What makes the Trading Post a major feature?

Not the question i asked, stop deflecting its a yes or no.

Would you rather have gotten nothing or the trading post for 10.0.5.

Yes i would have rather gotten nothing? or no i would rather take the trading post over nothing.
Thats what i wanna know. I dont care what you would have rather gotten.

Actually I do believe I answered that question when I said:
I would have rather gotten actual content to play. **But if not that**, then I would have rather they put their energy, resources, time, and money in developing quality content. Oh and maybe fix the stability of the game, perhaps fix all the bugs, so many things they could have used those resources for.

In simpler terms since you couldn’t seem to understand what I wrote. I would have rather gotten nothing… And you do realize that is precisely what we got right? nothing.

Thats all i wanted to know.

Because that tells me that you dont actually care about what we got. you just want to complain about anything blizzard added.
The trading post offers nothing, to gain or loose so instead you choose to complain about it.

It was a completely optional thing added that normally we never would have gotten. You are just here to complain.

Actually what it should tell you is that I actually care more about the longevity of this game than you do. You are perfectly happy with the developers putting their time, money, and resources into a FOMO vendor vs putting their time, money, and resources into developing actual quality content.

I am very sad at what this game is becoming and I am equally sad that so many people care so little for the longevity of the game that they will accept this type of thing.

“Cares about the longevity.”
“Complains about the first bit of evergreen content we have gotten in a long time.”
Yeah ok kid.

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Not a kid,
and yes, the longevity of this game. Spending time money and resources that could have been spent on actual content on FOMO does not help the game in any manner.

This is just a cosmetic reward thing to do ingame without paying, and just playing. Why is that suddenly a bad thing?

Oh no, it has content i don’t like that i can just completely ignore, thnik of the poor innocent gamers that paid premum price with monthy sub who got this feature for free. The horror. /s

Pour me a drink. :wine_glass: :roll_eyes:

…You said the content isn’t new, and i’ve asked why it has top be new, and if your unable to enjoy something unless it’s new? I’m pretty sure that’s very simple to process here, kiwi.

Whooosh, right over your head.

Even if you didn’t say or imply it as you claim, the fact that Blizzard does have the resources still stands. They do have the resources and you’re acting like they don’t, or pretending you know better (despite the fact you don’t back up your own experience, but i digress) Or that .1 is canceled over this patch. When .1 is still happening.

…And what are the basics if i may ask?.. :palm_up_hand:

Actually, i might have a few guesses based on the MMO you’ve shown most affection for over WoW’s for doing something they like, but… i want to see what you know what are the basics… :smirk:

Also, for all of you complaining about FOMO, why were you sticking up for Mage Tower here then?.. :thinking:

Seems a little sus to go from… “People dislike this content that was FOMO” to… “People like FOMO”…

Hmm… Interesting… :thinking: Let’s proceed.

Were talking about a Triple AAA developer that makes money though tax returns and candy crush as well CoD.

They can have this, along with stability fixes, bug fixes, and create more content that you’ve subjectively called “actual quality content”…

You think 9K+ employees working there and with a revenue of 8.803 billion USD isn’t enough for you?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, it doesn’t take a lot of resources… So what? It can still be enjoyed, and you getting upset that people enjoy a thing you have an apparent irrational hatred towards is silly.


If you hate it, ignore it. Nobody is forcing you to use it but yourself if you choose to, mate.

Oh no, people like what i dislike, THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS BUZZWORDS AND ALL THAT!!! /s :roll_eyes:

Honestly, everything you’ve said here can be applied to anything, even Dragonflying. Very interesting you’ve skipped that part, but i guess being a hypocrite is your style i suppose, or let me guess, the cliche “It’s not relevant” tactic?.. … :thinking:

Plus, were was this energy when WoW Tokens was released? Or when MTX was a thing in Wrath?..

Cool. Be spite fulled my dude, while i go and enjoy the game with this new trading post. :stuck_out_tongue:

Meanwhile, i’m still wondering why you are still subbed on this game when you clearly hate it… I mean you know Blizzard is still getting your money right?.. “OMG BLIZZARD DON’T CARE ABOUT THE CUSTOMERS!!! THEY ARE USING FOMO AND—” Still paying money out of your pocket. :laughing:

Not to mention, you’re complaining about something at is common in other MMO’s, including your MMO. :rofl:

They can spend time and money on both.

ok sure kid.

