s okay for Blizzard to be genocide apologists?

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Fictional genocide? It was just a storytelling vehicle to move the plot forward into a faction war.

You can be critical of the story choices and still understand it’s fiction.

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Advocating for acceptance of Blizzard writing whatever they want with their fiction is the opposite of being critical.


You’re just mad you are not getting what you want.

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Sure hun :heart:

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What do you mean? Seems my prediction of Sylvanas going to the Maw is on track so far.

Amani#11413 feel free to add me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Lol okay Amadis, believe that all you want. She jumps.

Sounds like probably she accepts her judgment, yeah.

its funny to me the same people here that make light of genocide because “its fictional” somehow try to make real life parallels with Sylvanas, her representation of women and abuse are things to be taken extremely serious even in a fictional setting.

Double standards for $400 Alex.


Too late, I saw it, and Vysha sent request.

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Good!!! <3

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That’s my line.

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Also, y’all can add me too. VyshaForsake#1536

I’m much friendlier in real time because it’s too confusing for me.


To be fair to Renautus, posting one’s battletag on the forums is probably as safe as accepting a friend request in Hearthstone.


I shouldn’t be accepting all my Hearthstone friend requests?

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If you play Murlocs like I do, it’s not a good idea.