What makes the Trading Post a major feature?

One, I’m not your guy
Two, you’re getting a currency for content you are already doing - this is not new content - this is a vendor
Three, they could have put the resources into developing quality New content
Four, I never said this was a battle pass. If anything it is a FOMO that ensures you stay subbed on the first of every month so you don’t miss out.

You are acting like we are not going to be getting anything else, thats the disconnect here.

They already have 10.1 lined up and on deck, this is not rob from that, this is just them adding in something new that otherwise would not have been added.

What is your hold up on this? Why are you upset they added something into a x.0.5 patch when normally we should have gotten nothing. Like why are you upset we are getting more things i generally dont understand the hang up on this.

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I cant wait until we find a new buzz word besides “FOMO”.

Everything is FOMO. Its the newest boogeyman.

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Comparable question - what makes this thread more exciting than the other 50 threads posted today asking something similar?

If you guessed “nothing, these threads are dumb”, you won.

What FOMO? You can literally get all of your trader tenders for the month in like…2 hours if you rush them all, Hell i got mine in like 2 days just casually playing.

Second of all how can there be FOMO when blizzard literally gives you an option to lock an item you want that you cant get. They built in, a way to prevent FOMO.

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Why the content it has to be new first off?.. Like, seriously, are you unable to enjoy something unless it’s fresh or new?..

You do know “indie developer” meme is just a meme, right? It’s not meant to be taken seriously? They don’t have limited resources, it’s not a zero sum game here where your raid tier gets sarifaced in order to give us something like this. Plus your 0.1 patch is on the way, so you will get your new content. This is something just to fill in the gaps.

As for “this system is not new”… do you not think i didn’t know that? I even made it a point to mention in my thread. Wanna read it? No? Well tough Patchwork boss mechanics, here ya go. :point_down:

Also, this community is fine with old content being recycled since like WoD. I mean it’s not like old things is being recycled anyways in form of art assets, skeletons, dungeon mechanics, and so on. Does quests count as orgrinal because it’s written text is different while the mechanics are no or less different from picking up poop from 20 years ago?..

You’re welcome to be wrong here friend. But as i’ve said before, it’s a list of mini-meta challenges where if you do them, you get special rewards or get points to spend those rewards.

I’ve never said you said it. I bought this up in the event if that is your thought. Since it’s not, then it’s just me saying “i don’t understand the stance you have that this is something that is inherently bad” then.

Again, why do you think it’s inherently bad to have these meta-mini challenges to get rewards that encourages you playing the game? What is FOMO about it?.. Plus, isn’t there a freeze mechanic that prevents the item you want expiring?..

Look, if i dislike the feature, i would… just ignore it. Simple as that. No FOMO there.

Plus, again, what is wrong with Blizzard making good content?.. I mean given that you think it’s no different then what we already got in Dragonflight, and given how many people like Dragonflight… are you saying the content in Dragonflight has is bad?..

If that’s the opinion you have, then… why are you subbed?

When people purchase an expensive mmorpg game that is supposed to progress through content then yes I do. Especially when you not only pay a preimum price for the game but also a monthly sub. It is not like the game is a $10 off of steam.

I have no idea what you are talking about when you say this

In none of my posts have I ever indicated that blizzard is a indie developer. They are a company that is failing at providing the basics of a mmorpg.

If you have ever actually worked for a company, especially a large company, then you’d know that this comment you wrote is wrong:

They do have limited resources in both people and in funds. Spending people to build a trading post vs actual quality content takes resources away from developing quality content.

Now you can continue to argue your point but it does not change the fact that you are settling for a FOMO vendor that was put into this game to just ensure you are subbed on the first of each month. I have no clue why people defend what is really obvious and really not that difficult to understand. But go to it. But know this. I will be giggling when the “selfie camera” memes are replaced with the “trading post” memes.

You understand thats now how the development of these sorts of things work right?

The way this works is blizzard basically sits down, and goes though a list of required features of a expansion that they have to have resources for before they can start developing other things. Things like dungeons, zones, raids, talents ect ect all the meat and potato’s required to make an exp.

Once those resources are allocated then they take the reminder of profit and budget and use it to make other things in the game, things like the cosmetics, toys, features that dont effect the game but are just there for fun and use. Things like…the trading post.

Now if you wanted to argue regarding what you think would have been better served for that extra stuff thats fine, but to pretend this is drawing away from core features of the game is just objectively not true.

Yes they have limited resources and funds, no this did not take away from that big important things, in the game. Again, this is something we normally would never have gotten, so why are you upset?

We literally got new ‘stuff’ put into the game in a content patch that normally we never would have gotten anything other then a tuning pass.

I fail to see how this is a fomo vender when you consider the fact that one, you can get the max amount of tenders in a few days, and two, they even give you the ability to lock an item you see and or cant afford yet. Which i would be down for the ability to lock more items but that’s neither here nor there.

