What makes the Trading Post a major feature?

OP, nothing, nothing at all. It is just a ploy to get people to stay subbed. :rofl: :joy:

Looking forward to logging on the game tomorrow and checking out the trading post as a solo casual even a player like me has many ways to get the amount needed to earn the mount don’t really know why so many are complaining if you don’t like it then ignore it.

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I got a horse-shaped map of the stars for free.

Has any other patch given me anything horse-shaped and sparkly?

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For me, it’s the fact that I get extra rewards for doing stuff I do anyway. I can fill up that bar and get a new mount.

The fact that it’s all account bound is also great. I don’t have to worry about which character I have to play to get he most rewards because all of them count.

Exactly what do you do, then?

I mean, if you quest, that counts. If you fish, that counts. If you make gold in the AH, that counts. What do you do when you play WoW?

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Think about it from the perspective of someone thats never played wow before. This is an easy eay to get collecting while not sacrificing your play time.

Who said it was a major feature? The major features are typically the ones that arrive in the pre-patch and launch, not a minor patch.

Blizz is basically throwing out some cosmetic items during patches that are typically just a bunch of bug fixes and class changes and everyone is in a rage. I don’t understand gamers. At all.

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If it has its own logo, it’s considered a major feature by Blizzard.

It’s causing a lot of downtime and maintenance, which leads to forum drama. Very exciting!

Quests, that is pretty much it, I do LFD also

I have only looked at the AH a couple of times since resubbing after a 4+ year hiatus. It is awful. The prices are outrageous. I tried to sell a few things but they got sent back and I was selling lower than all of the others.

Ahh yes, it’s a ploy to get people subbed by providing good content.

Dragonriding? a master mind ever plan to get people subbed!!
Mythic Dungeons?! Bobby kotick himself wouldn’t think of this devious plan to get you subbed then this!!
Gasp, even Hertiage armors and allied races?! POLY TO GET PEOPLE SUBBED!!
And don’t get me started on why Vanilla retail was a thing!!! :scream:

Thunder and Lightening strikes, menacing laughter ensues.


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There are rewards for quests, World quests and dungeon bosses too :slight_smile:

The fact that it’s cosmetics is actually what makes it more exciting than other features for me. I enjoy the immersion/RP aspect of WoW, and being able to actually look like my desired character fantasy is the pinnacle gameplay experience for me. So any evergreen feature that lets me consistently through get new cosmetics through solo play will be a top tier feature in my book.

Dear Baridorielor,
Why do you feel that a vendor is actual content? I don’t understand this stance as it is just a vendor that give you old assets that they never felt the need to actually put in the game.

The standards of this community are really at a low point. It’s kind of amazing.

I feel the mini meta challenges are actual content. It’s not just the vendor my guy. Seems rather reductive and ill-informed of you to ignore that part.

Also, what’s wrong with Blizzard making good content? What’s wrong with playing video games?.. Unless your one of those people who makes subjective definition’s on what’s “Playing” means, and yell at people that they have to meet whatever subjective definition you made up or else “GRR YOU AREn’T PLAYING!!”, which by the by to anybody who unironically does that, that’s a cringe thing to do. Don’t be cringe. :laughing:

First, read what i’ve said above. It’s not just a vendor like you subjectively think it is.
Second, i don’t understand the stance you have that this is something like to a battlepass or something that is inherently bad, when this sort of feature was in other video games (as i’ve detailed in my thread).

I would say the same to those who think Dragonflying is anything more then just fine or good, like amazing, very fun, or masterpiece, or etc. As well some of them thinking the WQ where you have to hit flies (the video game equivalent of getting filies swatted on your windshield) is actually pretty enjoyable. (yes, fun is subjective, but if were talking about standards here, they should’ve done WAY better then that.)

As well to those who’s only reason on why they think Dragonflight is good, because “it’s better then BFA or SL”, which wasn’t a high bar to jump over to begin with. In the same vein that WoD lowered the bar before Legion came around. With their Artifact weapons that gave away to Azerite and Anima, yet people praise those Artifacts. People praised less weapon options

But hey, to each’s own, riiiiiiiiiiight? :wink:

If the only genuine problem i have with this, is the cap. Like that alone discourages using the system atfer getting to cap. I feel it should be like at 5000. Or at least have it be a weekly or biweekly reset, instead of a month. I think Blizzard underestimates the speed that even casuals can go at

Nothing, nor is it a major feature, nor is anyone but the forms saying it is. Its a .0.5 content patch. We normally get just a tuning pass for these types of patches. The only sense of ‘major’ about it, is it is more then we normally ever get for a x.0.5 patch.

Stop complaining about free things we normally would not get.

If this was a .1 or a .2 thing yeah, it would be pretty lame, but considering its something they added into a patch we normally would not have gotten anything, its pretty great.

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Which currency? If we are talking gold, hate to break it to you but that’s been on the “cash shop” since WoD.

Traders Tender, keep up.

He’s on a fresh account less than a month old, doubt he would know the difference

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