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It is interesting that people do not understand that when developers use resources for one thing, they cannot use those resources for another thing. Time, money, and other resources are not unlimited and wasting them on a FOMO vendor vs putting them into actual patch content that moves the game forward in a quality manner, or in the very least putting them towards fixing the issues the game currently has is not good game design and does not help the longevity of this game.

And BTW, you did not get this content for free. You pay for this game, so you pay for the content they develop. Very strange that you think you got something for free when you actually pay for it.

Clearly you have never worked for a very large corporation. As bottom-line expectations grow, resources are cut. Be it money, people, or other needed resources. Blizzard recently lost another big chunk of paying customers. The big bosses and the shareholders are going to still expect an increase in profit each quarter. To achieve that, they need to:

  1. quickly find another revenue stream that will get them some quick cash
  2. reduce costs internally, which means less resources will be available

Less resources = less quality game content

So keep cheering for stuff like a FOMO vendor. It costs them less to produce and will keep you subbed at the beginning of each month.

No need to be rude. I don’t believe I have been rude to you.

its not really a major feature

i completed the entire trading post in maybe 4-5 hrs

content that is a month apparently

Is it supposed to be? It is a QOL feature added in a QOL patch. It brings no new gameplay except some cosmetic rewards that people can buy after doing the things they have already been doing.

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It has all the hallmarks of a Blizzard Entertainment hallmark feature.

-It launched full of bugs.
-It required multiple downtimes, and still has bugs.
-The bugs from the PTR are still there.
-There was, apparently, no internal testing done to make sure things like receiving payment from AH sales would count as receiving payment from AH sales.
-They HYPED it up. A lot.
-They tell us that we will enjoy it, point us to it, make a quest to introduce us to it, and make multiple unignorable pop ups to remind us that it exists.
-It has a mixed reaction. Not really positive, but not really negative either… it hits that trademark Blizzard Apathy where you’re not sure if it’s good, or bad… but it’s a solid net neutral.
-The forums are full of posts about it not working.

For these reasons, and many others, you can tell that this is a major feature.

This PSA brought to you by your players.
All kidding aside: Maybe run some internal testing and publish finished products for the rest of the expansion? You’re losing a bit of that goodwill you gained back. When Metzen get’s back ask him what “blizzard polish” was back before it was a meme… then do that.


Many aspects and experiences will change based on you not being around. You would have missed out.

Do you get a royalty check based on how often you say “FOMO”?

Why cant I check on March 2nd?

I don’t see your dev credentials, so why you’re talking like you actually know how they work? For all we know, you got spoonfed what anybody from the PR team tells you most likely.

Why do i have to understand this anyways? What you think i will have what you subjectively deemed “the correct opinion” because you pedestal your opinion and pretended it’s facts? That’s like being a politician and saying “Anybody who disagrees with me is a bad person, and supports the other side, who is doing bad things. Vote for my law, I’M the good person. Look at me being good” and other nonsense.

And since you’re saying buzzwords like “Longevity, FOMO and Actual content” and thinking they can’t do both, you’re saying pretty much nothing there. Also, what do you think patches are? They potentially introduce new content for free, and fix the problems. Every game does this, it’s not a “one or the other” scenario like you’re lying about here.

Funny, i don’t remember Blizzard putting a hand in my face and saying “You must pay in order to access this patch or this feature”. I wonder if they did that for any other patches like that… :thinking:

Oh they don’t? Then what the heck’s your problem?..

Okay, and your point is?

These features are given to us via by free updates at no extra charge. If you don’t think these are free, don’t you think people will complain about that then?.. Or are you saying that in order to have access to Trading Post, i have to sub?.. No duh, that’s how being subbed to an MMORPG works.

If i want to raid with my guild, i have to pay the sub.
If i want to PvP against the horde, i have to pay the sub.
If i want to RP in this game, i have to pay the sub.
If i want to stand in Stormwind, type in the chat telling people that i can’t see the invincible, then i have to pay the sub— What is this? :man_facepalming:

What is it you’re even on about mate? Like this is the sort of thing like you look at a lava lamp from the 60’s that is actually free with no strings attached from a garage sale and yell “THAT’S NOT FREE!! I HAD TO WASTE MY GAS MONEY GOING OVER HERE!! TIME IS MONEY!!!”…

Nobody is saying WoW is free. I’m simply saying, we got this update for no charge because… that’s how they ALWAYS give updates out. If that’s a problem with you, maybe MMO’s aren’t for you then.