Im just left here once more, wondering, why are you upset about this? Why are you upset there is a completely optional feature that adds nothing to the game save for cosmetics that you can completely ignore that, unless you really like the look of something, is pretty meaningless. Like There is nothing on the store i want, or even think looks good so far, does not mean I think the system is bad.

Why are you upset about this?

Dear Khloros,
Facts are very simple:
Patch comes out.
Content in patch is not anything that advances the game in any manner.
However, content is a FOMO that ensures players are subbed to the game on the first of each month.

Now, for your comment:

It is simple. If you do not sub on the first of the month, you miss out on buying the stuff that is listed that month. That my friend is the very definition of a FOMO.

But keep defending poor game making. I am sure it helps this game a lot by you doing so.

Except agian, normally we never would have gotten this, patch 10.0.5 would have been a balance patch and nothing else. So why are you upset that we got something that traditionally in a x.0.5 patch would not have been there. Blizzard gave us MORE things then normal. That thing also does not effect the game.

It is not fomo, because you already get access to it for being subbed any way, and you can literally save items you cant afford to be able to buy them later, so how its there a fear of missing out, when you can prevent the ability to miss out because you can save it.

Except, its not because you cant even access the game if you are not subbed, you are operating under the assumption that you can some how play this game with out being subbed and doing anything meaningful in the game to begin with.

FOMO is the fear of missing out, how can you miss out on something if you can keep it around and buy it later?

Further more, none of these items even effect the rest of teh game, so your “FOMO” is cosmetics. Why are you upset they added more cosmetics in the game that is totally optional.

This all just screams, “Im upset that blizzard did a thing, im upset blizzard adding more stuff in the game but is not the exact stuff i wanted.” when in reality, the fact we got anything for this patch is impressive.

THey haven’t twisted anything anyone said .

All of your responses have been a way to side step the question that was asked and you are most likely doing it because you know it is nothing like a battlepass and would rather ramble on like you are instead of admitting that it isn’t.

Let me ask this because im pretty sure this will give me all the information i could possibly need and or want to know.

Would you have rather blizzard added nothing for 10.0.5. Like your options are, trading post, or no trading post. which would you rather have?

Well here is the truth, we already pay for a battle pass in wow, its called a monthly sub lol.

You keep using that term.

Its like you almost understand how things work.

You are so close.

If you are not subbed, you miss out on playing the game.

All of WoW is FOMO.

I wish you missed out on the term “FOMO” since you just blindly use it for anything you dont like.

Cant you still lock an item in for the following month and purchase it then?

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Exactly .

So it’s not like we are paying extra money for a new feature. We get a new feature for the same old price.

Lot of companies will cut down on what they give and increase the price. Blizz is doing the opposite.

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This right here. You cant have fomo for a system that already prevents you from playing if you are not paying.
Saying that the trading post is fomo is like trying to say raids are fomo. You are not paying some extra amount to play the game, you are not offered a standard sub, then a premium sub that gives you access to things a standard sub does not.

You are either playing the game, or you are not playing it the trading post does not create some random FOMO out of nothing.

What do you do then, pay for a forum subscription ?

And here is the thing, if blizzard starts going “LOL trader tendies are now a premium currency you pay real money for” They yeah ill be there saying thats BS I pay for a sub why is there premium currency as well.

But thats not whats happening.

This is interesting :thinking: you actually bought into their ploy. While I shouldn’t be surprised, I am kind of surprised. Very interesting. Amusing, but Interesting.

Oh and Khloros,
Clearly you do not understand the psychology behind FOMO. But that’s ok. You’re enjoying this non-content content and you’re clearly satisfied with the product that you spent so much money on. So enjoy it!

Have a great day, and enjoy your FOMO… don’t forget! Be sure to be subbed on March 1 or you’ll miss out on that month’s exciting new content, I mean vendor items. :wink:

Take care now!

Actually this is not true at all. You can unsub a very long time and come back and catch up via their catch up mechanics. You’ll even get all the goodies you didn’t receive when you were not subbed.

But keep trying to convince yourself that this is not a FOMO and keep defending the game! I’m sure they appreciate your loyalty.

Take care now! And oh… don’t forget to check your sub so that you are subbed on March 1. Wouldn’t want to miss out on what the old stuff the vendor will have on hand! :wink:

I played destiny2 for the longest time im well aware of FOMO trust me lol.

Again, just answer me this, would you rather have gotten nothing for 10.0.5, or the trading post?

I would have rather gotten actual content to play. But if not that, then I would have rather they put their energy, resources, time, and money in developing quality content. Oh and maybe fix the stability of the game, perhaps fix all the bugs, so many things they could have used those resources for.

You see Khloros,
I play this mmorpg to progress the story, not to collect old assets that really don’t even look that great.