What makes the Trading Post a major feature?

While cosmetics are cool, what makes the Trading Post more exciting than other features?


It’s the new feature of the patch?



It’s a new feature.


So it’s a better than the twitter integration kind of feature?


Its probably either the beginning of WoW turning into a F2P game with the Trade Post being a battlepass monetization prototype. OR Knowing Blizzard they will just continue trying to double dip as much as possible and still include the Box Price, Sub Fee, Cash Shop, on top of this new Battlepass prototype.


Its a neat way for us to acquire things without using real money.

Any old asset they made for previous expansions that still looks good? Polish it up and put it on the post.


What makes it neat? Usually we do previous raids, dungeons, quests, expansions for the old assets which is a very fast way to build our transmog collection.


I’m sure you’re trolling…

Anyway, getting hold of long lost mogs, mounts, pets etc is massive.


It’s not a major feature as most things aren’t in a non .0 or .1, .2, etc patch. 10.0.5 is a minor update. As is 10.0.7.


I’m talking about stuff that possibly was never released in the first place.

A lotta stuff ends up not being used. A few tweaks and folks can enjoy it.


This. Game will go F2P prob next expac.
Trading post is the begining of the end.

If it doesn’t go F2P they will put the currency on the shop.


There’s not that many of them is there? Usually the really awesome ones are still obtainable. How is it massive? More like just good?

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Ah yes the begging of the egginging. Of course

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or…its just a feature to get players engaged with different activities for rewards?

yall are such doom n gloom lol


This is an interesting take. It makes more sense than getting abnormally hyped for a small feature.

You are trolling.

Thanks for taking part.

Where is the doom and gloom? No one is saying either of those. I just want to understand why something that’s just alright is being over-hyped as “massive” or game-changing that will save WoW. None of this is trolling… unless your definition of trolling is asking direct questions.

According to GD WoW has been going “f2p” since cata…

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After following everything blizzard has done for like a decade thus is the result of their track record and they have become very predictable in everything they do also you’re the one who is putting a negative conotation on the idea of the game becoming F2P, so you’re the real gloomer here, I actually welcome the idea of WoW becoming F2P and think its desperately needed in this era of modern gaming where all other popular games are also F2P; Dragonflight should have been a free expansion if nothing else.


i didnt say it was trolling?
imo, its being hyped because its something brand spanking new to wow that hasn’t been implemented before and its something people been asking for: to do casual things around the game and get passive rewards.

negative conotation on the idea of the game becoming F2P, so you’re the real gloomer here, I actually welcome the idea of WoW becoming F2P and think its desperately needed in this era of modern gaming where all other popular games are also F2P.

wow going f2p will kill the game. full stop. nothing good comes out of f2p mmos