What makes the Trading Post a major feature?

if the questions are so simple you can answer them yourself without making people have to stoop to your level of degeneracy., you need to work on yourself and stop trying to be so unlikable.


My honest guess as to what the purpose of the trading post is another storage mechanism so they don’t have to worry about adding items to and from the game.

You put an item in the game, people get it and it’s stored appearance is put in the other database. The remove the old item when they want and replace it with a new one. It stops the infinite sprawl of adding items to the game.

Then it’s another way for people to spend money, and will eventually be part of their cash shop for some ultra rare things.

Uhh What? That’s not how questions work. :laughing:

I can’t read minds, so i ask because i’m genuinely curious. I have no idea why people think it’s a battlepass, nor where it came from. And i say it’s a simple question because it is a simple question.

If i know the answer, i wouldn’t be asking you. See how that works?..

Ahh yes, asking people questions is degeneracy now. :rofl: /s

riiiiiiiiiiiiight, coming from the same person who made this insane comment. :laughing: :point_down:


the fact that you nit pick and twist literally every single piece of what someone says just further proves my point as to why you are an unlikable person that probably also trolls and argues for a hobby

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Because we don’t want item levels or combat items or even toys
 we want more unused cosmetics in an expansion already flooded with them. Didn’t you know?

How can i twist what you’ve said? I’m quoting you, i’m letting you speak here and responding to it with my thoughts/opinions. Therefore no twisting.

Here, you know what, i’l apologize. Ahem.

I’m sorry for assuming you have a modicum of intelligence and be reasonable and for the nothing i’ve done to you (since i’ve never even heard of you before). I’m sorry for using Logic and Reasoning instead of my feelings like you’ve here. Apparently, that’s qualities that make me unlikable. Somehow.

Bad Bari.

I’mma baaaaaaaaad boy. :rofl:

Puts on a leather jacket, puts on sunglasses, gets on a motorcylce as “bad to the bone” plays, rides off into the sunset.



well you’re blocked now, had enough of your trolling nonsense, go get a life and stop spending all your time on the fourms like its your life to make people annoyed with 15,304 post, its literally all you do, you dont even play the game


Stay mad i guess. :kissing:

Ahh yes, asking questions is trolling now.

Maybe if you’ve respected me, i’ve would respect you back. And at the moment, you’re only good for a laugh.

Lol okay. Anymore character attacks to throw at me, while you have no valid arguments or is that’s that? :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t even do anything to make you upset, and yet, you just spontaneously combust over my mere existence. Kind of hard not to find humor in that honestly.

Also, nice alt, nĂ­trousoxide.


Exactly, mini-challenges and returning for points, omfg so tired of them making things so difficult, you are going to need 1000000 points to get what you really want and it will take you 6 months to do it.

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kinda ticks me off that i can’t play due to a useless look thing.

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Last time we had this happen all we got was the Selfie Camera, and Twitter integration, so this is a step up, at least.

Never laughed so hard in my life. What a great joke.


cosmetics, mounts, pets, without throwing money at it, we still play wow to earn said currency.

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Wait, that’s what you consider convoluted or are you being sarcastic here? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t see what’s convulted about this personally. Long, maybe, but it’s easy to do. It’s like grinding for those spirits of harmony back in MoP by doing Dailies and using that to get mats. At least that’s the energy i’m feeling with trading posts.

we will see, I just see it as another adventure I will never have time to do.


Anyways, i just tried out the trading post and–

Well. Let’s just say i made happy Caddicarus noises. :smiley:

Celestial steed, i’m coming for you. And i’l lock you in my basement forever to never see the light of day again. :smiling_imp:

I will say this
 1000 max currency per week? :expressionless:


Currency Grind = Major Feature

Keep subscribing, kids! :money_mouth_face:

I like the trading post.

There are many different options to get thr currency, so players dont feel forced to do something they dont like.

Free currency every month with a monthly rotation of items up for grab. Items arent gone for ever, and they come back as part of the rotation.

Too many things you like? I like the idea of being able to freeze an item so i can use points i get mext month to purchase and dont have to wait the rotation out.

Every expansion the artists makes tonnes of cool stuff not used or something that doesn’t match the scene. Trading opens up thr doors for the art team to be creative and make some cool things without having the limitations of an expansion or scene to limit them (for example, Fel inspired sets dont match Dragonflight).

Something simple that will be around for a while thst will give us cool mogs, mounts, or pets. For doing nothing i dont normally do, for no extra cost to me or extra time i wouldnt be playing already

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Well let’s see, I do not do raids, I do not do holiday events, i do not do pvp, I hate pet battles. I detest professions. The special events are ridiculous and silly. I see this as vain attempt to get people involved in BS they do not want to do, another failure by the great and powerful Bliz. yuck

You still have tons to do even if you don’t do those things. It might be a little harder, but still feasible. :man_shrugging: