What might happen to Sylvanas at the end of Shadowlands

It really isn’t.
Its been the point since day one and throughout this thread.

But you decided to be patronizing and attribute misogyny and sexism to anyone who has a different take than yours.

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Hmmm good use of word. The patriarcy sucks doesn’t it. Even our language acknoledges that it is negative.

Forgiveness, now that’s too feminine, there must be a hammer and Tyrande must be that hammer.

You will be continuously dissapointed if they choose renewal and forgiveness, but that’s not my problem.


So we have moved from you trying to depict me as a misogynist to just trolling now.

Yes, the World of Sylvanascraft will continue uninterrupted for the Sylvanas fans around world thanks to Danuser and his wonderful team.


Great! That sounds good. Thanks.


Forgiveness? What is this blasphemous word?! :laughing:

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a genocide is something i would say can’t be forgiven,


Maybe irl,

But this is a video game about war and cosmic level world ending threats they can do whatever they want.

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Nevertheless, we players with our morality consume this medium and our sense of justice, what happened to the night elves was pure injustice and it calls for justice and a punishment for the perpetrators, a punishment appropriate to the offense.

On top of that, the devs prevent exactly that, which is even more frustrating. If Tyrande were to cast her into the Maw…as a sentence, that would be different, but once again it goes to Sylvanas’ head, which is not the point of the punishment.


But Sylvanas is being punished, she has to live with the regret she became everything she stood against.

Plus the narrative told us venegence is wrong. You can’t just throw someone in the Maw if they can seek atonement.

The most you’ll get is acknowledgement that Sylvanas’s continued conflicted existance is justice enough.

But, again, that’s not my problem you are dissapointed. This narrative has been ongoing for 2.5 years now. It’s time to come to terms with it.

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This just in. Feeling sorry makes everything alright… man I totally see all those tepid apology videos celebrities post in a new light. Is Sylvanas going to put on a hoodie and cry without make up on too?

Also, I love that this whole thing started with people expressing unhappiness about the situation with Sylvanas. Then her fanboys insert themselves into the conversation to gaslight and when that fails claim it ain’t their problem if other people don’t like it if their favorite character continues to decimate the narrative to suit her power fantasy.

Since I don’t see any logical reason for why someone would do this the only theory I have the sylvanas fans just take a sick amusement of seeing other people unhappy because the narrative favors themselves over others.


The people complaining now are going to complain anyway, so why try to appease them?


huff and puff that copium micah.
“The narrative isn’t bad… its everyone else thats wrong”


There will always be unhappy people. No matter what Blizzard writes.


Night Elf fans deserve more then that, we are talking not only the worst massacre against a playable race, but the worst in the game. Many races got fully genocided like the one Sargeras killed directly, but Night Elves are the only race so far who had their innocents obliterated completly.

We have killed for less, hell as far as we know Arthas and Garrosh are perma dead and they are way less evil then Sylvanas is. The people playing this game who hate her deserve to see her be punished more then any character in Wow has.

The trick is to make the right people happy, in this case everyone who can’t stand Sylvanas and wants to see her punished and not get a ‘get out of jail free’ card by saying they weren’t in control of their actions.


Still having trouble reading huh? Tell me, where in my quote did I say the narrative was good.

Reply to what I said, not what you think I said head pat

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You are implying the complaints are empty of substance, otherwise they would not be endless.
You are therefore suggesting that the solution is to spite them rather than appease them by doubling down. Which is a hilariously weak argument that can be applied to anything and its solely designed to get a rise out of people… trolling in otherwords.

Which is something I said Sylvanas fans do. Toxic characters attract toxic people apparently. Fascinating.


You’re one of the last people blizz should be trying to appease


Here’s what will happen to Sylvanas: plastic surgery.



Oh no we are both toxic Sylvanas fans Micah!

Well, at least I’m in good company.

Only 2.5 months until the book comes out and they find a way to complain about how Blizzard ruined her characterization (ie, the character anti-Sylvanas ppl fabricated by ignoring canon)

I can’t wait.


She has evolved into her final form.

An angry white lady immune to all social expectations. A Karen.
This is it, peak evolution.