Oh no, my 7 cents of my subjective value i get out of the $15 sub i get out from this game… what a terrible night to have this curse… aaaaaaaahhh… /s

Neither do you since you’ve never given proof that you actually know what you’re talking about hypocrite.

I get it sucks for Chinese players to no longer play this game, but that has nothing to do with this patch.

And i should care what those Vultures want, why?..

Minecraft was like created by llke one guy, so… Not to mention that’s pretty much the indie market, also, not even going to talk about the double AA games. Like, i don’t think you understand what you’re talking about when you think Resources is a direct correlation to Talent here.

Money/Resources does not make your content/game/anything better. Talent does.

It’s not a FOMO vendor, and you repeating stuff like that just makes you childish now.
Why do i get the feeling you would absolutely hate gamepass though. :thinking:

By your logic, anything in this game is just there to keep you subbed at beginning of each month.

Mythic + is just a timer slapped on with some stat debuffs, along with a reward that you have to get before the season or expansion ends, but… i guess you’re okay with that.

Raids, just a bigger health pools for the elites, mechanics they copy past, and a reward you have to get before the season/expansion ends, but… i guess you’re also okay with that.

PvP, just battling players over simple objectives, have to get a high score essentially and a reward you have to get before the season/expansion ends… But i guess… you are… Also okay… with that.

Mage Tower, just raiding but solo, and a reward you have to get before the expansions ends. Not only you’re okay with that, but remorseful of the idea that the old style of mage tower is gone. :thinking:

I mean, you have a problem with FOMO, but i don’t either hear you talking against Mythic+'s, Raiding, PvP and Mage Tower’s FOMO… Or even the 6 month sub mounts. … Why is this the only one you’re cherry picking here? Very hypocritical of you.

And again, if you hate this game (and please don’t tell me you don’t, or make some bullpoop excuses like you have with your concern trolling), why are you still subbed to this game?.. Why play both, when you hate one of the games, and why do you care about that game you hate? Do you just hate-play it? :rofl:

I can say the same thing with you, with your passive-aggressive tone here.

I respect people more for their honesty and courage for being openly rude to me, then those who are dishonest and dare i say it, cowardly for being passive-aggressive and won’t even admit hatred or angry and have to disguise it, despite the fact their attempt of subtlety about as subtle as a bulldozer going though a glass shop.

If you don’t understand what i’m saying… then maybe you don’t talk with other people on that other game then. Noticed you’ve been avoiding my question of “what are the basics” so i think at that point, you’re just trolling.

Kiwi is obviously a fanboy to that other MMO he’s playing and he’s just hate-playing this game because “hE CaRes AbOuT tHe LoNgEivTitY oF tHiS gAmE”. Or his Concern trolling, freaking out hypocritically over one feature, and not the other features that this game, or even his game has. And has a roundabout way of being rude with this passive-aggressive tone that i’m sure his MMO community is very familiar with. :smirk:

:point_up: Lol.

And for some strange bizarre reason, it annoys people. :neutral_face:

“Oh my god, their adding MORE to what i’m already doing?! WHY CAN’T THEY CREATE SOMETHING NEW TO ADD MORE TO WHAT I’M ALREADY DOING??!?!?!” Like calm down, that’s still on it’s way. :laughing:

"BUT BARI!! I CARE ABOUT THE GAME THE LONGEISITY!! THE BASICS OF MMORPG AND A 8 BILLION DOLLAR PLUS MORE COMPANY HAS NO RESOURCES and-- Blah blah blah buzzwords that make me sound smart. :clown_face: "… Sure, okay hoss.

Better then selfie camera.

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Why are you playing an MMO if you hate every aspect of an MMO? Just curious

They are attempting to reward folks that do those type of events though. I say good on them.

The nudity.

No, I quest, that is my main focus. That is all I have time for. I have done some other stuff but find it takes too long so I go back to questing